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[BL2] Vermivorous the Invincible spawn theorycrafting

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The "Family Tree" Theory

This one is interesting. For the past 2/3 hours or so my team and I have been testing a theory which MIGHT guarantee a Vermirvouris spawn with the proper requirements. Now, this has only worked twice in a row so it's just as easy to say that it's a random spawn, but we've had the most success using this theory. Put simply, you need to cap out the spawn budget for the area with Varkids (may work with other enemies like in the slaughterdome???), and NONE can be killed at all.

From my observations, it seems that when there are a set number of varkids they tend to evolved based upon how many are present AND what type they are. In our testing, we've found that Vermivouris can only spawn IF there are 4 Super Badass Varkids present and 2 Ultimate Badass Varkids. The reason why this theory is called "The Family Tree" is derived from the hypothesis that is: A Varkid will only evolve IF there are other types of varkids in play.

Example: 12 Larval Varkids> 12 Adult Varkids> 8 Badass Varkids(4 Adults left)> 2 Superbadass Varkids> Ultimate Badass Varkid. Based on testing, Vermivouris had a 100% chance to spawn under perfect circumstances. 4 Super Badass Varkids must be present ALONG with 2 Ultimate Badasses (Only one evolves into Verm).

The issue with this is that there has to be a perfect chain of evolution in order for the process to take place. We've also noticed that you CAN eliminate spawn budget to allow for more L.Varkids to spawn (i.e eliminating everything except the superbadasses and ultimate) causing more evo's. Point is, their evolution seems to be proportional to either A. The amount of Varkids present, or B. The types of varkids present. A and B are both false in one situation. MOST Larval varkids will evolve into Adults every time if that is the only type present (i.e starting the chain evolution).

This theory can be disproved if we get confimation that Vermivouris IS a definite random mutation of the UB. Varkid.

Also, word on the street is that the Blood of Terramorphous relic increases the likelihood of causing Vermivorous to spawn,



I've never seen Vemivorous, this sounds like it could be a worthy opponent later on.

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