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American politics ladies and gents

Ron Swanson
The Adli Corporation
Keyser Söze
Artimise Flare
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the original ad:

the democratic party's response:



Politics everywhere are shit

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I know who I'm voiting for, even if the chances are slim, I'm still voting for whom I think will make a better boss, and his name does NOT start with an "O"



Artimise Flare wrote:I know who I'm voiting for, even if the chances are slim, I'm still voting for whom I think will make a better boss, and his name does NOT start with an "O"

Fair is fair, vote for whoever you'd like, it's a free country.

I just thought this was kinda hilarious

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

It's a little more pressing for me because who ever sits in that pretty white condo on that hill top is my boss. I can go into detail on why I vote for who I am voting for, but I don't want to open that can of worms, nor do i want to shove my views down others throats (Had enough of that from people attacking me calling me racist and shit like that for not voting for the "Big O")

As long as I know I did my part to try and change things and make a difference for what I believe in, I'll know that I have a right to at least bitch about stuff if/when things go south of cheese. Too many people I know complain about how the government is handling things, yet when I ask them if they voted on what they thought should have happened or made and effort to change things they say their vote doesn't matter.

Then don't complain, you didn't do anything to help the situation so you have no right to whine. My mother always told me if you don't like whats happening in your life, do whatever you have to do to try and change it. Take action, and if you still fail, you know you at least tried.



I didnt vote for Obama either


Artimise Flare wrote:It's a little more pressing for me because who ever sits in that pretty white condo on that hill top is my boss.

Pretty sure the president is everyone's boss.



chunckylover53 wrote:
Artimise Flare wrote:It's a little more pressing for me because who ever sits in that pretty white condo on that hill top is my boss.

Pretty sure the president is everyone's boss.

He is the overall boss for government employees...but the government "works" for the least that is how democracy is supposed to be... voted in by the people, therefore listens to the people...but that rarely is how it is.


The president makes the laws and the people have to follow the laws, call it what you will. I am not dissing it in anyway.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

It's no longer about who is right for the job but who won't screw things up more I think. That may be a little bit cynical, but that certainly seems to be how presidential elections go nowadays.

At any rate, I voted for McCain last time. I don't consider myself a Republican nor a Democrat, I'll vote for who I think won't FUBAR the country even more than it already is.



Fucking America

You motherfuckers turned being blown by a transvestite in an airport bathroom into something to be ashamed of



i think our worst offense was making getting it in with your hot english teacher a problem



Reminds me of what me and Cardboard were talking about the other day

This teacher ran off with on of his students


What if it was a female teacher

HIGH FIVE! Very Happy

Unless she was ugly

In that case




yo, fuck politics.



Ante wrote:yo, fuck politics.




MEGA MILK wrote:
Ante wrote:yo, fuck politics.


yo, fuck yo face. yo.



Ante wrote:
MEGA MILK wrote:
Ante wrote:yo, fuck politics.


yo, fuck yo face. yo.

Dont make promises you arent willing to keep



oh i promise

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

This system is broken on a global scale, one way or the other.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Sym wrote:I didnt vote for Obama either

me neither!

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

tbh i don't think it matters who wins this election. America is on a downward decline right now and it would take some great innovation that changes the way we live (no, not a new iphone), or a complete change of the system and how it works.

Right now both parties wnt nothing more than to see the other fail. They would rather see America fall than see the other party succeed.



I don't get how the Miss universe pagent has 50+ contestants yet Elections have like 4. Not like it really matters, the president is just the "face", it's all the people in the background pulling the strings you should be worried about.

Anyways, we have plenty of room up here in the great white north and we have a shortage of labour in the Oil Sands. If you can read and don't have an epileptic seizure when wiping your own ass, you could have a job tomorrow. Not only a job, but a really well paying job. Only catch is you need to live in a really shitty place... and yes, it's fucking cold.


Oil sands? Like an oil rigger? I am down those guys make bank.



chunckylover53 wrote:Oil sands? Like an oil rigger? I am down those guys make bank.

Yes and no, yes there is oil rigs in some parts but the sands projects don't drill for oil. They extract it out of the sand. There are so many jobs needed it's ridiculous. Even if you don't fit the criteria, they can can train you and pay for your schooling. The money available up there is just stupid, like 90-130k... to start, plus living allowances, benefits (we have free health care here), and not to mention some jobs you literally work only half the year. (6 on, 6 off)

Like I said though, it's not the best place to live, but you can make enough money to retire early (read;45-50) and live debt free.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Is that why you have been so scarse Crombie? You up north doing the oil thing?



Lucky wrote:tbh i don't think it matters who wins this election. America is on a downward decline right now and it would take some great innovation that changes the way we live (no, not a new iphone), or a complete change of the system and how it works.

Right now both parties wnt nothing more than to see the other fail. They would rather see America fall than see the other party succeed.

I agree. I think in our lifetime there's gonna be like a collapse like the great depression again. Who knows I guess.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Lucky wrote:tbh i don't think it matters who wins this election. America is on a downward decline right now and it would take some great innovation that changes the way we live (no, not a new iphone), or a complete change of the system and how it works.

Right now both parties wnt nothing more than to see the other fail. They would rather see America fall than see the other party succeed.

i agree. party politics seems to be more about the parties than the actual politics.



Lucky wrote:Is that why you have been so scarse Crombie? You up north doing the oil thing?

Haha, no man. I've been busy as hell at work and home. The wife is pregnant and due end of January so I've been working on all the left over projects over the years and getting the baby's room all set up. I've been traveling a lot with work (oil/mining/gas related) as well so I barely have time to go to washroom, let alone check out the speakeasy.

