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I beat Bioshock last night

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1I beat Bioshock last night Empty I beat Bioshock last night 2011-07-13, 17:52

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Overall it was good, but I still think that I enjoyed the second one a little more. the gameplay was just a little better on the second one IMO. The story was pretty good on #1, I was just starting to complain about the stagnant story line when the big twist happened about 60% of the way through the game. After that I was hooked.

My Gf watched the second half of the game while I played too. She kept saying that she was going to go read her book but when she sat down it was over. I think she likes the game more than I do Razz

2I beat Bioshock last night Empty Re: I beat Bioshock last night 2011-07-13, 17:55



Would you Kindly?

3I beat Bioshock last night Empty Re: I beat Bioshock last night 2011-07-13, 17:56

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

great stuff, I never caught it until that point and then all of a sudden I was like affraid

4I beat Bioshock last night Empty Re: I beat Bioshock last night 2011-07-13, 17:57



Same here. "That son of a bitch..... Ima kill him!"

5I beat Bioshock last night Empty Re: I beat Bioshock last night 2011-07-13, 18:03

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

First had a more impactful storyline then the first one no doubt. But it wasn't until that twist in the middle it actually became good and gripping. Otherwise it was just generic story like most games.

Where as in the second, its story wasn't as strong, but I felt it was more gripping and entertaining through the WHOLE game. Not just the last halve.
Plus the ending was one of the most emotional endings in agame I have played in a long time.

6I beat Bioshock last night Empty Re: I beat Bioshock last night 2011-07-13, 18:41

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

The ending for 2 was definatley better so far. I harvested the little sister this time through, so next time I won't and we will see how that ending is. But both of 2's were really good. especially the evil one Twisted Evil

7I beat Bioshock last night Empty Re: I beat Bioshock last night 2011-07-13, 22:49

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Bioshock 1 was amazing from beginning to end. It can get a bit killed off if you play Bio 2 first, since you already know many things about Rapture in that one.

The impact of entering Rapture in Bioshock 1 was incredible, I had my mouth hanging. In Bio 2 it was like... "So yeah, you are under the ocean, go kill shit".

I can say that both games are fun, but Bioshock 2 failed to hook me until very late, while Bioshock 1 had me hungering for more the whole time.

8I beat Bioshock last night Empty Re: I beat Bioshock last night 2011-07-13, 22:52



Agreed. Playing Bioshock 1 first was great. If I had played them backwards it would have ruined the experience. Terry, go back and don't play Bioshock 2. Then play Bioshock 1 again.

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