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What ever happened to the good old days of videogames?

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Where bosses actually had the potential to kick your ass, and the music let you know that you're probably going to be utterly raped. I mean N64 and back, they were awesome, but new games try to focus so much on a bad ass character, and make enemies so easy to beat and everything. They need a game with a fairly, everyday person with a few special abilities or something.

Also, I mean, just music wise, listen to this stuff. It lets you know that you're facing a respectable enemy not, "I'm just going walk all over this guy, even on the hardest difficulty the first time because game developers are too concerned about children not being able to beat games meant for older gamers will cry and give up.

The bosses in this game actually would beat the shit out of you mercilessly unless you knew the efficient dodge patterns, when to time heals, and how to dodge. There was no currency, and you lost your items, they were gone for good, and you were probably screwed for the rest of the game. I've beat Quest 64 without a memory card and saving, and it's actually pretty fun. I miss old games. Sad



The days of game being super hard and losing everything are gone just because they are not appealing to people to spend countless hours only to lose it all. Also have you tried runescape that has a pretty brutal system if you die.



I have been thinking the same thing lately... Makes me sad...



Yes, I did play Runescape, which still even allowed you to keep 3 items. Today, in Minecraft, I accidently fell in a lava pit, and lost 100+ iron ore (lost in a mine) and my diamond pick, simply because I got impatient, and didn't want to go back and get ore again. But you see, things like this teach you a lesson for failure. Now that I lost 2 minecarts, 54 sections of minetrack, a diamond pick, and 100+ potential steel bars, I have learned to be more patient, not listen to music and relax when I play games, and to be more careful. It teaches you a lesson for failure. I think it's actually more appealing than games that give you your stuff back/allow you to save all the time easily.



Im actually better when listening to calming Music it focus's me for some reason

Also i like the Boss's on the Sonic Gamecube game the one with the Chao's those Boss's could murder you like 20 times and make you Rage quit



DrBob276 wrote:Yes, I did play Runescape, which still even allowed you to keep 3 items. Today, in Minecraft, I accidently fell in a lava pit, and lost 100+ iron ore (lost in a mine) and my diamond pick, simply because I got impatient, and didn't want to go back and get ore again. But you see, things like this teach you a lesson for failure. Now that I lost 2 minecarts, 54 sections of minetrack, a diamond pick, and 100+ potential steel bars, I have learned to be more patient, not listen to music and relax when I play games, and to be more careful. It teaches you a lesson for failure. I think it's actually more appealing than games that give you your stuff back/allow you to save all the time easily.
I have to say you would love playing dead rising without saving.



Its the main reason i hated Dead rising 1



Frostbyrn wrote:Its the main reason i hated Dead rising 1
This is the reason I have not touched it since I played for 5 hours strait and forgot to save.



I cant believe Sega Ditched the Autosave Feature it should Autosave everytime you enter an area in DR2 after DR1's save Fiasco

But Capcom have never listened to Player feedback so

Also make Autosave be Disable for people like Fox



I play Monster Hunter and that game has what you say, except the "lose everything upon defeat."

Monsters that can OHK you or stupid combo you to death and you are a puny human with a potentially powerful, but very punishable weapon. Dragons that can summon lightning bolts out of the sky and this gigantic fucking flying squid thing that eats you.

Not to mention the dragon that calls down meteors, the wyvern that poisons AND stuns you in one attack. On top of that theres this active camo dragon that is in-FUCKING-visible most of the fight.

Did I mention some missions you have to fight them in sequence or all at once with a time limit of 50 minutes, with limited supplies.



remShotz wrote:I play Monster Hunter and that game has what you say, except the "lose everything upon defeat."

Monsters that can OHK you or stupid combo you to death and you are a puny human with a potentially powerful, but very punishable weapon. Dragons that can summon lightning bolts out of the sky and this gigantic fucking flying squid thing that eats you.

Not to mention the dragon that calls down meteors, the wyvern that poisons AND stuns you in one attack. On top of that theres this active camo dragon that is in-FUCKING-visible most of the fight.

Did I mention some missions you have to fight them in sequence or all at once with a time limit of 50 minutes, with limited supplies.

That sounds like a fun and challenging game! Very Happy



Sounds pretty gay lol

Its fox's thing not mine



remShotz wrote:I play Monster Hunter and that game has what you say, except the "lose everything upon defeat."

Monsters that can OHK you or stupid combo you to death and you are a puny human with a potentially powerful, but very punishable weapon. Dragons that can summon lightning bolts out of the sky and this gigantic fucking flying squid thing that eats you.

Not to mention the dragon that calls down meteors, the wyvern that poisons AND stuns you in one attack. On top of that theres this active camo dragon that is in-FUCKING-visible most of the fight.

