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Anyone else playing the MoH beta?

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It's not that bad actually.




Anyone else playing the MoH beta? 5ryFs



It out on xbox yet?



It is.

Ha, snipers autospot if they deploy their bipod. Way to make camping beneficial.



I didn't even know there was a beta



Is this the PC beta or console beta?



i thought the beta was exclusive to the 360?



Couldn't even finish one match. Soooo bad



Khfan60 wrote:Couldn't even finish one match. Soooo bad

Care to expand?



Sym wrote:Is this the PC beta or console beta?

360 right now, might be coming to the pc.



Graphics are meh so far.

Squad like system, but just 2 people. You and your buddy. You can spawn on each other.

Melee is only a 1 hit from the back, but hits chain. If you hold the melee button, you do 2 hits.

You pick a starting faction, but the class will be the "assault" (I guess).

Snipers: If deployed, you spot everyone on your peripheral vision. This happens constantly. You also hear the callouts (target left, right etc).

Assault: Uses grenade launchers as class tool. All-rounder I guess.

Demo: Slow, looks like some sort of engineer (uses carbines). Plants/defuses charges faster, class tool is a shield mode that reduces speed but gives you armor. Pretty sure it only works on explosives.

Heavy Gunner: Basically support, can deploy. Uses interesting triple grenade. Seems to have infinite main ammo.

Pointman: Light weapons and shotguns for secondary. Of interest, their class ability is loading a different magazine, which seem to do more damage but have higher recoil.

Spec Ops ish thing: Electronics I guess. Starting weapon is a bit bad, but their class ability is a scan ability that sees people through walls, but it has a cooldown.

Spawn system could use (a lot) of work.

Streaks are different, I guess for the beta the classes have locked streaks.

Mortar, smoke mortar, UAVs, thrown UAVs, mortar launched missile, team ammo, team armor, mounted GL, support choppers. You can call in a Blackhawk that your team can spawn from.

Menu is pretty bad, lags a bit.

No actual factions oddly enough. Just attacking and defending team, player nationality is independent. Meaning you could have a team of SK, USA, and RU nation players working together.

Last edited by MH on 2012-10-05, 23:54; edited 2 times in total



Sounds like the game's a mess.



Geezus sounds pretty terrible to me

Auto spotting snipers? Really? Really?



Sym wrote:Geezus sounds pretty terrible to me

Auto spotting snipers? Really? Really?

Should mention that they have a fairly steep angle at which they can aim. Like half of what a deployed weapon in BF3 has. They can't cover the whole map.

As well, deploying takes about 3 times as long as BF3.



Ah ok I can see how that can balance things a bit

But talk about making an already useless camper into a suddenly useful, useless camper.



Ante wrote:Sounds like the game's a mess.



Sounds like it could be good. How do I get the beta?



Metalzoic wrote:Sounds like it could be good. How do I get the beta?

Download from the demo section.

Not sure if there are any requirements.



Yeah I found it.

Just played several matches and mostly enjoyed it. Really my only problem was not knowing what was going on, and the horrible menus which are really hard to decipher and understand. The gameplay itself seems really solid.

-The graphics are definitely not all that hot, but they aren't bad. Actually all the different soldier models look really good, it is just that the game seems to run sub-res with little aliasing.

-The classes seem pretty varied and cool. Some moving slower/faster is great. variety in gadgets etc...

-Seems more focused on doing well and scoring than kills which is good (although this is hard to judge for sure with the little I played).

-I'm not sure how many weapons there are, but there are a lot of options for them and the customization seems deep with a more "realistic" approach to it.

-The score streaks seem pretty cool. I definitely had fun using them especially the helicopters.

-The 2 man fireteam idea is cool and works well. I like how you get points for your buddy kicking ass too. Gives incentive to stick close together and keep each other alive.

-I'm not sure how the resupply/heal mechanic even works yet. It looked like my buddy revived me at one point?

-It controls great. Not as twitch as COD, but not quite as weighty as BF3. Actually I'd say its mostly like BC2 except that not once did I get stuck on a corner, rock, doorframe etc... and that is really, really good.

-Weapons have decent recoil to them.

-I'm not exactly sure how the spoting works, but at least it has it.

-The menus are really bad, before match, during match and after match. They are cluttered, have small text and are hard to navigate. The UI guy should be fired.

-Kill feed and kill confirmation text are bland, small and hard to read. Definitely could be improved a bit.

-The kill cam is better than Battlefields "show the guy that killed you running around" method, but not as good as CODs. It does an OK job of showing you who killed you and from where with a dash of slo-mo

-End of match shows the MVP team on the screen in a cool, cinematic way. Very awesome touch that I've wanted in a game forever. This one finally does it.

-The melee fighting is pretty damn cool. Not sure exactly how it works, but I knife fought a dude facing me. Took a couple stabs, but I killed him then did a "from behind" melee kill takedown on his fireteam buddy that was really, really cool.

-Different classes seem to have different melee weapons too. The Canadian dude I played as had a badass hatchet instead of a knife.

Overall initial impression: I had fun with it and want to go play it more. There's a lot to it so it's to early to judge, but so far more favorable than not.

