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I watched Battle Royale last night

Mrs. Terry of Hat
Captain Pirate Pineapple
HydrasBreath ♜
Dropped Da Soap
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Fucking hell that was awesome. Hunger Games is a pretty awful rip-off in comparison now. I'm going to read the manga version of BR, but very little beats the movie.



I've heard more or less the same from others, I'll have to give it shot one of these days.



It's on Netflix, and it is definitely one of the best things I've watched. It's like hunger games, but with no shitty love triangle, no whiny ass protagonist, and a ton of absolutely brutal, evil murdering japanese children.



you should nvite me over, I really wanna see it now c:



Ok, there's one part I loved.

A group of girls had a safe area, an old lighthouse they had occupied and guarded, which they were living in. When they saved the main character (Shuya, he's a dude), within one scene, they were all flipping out and dead.

Just goes to show that chicks may be logical and well organised, but as soon as a guy is in the picture, everything goes to shit Razz

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

But Battle Royal is nothing like Hunger Games....



Kurz wrote:But Battle Royal is nothing like Hunger Games....

Battle Royale: a bunch of kids in a dystopian future are sent to a mysterious location, then told to murder eachother for public entertainment.

Hunger Games: all of that, plus a wimpy baker boy, boring love triangle, and a lot less ultraviolence.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I hate Hunger Games more then anyone else, but trying to compare the two and claim they;re similar is kinda dumb.



Honestly, how? Hunger Games is almost a direct copy of Battle Royale

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Fuck Thomas Edison wrote:Honestly, how? Hunger Games is almost a direct copy of Battle Royale

I'd have to agree with this.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Fuck Thomas Edison wrote:Ok, there's one part I loved.

A group of girls had a safe area, an old lighthouse they had occupied and guarded, which they were living in. When they saved the main character (Shuya, he's a dude), within one scene, they were all flipping out and dead.

Just goes to show that chicks may be logical and well organised, but as soon as a guy is in the picture, everything goes to shit Razz

That's the power of the penis.

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

I read Battle Royale and hated it. I haven't watched the movie yet, it's on my instant queue.



Mrs. Terry of Hat wrote:I read Battle Royale and hated it. I haven't watched the movie yet, it's on my instant queue.

I'm currently working my way through the manga, and I'd have to agree. The art style is great and all, but it just doesn't look nice to me, and there are WAAAAAY too many flashbacks. The movie really cuts down on that, and it trims everything down to the bare bones of the plot. Japanese schoolkids killing eachother.



You have to read the NOVEL, not manga...



*didn't even know there was a novel*

Is there an english print version? Or pdf?



NOVEL IS THE ORIGINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kids these days...


Amazon seems to have it



Penguins these days tsk tsk tsk

Dont even have the decency to slide off after a post






I watched Battle Royale last night FutakoiAlternativeTV2005DVDRip-Hix264AC3EP11-nezumiavi_000917082



Why did you post a picture of MEGA MILK?



I guess I will have to overwrite my image of Milk with that one then.



StormEye wrote:NOVEL IS THE ORIGINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kids these days...


Amazon seems to have it

I ain't japanese! How was I supposed to know?



Its what I imagine MILK would look like

Or whats Soaps stomach would look like if he was a mutant from Total Recall



Fuck Thomas Edison wrote:
StormEye wrote:NOVEL IS THE ORIGINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kids these days...


Amazon seems to have it

I ain't japanese! How was I supposed to know?

By the way of the force!

Btw I am not sure what the actual translation quality if going to be. I have read it in Korean, and Japanese later on.



Frostbyrn wrote:Why did you post a picture of MEGA MILK?

I watched Battle Royale last night UyBRB



StormEye wrote:

By the way of the force!

Btw I am not sure what the actual translation quality if going to be. I have read it in Korean, and Japanese later on.

I will steal an english copy of it. This is fated.



Such a bizarre movie



Sym wrote:Such a bizarre movie

The manga is even more bizarre. Apparently, the ultrasadistic girl Mitsuko has a reallllllllly long and elaborate backstory.



Is she the hot one?



I don't know...there's several hot ones. Shes the crazy one who murders people with a sickle.



Yes shes the hot one



I didnt know Sickle-Murder was one of your turn ons Sym Very Happy

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Frostbyrn wrote:I didnt know Sickle-Murder was one of your turn ons Sym Very Happy

It's totally metal...of course it's a turn on...duh! Razz

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Yeah, I could have hated the book because maybe it's translated badly...but I hated it. It literally has no background from the beginning, they just jump straight into plot on like page five, and then it's just flashback after flashback after that. Not a fan.

I liked Hunger Games though. I thought the love story aspect of it could have been taken out and I wouldn't have cared, but I genuinely loved the plot.



I think this is a good movie. I saw it ages ago though.

Dont remember alot about it

Love Japanese cinema

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Mrs. Terry of Hat wrote: It literally has no background from the beginning, they just jump straight into plot on like page five, and then it's just flashback after flashback after that.

^ This. I don't know why people keep saying "ohh its soo much better than Hunger games". I didn't think so, at least not the first book.

No backround= no interest



There is no need for a background in this story

Its pretty simple, and strait forward IMO

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Sym wrote:There is no need for a background in this story

Its pretty simple, and strait forward IMO

If I just want random violence and gore I have video games >_>

Give me a story I that I care about.



But there is story, lots of it....have you read the book?

You said you wanted background, which in this book/movie is not really needed. They lay out the premise in the beginning.



I'm with Sym on this. It's simple, gory, violent and at times hilarious. However...the movie itself manages to incorporate a decent amount of background knowledge without getting into flashbacks and ridiculous exposition. The book I haven't read, but the manga is annoying me with the sheer amount of flashbacks and silly lectures. Kawada was better as a shotgun-toting, chain-smoking badass, not as an impromptu professor of emotional philosophy and human morality.



Yea totally.

I need to read the book, as I have not yet.

But the movie is like 99% accurate to the book. Author was the director.

Basically the story is simple-

-Japan is in the proverbial crapper
- Nations youth has no respect for elder and school
- The government devises a fucked up law called Battle Royale to scare the youth into action
- Batlle Royale is simple, every year a group of classmates are randomly chosen, sent off to an island and forced to kill each other off to survive.

Thats it really



The only significant difference between the books and the movie is that the movie shows a lot less of the origin stories. For example, did you NEED to know that Mitsuko Souma was abused as a child? Does it actually help her character to know that? Did you NEED to know that Kiroyama was the scion of a rich family? No. They're both amoral killers, and the fact that you don't know the reason just makes it that much more interesting.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I was considering the movie the other night on Netflix. I might have to watch it, but I read some of the book and I didn't love it.

To each his own I suppose



If I might make a suggestion, just try out the movie. It's a lot better IMO, you might actually like it. If you don't, just stop watching.



Japanese horror is world class imo



I just saw Battle Royale today and it was a good movie. The similarities are definitely there between it and the Hunger Games, but I wouldn't say it's a blatant copy. I enjoyed the HG books, as well as BR. One thing I didn't like however was that BR seemed so pointless. Like they did it just cause. And the whole HG "love triangle" I actually thought was interesting. It's not like just straight, sappy, bullshit. The whole point is that she's putting on a show so people will keep believing the lie they've spun up and help them survive. But, to each their own.



You seen The Raid Very Happy

Its especially hilarious in the badly translated version

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