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Vegas people!

Mrs. Terry of Hat
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1Vegas people! Empty Vegas people! 2012-09-21, 19:36

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

So I'm going to be in Vegas Monday through Thursday next week on a business trip...who lives there and wants to come drink with me? I know a few of you live close!

2Vegas people! Empty Re: Vegas people! 2012-09-21, 19:39



Wanna pick me up on your way there?

I'm sure my work won't mind me using up all my vacation time right when I'm supposed to be having my 90 day evaluation Very Happy

3Vegas people! Empty Re: Vegas people! 2012-09-21, 20:02

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Haha sure! I'm actually flying out of Columbus so that will work out perfectly! I'm sad because I was going to see if you and Epyk wanted to do something on Thursday/Friday while I am in Columbus, but we won't get in until about 1:00 am Friday morning and are leaving right after the

4Vegas people! Empty Re: Vegas people! 2012-09-21, 20:08

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I have a rich uncle who lives in Vegas...... I hate his guts lol

5Vegas people! Empty Re: Vegas people! 2012-09-21, 20:16

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Well...then I don't want to have a drink with him, haha!

6Vegas people! Empty Re: Vegas people! 2012-09-21, 20:42



I miss Vegas.

There is Vegas of Asia, Macau, right next to Hong Kong, but its not the same.

7Vegas people! Empty Re: Vegas people! 2012-09-21, 20:46



If only i was older...

8Vegas people! Empty Re: Vegas people! 2012-09-21, 20:54



Tom wrote:If only i was older...

I went there when I was 18, for the first time in my life.

I could not gamble or anything, but that was not the main reason why I went there.

My buddy, who is a chef now, wanted to go there together (we were both under 21) to visit lots of different restaurant. Even that was fun enough.

There are many GREAT restaurants all over Vegas.

9Vegas people! Empty Re: Vegas people! 2012-09-21, 21:07



Mrs. Terry of Hat wrote:Haha sure! I'm actually flying out of Columbus so that will work out perfectly! I'm sad because I was going to see if you and Epyk wanted to do something on Thursday/Friday while I am in Columbus, but we won't get in until about 1:00 am Friday morning and are leaving right after the

1AM Friday? Sounds like a plan! I'll be waiting for you at the airport.

I think I might be going to a Little Feat concert in Kent on Halloween, isn't that close to you?

10Vegas people! Empty Re: Vegas people! 2012-09-21, 21:09



StormEye wrote:
Tom wrote:If only i was older...

I went there when I was 18, for the first time in my life.

I could not gamble or anything, but that was not the main reason why I went there.

My buddy, who is a chef now, wanted to go there together (we were both under 21) to visit lots of different restaurant. Even that was fun enough.

There are many GREAT restaurants all over Vegas.

Which are all crazy expensive. Reason why I have only been to the strip 5 or 6 times in the last 7 years.

11Vegas people! Empty Re: Vegas people! 2012-09-21, 21:13



Tom wrote:
StormEye wrote:
Tom wrote:If only i was older...

I went there when I was 18, for the first time in my life.

I could not gamble or anything, but that was not the main reason why I went there.

My buddy, who is a chef now, wanted to go there together (we were both under 21) to visit lots of different restaurant. Even that was fun enough.

There are many GREAT restaurants all over Vegas.

Which are all crazy expensive. Reason why I have only been to the strip 5 or 6 times in the last 7 years.

Jar, it was expensive.

12Vegas people! Empty Re: Vegas people! 2012-09-21, 21:32

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

I have only been once, when I was twelve and my mom got married there, so I am excited!

We live about 45 minutes from Kent!

13Vegas people! Empty Re: Vegas people! 2012-09-21, 21:45



Mrs. Terry of Hat wrote:I have only been once, when I was twelve and my mom got married there, so I am excited!

We live about 45 minutes from Kent!

Aw that's a little far for a weekday trip... But if you happen to like Little Feat I could probably get you in free and have you meet the band.

14Vegas people! Empty Re: Vegas people! 2012-09-23, 09:31

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I'm still debating if I want to go to Vegas or not for my brothers 30th birthday.

15Vegas people! Empty Re: Vegas people! 2012-09-23, 10:05

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Little Feat are awesome!

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