Did I mention some missions you have to fight them in sequence or all at once with a time limit of 50 minutes, with limited supplies.
Oh god not monster hunter I still have nightmares from that...



Like I said, I like challenges. I don't like BS. MP games where I have to fight two year olds hiding in corners with OP weapons is BS, not a challenge. It's annoying. Losing because of a lack of skill/knowledge is not BS, and I don't mind losing because of that, much like losing my prized inventory in MC today. It simply taught me not to make that mistake again, and all of my items were destroyed by the lava the instant I died. It's not a little slap on the wrist like new games; I enjoy the reward of learning how not to fail and win. Much of the reason why MW2 sucks so much is that there is no learning curve at all.



Fox I think you should check out some insane nes games there you will find your rage inducing fun.



My Friend had a Pokemon game he couldnt save once

HE got 3 lvl 100 Pokemon before his mom unplugged it form the charger



DrBob276 wrote:Like I said, I like challenges. I don't like BS. MP games where I have to fight two year olds hiding in corners with OP weapons is BS, not a challenge. It's annoying. Losing because of a lack of skill/knowledge is not BS, and I don't mind losing because of that, much like losing my prized inventory in MC today. It simply taught me not to make that mistake again, and all of my items were destroyed by the lava the instant I died. It's not a little slap on the wrist like new games; I enjoy the reward of learning how not to fail and win. Much of the reason why MW2 sucks so much is that there is no learning curve at all.
You would love SC2 then the only reason you lose is because you screwed up. (at least for the most part.)



Actually Video games are annoying me lately by Making theyre games more Accessible Aka making Skill entirely Obsolete when anybody can get kills by spamming LT or picking up a power weapon



T-800 wrote:
DrBob276 wrote:Like I said, I like challenges. I don't like BS. MP games where I have to fight two year olds hiding in corners with OP weapons is BS, not a challenge. It's annoying. Losing because of a lack of skill/knowledge is not BS, and I don't mind losing because of that, much like losing my prized inventory in MC today. It simply taught me not to make that mistake again, and all of my items were destroyed by the lava the instant I died. It's not a little slap on the wrist like new games; I enjoy the reward of learning how not to fail and win. Much of the reason why MW2 sucks so much is that there is no learning curve at all.
You would love SC2 then the only reason you lose is because you screwed up. (at least for the most part.)

I have SC2; I don't play it often. I love the game, I just played so much of the original when I was younger, that I feel a little burnt out on it already.



DrBob276 wrote:
remShotz wrote:I play Monster Hunter and that game has what you say, except the "lose everything upon defeat."

Monsters that can OHK you or stupid combo you to death and you are a puny human with a potentially powerful, but very punishable weapon. Dragons that can summon lightning bolts out of the sky and this gigantic fucking flying squid thing that eats you.

Not to mention the dragon that calls down meteors, the wyvern that poisons AND stuns you in one attack. On top of that theres this active camo dragon that is in-FUCKING-visible most of the fight.

Did I mention some missions you have to fight them in sequence or all at once with a time limit of 50 minutes, with limited supplies.

That sounds like a fun and challenging game! Very Happy

Is this the Monster Hunter where you start with a Hunter Blade/Bone Kris/Whatever nowadays. Like for PS2/PC/PSP/Xbox360(JP)?

If so. I love it. I play freedom unite on the PSP and it's pro. But hard when 1 vs a Wyvern D:



I prefer Games like Baldurs gate Very Happy



Mama Luigi wrote:
DrBob276 wrote:
remShotz wrote:I play Monster Hunter and that game has what you say, except the "lose everything upon defeat."

Monsters that can OHK you or stupid combo you to death and you are a puny human with a potentially powerful, but very punishable weapon. Dragons that can summon lightning bolts out of the sky and this gigantic fucking flying squid thing that eats you.

Not to mention the dragon that calls down meteors, the wyvern that poisons AND stuns you in one attack. On top of that theres this active camo dragon that is in-FUCKING-visible most of the fight.

Did I mention some missions you have to fight them in sequence or all at once with a time limit of 50 minutes, with limited supplies.

That sounds like a fun and challenging game! Very Happy

Is this the Monster Hunter where you start with a Hunter Blade/Bone Kris/Whatever nowadays. Like for PS2/PC/PSP/Xbox360(JP)?

If so. I love it. I play freedom unite on the PSP and it's pro. But hard when 1 vs a Wyvern D:

I dislike the NA version due to the lack of blood. Its an important indicator of what you are inflicting on a monster. The new versions are amazing, but sadly enough I have no Wii, nor the will to fake a Japanese IP. I can only hope it come out again on the PSP.

