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Oh Ubisoft...

The Adli Corporation
6 posters

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1Oh Ubisoft... Empty Oh Ubisoft... 2012-10-01, 17:34

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Oh Ubisoft... Funny-gifs-terminator-flips-the-bird

2Oh Ubisoft... Empty Re: Oh Ubisoft... 2012-10-01, 17:39



Yea I saw this

Not sure how they plan on implementing this

3Oh Ubisoft... Empty Re: Oh Ubisoft... 2012-10-01, 17:52

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

its a strange decision, although it does work in MMO's (Guild Wars 2 and WoW for example).

4Oh Ubisoft... Empty Re: Oh Ubisoft... 2012-10-01, 18:23



Adapting a free to play model to pay to play games... Yeah go fuck yourself Ubisoft.

5Oh Ubisoft... Empty Re: Oh Ubisoft... 2012-10-01, 18:45



Chewy wrote:Adapting a free to play model to pay to play games... Yeah go fuck yourself Ubisoft.

6Oh Ubisoft... Empty Re: Oh Ubisoft... 2012-10-01, 18:59


This only works on MMO's(most of the time low budget) because they're loaded with suckers. I'd hope people won't fall for this.

But i am wondering what the extent of it will be.

7Oh Ubisoft... Empty Re: Oh Ubisoft... 2012-10-01, 20:52



Oh Ubisoft... ODogA

8Oh Ubisoft... Empty Re: Oh Ubisoft... 2012-10-01, 23:49

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Greedy fucks. The lot of em.

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