I'm probably going to go pre-order it based off of what I've played so far.



I was playing it last night with Byas and a couple of my friends. It's terrible, but I can't stop playing it... So much newness.



It'd make a VERY good arcade title.

Not sure if I'd drop 60 on it.

But then again it's only one mode on one map.

Going to see how it does pop wise.



The more I play it the more I like it.

There are several things I really like about it.

I can see why some of the menus are the way they are now and they do an very good job of showcasing the classes and weapons. Once you get the hang of how it works you start to notice lots and lots of cool little touches to it. The text is still to small, but I no longer think the UI guy should be fired, now I think he should get a raise simply because of how cool it is just to upgrade a weapon.

I love how attachments can affect a weapons agility.

There's far more weapon variety than I thought at first. I'm really liking how each class is unique rather than there being perks to choose.

The actual gunfire feels more violent than most shooters. It feels solid and lethal.

The soldier animations seem really good.

I'm digging all the different sidearms.

I'm really liking the classes + nationality thing. It's especially great when you get pissed at someone because you know exactly which racist insults to yell at them. Makes it feel more accurate!

The gamemode is pretty cool. It's like the randomness of headquarters, mixed with the battle area of Conquest while everyone is focused on one temporary goal like Rush. It's pretty damn good. Even the planting/defusing is handled better than most other games.

Must play more!



I might get on and DL it,I was thinking of picking it up, idk



Eh I dont think Ill be buying this LOL



JrTapia1991 wrote:I might get on and DL it,I was thinking of picking it up, idk

You should give it a try at least. I wasn't interested in it at all until I played it a bit.

Oh I forgot to mention:

Being able to peek around corners and over ledges is freaking sweet! I mowed down an entire group of enemies using it a couple games ago. Didn't even know I could do it until I looked at the control layouts!

It is also awesome being able to sprint and baseball /crouch slide into cover. Especially because it is something that should have been in BF3.

Earlier I killed two dudes running at me while I was doing the kneeling slide. So cool.



Looks like a dumbed downed console shooter to me


I might be totally wrong, but I see DICE using the MOH franchise to cater to the younger demographics.

Its shame really, as MOH used to be a great franchise back in the day.


I just want an old school shooter like Unreal again, so fucking bad. No frills or progression. Just a pure skill based FPS.



That might be interpreted wrong...



I'm not sure what you mean by dumbed down. It has more to it control wise and action/class/weapon/gadget/streak wise than any other console shooter I can think of...

And DICE didn't make this one (so far as I know). It just uses their Frostbite 2 engine.

I was expecting to think it wasn't very good, especially considering how bad the last one was. I'm really surprised at how good it is.

This might prove my theory that the BF games would be better if someone besides DICE made them.



DICE didnt make this one?

I mean dumbed down by once again slowing gameplay down. I like my FPS fast paced.

I might be wrong as I haven't played it at all. Just from what Ive seen on youtube has not impressed me at all.

DUMBED DOWN might not be the best way to describe it.........I just hate to see how DEVS keep making FPS simpler and simpler all the time.




I miss you around here man



Sym wrote:OH AND HIIIIIIIIII METAL!!!!!!!!!!

I miss you around here man

Ha! Yeah, how you been doing man.

A studio called Danger Close made this one.

As far as pace goes it is really fast paced. Like COD paced action wise. A far cry from the slower pace of Conquest on BF3.

Control wise it handles very well. Faster than BF3, less deliberate. However you still have the hurdling over low objects, diving into prone etc... but now there is also peeking/leaning and the sliding kneel/crouch.

It is also definitely not simpler, like I said it seems to have more to it option/weapon/loadout wise than any other shooter I can think of.

Anyway, like I said the more I play it the more I'm liking it.



Danger close made both games....but dice designed the multiplayer for the last one. Danger close is doing everything for this one



Im doing good man

Still looking for work, and been swamped with school

How you been doing?



Been good. The wife has been drinking less these days. At work I'm the golden child and things have been going fantastic. Just got back from seeing Looper which was a really good movie. Making good money. Paid off my credit cards. etc...

I've been on a really good roll, solid, since last November. The only problems I have right now are mostly 1st world.



Good to hear man

Glad the wife is drinking less

Thats very good news man

Me on the other hand....been drinking too much....



Anyone else playing the MoH beta? Imager



Looper is really good. Really solid story.

Saw it last night

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I tried the demo and I thought it was ok. Not great, I kinda feel the same way about this that I did about Homefront. I don't think I will buy it new, but maybe someday I will pick it up.

The biggest complaint I had is I had no fucking idea what was going on. The game mode is very confusing starting out.



Lucky wrote:I tried the demo and I thought it was ok. Not great, I kinda feel the same way about this that I did about Homefront. I don't think I will buy it new, but maybe someday I will pick it up.

The biggest complaint I had is I had no fucking idea what was going on. The game mode is very confusing starting out.

Yeah, it took a game to figure it out.

Best I can describe it is very like Ghost Recon FS MP.

5 preset objectives on the map. One side defends, the other attacks. But players can only interact with 1 objective at a time (there's a timer for each, if it gets destroyed/not destroyed, the game moves on to the next one). It's best of 5 basically.

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