I haven't even played a game on teh xbox in months. Netflix and youtube are awesome though, and football season is upon us. Your Vikings are looking good by the way.

Basically, life has gotten in the way. Smile

Both of my brother in laws, as well as my father in law work up in Fort Mac. For a while I was umming and awwing to go work up there myself, but wife got prego, I got promoted and things just didn't work out. I see the pay cheques they pull in and it's just stupid... it changes you though.

Anyways, I'll try to make an effort to post more.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

.... I miss you Crombie Sad

But congrats about the kid on the way. Glad to hear your doing well and still remember us.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Crombie wrote:
chunckylover53 wrote:Oil sands? Like an oil rigger? I am down those guys make bank.

Yes and no, yes there is oil rigs in some parts but the sands projects don't drill for oil. They extract it out of the sand. There are so many jobs needed it's ridiculous. Even if you don't fit the criteria, they can can train you and pay for your schooling. The money available up there is just stupid, like 90-130k... to start, plus living allowances, benefits (we have free health care here), and not to mention some jobs you literally work only half the year. (6 on, 6 off)

Like I said though, it's not the best place to live, but you can make enough money to retire early (read;45-50) and live debt free.

If I ever come back to Canada Crombie, I'm coming your way. With that much money, a serious home studio could become a reality.



Are you still Greece? How's things going there? SNAFU?

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Whatever happens, they will never take my liberty nor my rifles. If they make Obama is re-elected, and he pulls some fast shit with the courts to get the 2A changed that says we can't have our arms anymore, I may be in the military, but I will say that the Govt can fuck off.

The only way they're getting my rifles is from my cold post rigormortis ridden hands.



Good luck with that Art, gonna need it.



I really doubt obama gives a shit about you having your rifles. Unless you have fully automatic ones.



An armed populace is a respectful populace.

Not to mention safer

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

When did I get another AC? Anyway, I have a few articles and documents somewhere that follows some of the shady shit that's gone on up there on capital hill. Obama supports a new AWB and if I recall, the treaty that would effectively ban all "Small arms" from US citizens unless you're apart of the Military or a local LEA.

When I find it I'll post a link.


Obama had both houses when he took office and did nothing with it. I don't think he himself knows what he is doing.



I dont know enough about politics to really add much to this thread, but I will say this......Obama sucks ass.

I really mean that. Not just saying that because its the "in" thing to do in America. Give me Clinton every day of the week.

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

It's almost exactly like that South Park episode with giant douche and turd sandwich.


Sym wrote:I dont know enough about politics to really add much to this thread, but I will say this......Obama sucks ass.

I really mean that. Not just saying that because its the "in" thing to do in America. Give me Clinton every day of the week.

What... The guy was almost kicked out of office.



Clinton was a great President

He was almost kicked out of office for nothing that had to do with his job

Who cares he got head from a fat chick?

I dont


It actually goes deeper than that, and i care the president is suppose to be a role model.



Gil, when Obama took office his whole "peace with the republicans" stance pissed a lot of democrats off. The democratic majority in the Senate and House of Representatives amounted to jack shit, since his own party wasn't backing him on anything, and the republicans would never.

That said, this country is fucked on a scale that politics can't solve. This is why I will never vote for anyone, since both parties (should Ron Paul run again I will possibly vote for him, depending on how his stance is on the Fed) are fucking retarded. The Republicans are blind traditionalists who just want to go back to "the golden days" that never existed (seriously, Ronald Reagan is one of the biggest contributors to the national debt in EVER). Democrats are like political hipsters, they just want to be the opposite of the Republicans, and thats it. Honestly, the president I most look up to is the one that bombed my country. Bill Clinton, he helped to create a stable economy, improved conditions in America on a wide scale, and the ONLY thing he did wrong was have a threesome with Monica Lewinsky and a cigar. Which, fuck it, I think that was awesome of him. I'd vote for that guy again.

The rest though, no. Fuck em.

To quote Ante:
Yo. Fuck politics.



It really doesnt

He got head

Lied about it

Thats really it

And if you think our Presidents are role models I dont know what to tell you.

Just about every man an woman involved in politics is a lying cheating snake.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I'm not even that fond of Clinton either, but yes, I'd choose Clinton over Obama as of now if it was to be someone from the Democratic party.

Obama also wants to ban CCW permits

Let's not forget the that little travisty called "Operation Fast and Furious" which allowed guns to "walk" into Mexico, which one of those rifles were responsible for the death of a BP agent and the injury of another.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Clinton was great, he should be celebrated for using his office to do something (even if it was a fat chick).

Obama isn't going to take away guns, it frustrates me that so many people believe this. This is just radical party BS that they use to confuse you and make you vote one way or another. Its like saying if Romney gets elected I will have to wear a slave collar to work to my rich boss can keep tabs on me.

The american goverment will never be capable of disarming the american populace.



It would be ugly if they tried..


So it's ok to be lied to by our president, that's wonderful.

Our president shouldn't be a respectable person?

Well then i have nothing else to say.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

chunckylover53 wrote:So it's ok to be lied to by our president, that's wonderful.

Our president shouldn't be a respectable person?

Well then i have nothing else to say.

OMG the goverment may have lied! c'mon man, I understand what your getting at but if we kicked all the goverment officials that have lied on record they would be all gone...... wait a minute thats a fucking great idea!

Good work Gil, you may have saved American polotics Wink



Dude they all lie

He just got caught

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