Amazingly epic when fighting a top tier monster (Fatalis, Uca, Aka etc) with just a set of Dual Blades. Or a Hammer.



Maybe you would get a kick out of Fist fighting Deathclaw Very Happy

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

I remember fighting Emerald Weapon for my first few times. FREAKIN HARD AS HELL! That was before I roamed GFQ and I don't think there was a detailed faq for those Weapon fights back then. All I had was my official FFVII Strategy guide. I think I managed to down after multiple tries using Gravity, Limit Breaks (Omnislash, Catastrophe, Cosmo Memory) + Mimic, Final Attack + Phoenix, and some other stuff. That was before I knew that the more materia you had the more damage it's Air Tam attack did and before I knew what Hero's Drink did. I was only 8 or 9 so pretty reasonable why I didn't know. Best feeling in the world after I accomplished that.



I would wager most people these days simply don't have the time to put into games that punish you so severely. I know I don't.



T-800 wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:Its the main reason i hated Dead rising 1
This is the reason I have not touched it since I played for 5 hours strait and forgot to save.

What? Shocked The save system/time constraints are what make the game so great! An auto-save would ruin the experience completely and it would also fuck you over if you did want to re-try something.

If you played it for 5 hours, forgot to save then died what's the problem? All you lose is story progress. In fact playing, dying then restarting is how you're supposed to play it to level up. DR1 & DR2 both tell you this right in the instruction manual. In the DR games I only save if I'm going to quit playing. I only load if I'm turning it back on. If I die I restart, every single time.

I'm with DrBob on this. Many games these days are too easy and really have no penalty for losing. If you can't really "lose" anything than how is it even really a game?

Demons Souls did it right... It autosaves the second you die, takes your body from you, weakens you, takes your stuff, experience etc... An actual penalty. On top of that another more powerful player can invade your game, hunt you down and kill you. Awesome.

Many of my favorite games are the tough ones where if you run out of lives game over... and no saving!
Metal Slugs. Milons Secret Castle, Blaster Master, Ghost n' Goblins. etc...

I wish a developer had the balls to make a game where you can save, but if you run out of lives you're done. Go back to start and lose all your progress. If you can't beat it then you're not good enough. I would fucking love that. Very Happy



remShotz wrote:
Mama Luigi wrote:
DrBob276 wrote:
remShotz wrote:I play Monster Hunter and that game has what you say, except the "lose everything upon defeat."

Monsters that can OHK you or stupid combo you to death and you are a puny human with a potentially powerful, but very punishable weapon. Dragons that can summon lightning bolts out of the sky and this gigantic fucking flying squid thing that eats you.

Not to mention the dragon that calls down meteors, the wyvern that poisons AND stuns you in one attack. On top of that theres this active camo dragon that is in-FUCKING-visible most of the fight.

Did I mention some missions you have to fight them in sequence or all at once with a time limit of 50 minutes, with limited supplies.

That sounds like a fun and challenging game! Very Happy

Is this the Monster Hunter where you start with a Hunter Blade/Bone Kris/Whatever nowadays. Like for PS2/PC/PSP/Xbox360(JP)?

If so. I love it. I play freedom unite on the PSP and it's pro. But hard when 1 vs a Wyvern D:

I dislike the NA version due to the lack of blood. Its an important indicator of what you are inflicting on a monster. The new versions are amazing, but sadly enough I have no Wii, nor the will to fake a Japanese IP. I can only hope it come out again on the PSP.

Amazingly epic when fighting a top tier monster (Fatalis, Uca, Aka etc) with just a set of Dual Blades. Or a Hammer.

I love the dual blades xP

I could only buy the American I guess because I couldn't find in stores so I ordered online. I want Frontier to come out for Eu/US soon D:

It'd be a lot of fun.



Sadly things changed and because younger kids are playing games they have to dumb them down so that what little brain they have doesn't melt. If you're looking for some single player games to take you back to those days I recommend Ninja Gaiden and Ninja Gaiden 2.



Shojimaru wrote:Sadly things changed and because younger kids are playing games they have to dumb them down so that what little brain they have doesn't melt. If you're looking for some single player games to take you back to those days I recommend Ninja Gaiden and Ninja Gaiden 2.

I failed to see how you made the not make sense. And nou about Ninja Gaiden. You get a bunch of save areas in that.



Shojimaru wrote:Sadly things changed and because younger kids are playing games they have to dumb them down so that what little brain they have doesn't melt.

Younger kids have always been playing games, now and then. The average age of a gamer is 34 and has been going up not down.

Ninja Gaidens are some of my all time favorites too, but it should have had an "extra lives" system. Thinking about it I think all my favorite games are all the difficult ones.

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