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So what's everyone playing now?

Captain Pirate Pineapple
Ron Swanson
Cardboard Fox
The Adli Corporation
HydrasBreath ♜
Artimise Flare
Patrick Star
22 posters

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For myself, I've been playing Killing Floor a lot, as well as continuing my quest to collect every legendary and finish every quest in BL2, and now a friend of mine loaned me Deus Ex Human Revolution, so that'll be it for a while. What's everyone else doing?

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Been playing assassins creed three. I like it so far.



Halo 4, AC III .... Trials Evolution ... and nothing else to broke to get new trying not to play much (rechargable pack is fucked...).

But I have been watching shows and movies...things I watched recently. I just re-watch. So bored....most stressful semester of school evar.



I'm considering starting into AC brotherhood. I got it in a trade in TF2, not sure if I wanna launch into atm. I'm still waiting to start playing Civ 5.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Just got back into BF3, feels good popping sheeples heads again (No offense Sheep Razz )



Still have classes needing to reach level 50 in BL2, so thats still on going.

Just finished playing Crysis 2, this thing had been sitting around for ages. LoL

CoD:BO2 tonight, and maybe tmr as well, just depending on how long the SP lasts. MP, I'll have to see.

Will dive back into FONV soon, as I recently received a request from a mod authour that he needs help in debugging his work.



Which classes are you playing atm Storm? in BL2 that is.



Also ... I am looking for a cheap cheap version of is still 59.99...and used is still 49.99 in most places.. no pawn sops have any. I just want to make a new character and finish it.



I'm really badly burned out with Skyrim. I always envision it as amazing and fun, but whenever I think about playing it's just awful.




I seem to immediately burn out on games nowadays

Its mainly because I seem to be super pessimistic and just focus on a games faults to the exclusion of its good points



I feel more and more of a push to not stray into new games, it feels annoying.



Pariah wrote:Which classes are you playing atm Storm? in BL2 that is.

Every class except Siren.

Axton at 48
Salvadore at 46
Geige at 3X (forgot. LoL)
Zero at 16



oh you're gonna have fun with the Siren. She's absolutely versatile, and her trees let her branch out in a lot of different ways.



Well, I'm not going to play Siren, as it has reached 50 and I have finished DLC with her, until a new DLC comes out.

I am having the most fun with Axton, and the least with Salvadore.

I am slowly growing more for Zero, but still meh.

I just don't know what to do with Geige. I mean I know how to play it, and its not that boring, but its not that interesting.



I've been playing a lot of tetris. bounce



Oh I'm sorry, I misunderstood. I thought you meant you had played everything but siren.

I have to agree with the Salvador comment. He's fun while gunzerking, and boring for everything else.



I think Salvadore is boring no matter what.

The play style does not really change all that much. Its an instant DPS boost, and nothing much more than that.

Bla125 wrote:I've been playing a lot of tetris. bounce

My other family members (except for my dad) plays tetris or something similar quite often. I have not really played any of its iterations for quite a while though. Unless you count packing luggage as efficiently as possible as a form of tetris. LoL



Yeah Siren is Versatile in thee most sexual way imaginable Very Happy



I love you Storm. You should play tetris, it's AMAZING!!##!@@#!!@ very addictive though.



Frostbyrn wrote:Yeah Siren is Versatile in thee most sexual way imaginable Very Happy

So what's everyone playing now? KOIcJ

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Gradius III and doing minimal upgrades/buster only runs in Megaman X2. Other than that a whole lot of nadda. I go through extended phases. I was a hardcore gamer for years and years. Then I got into music and that took over for quite a few years. Then I got back into gaming for a bit but now I feel I'm swinging back to a music/art only phase. Would explain my complete lack of wanting to game really.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Pariah wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:Yeah Siren is Versatile in thee most sexual way imaginable Very Happy

So what's everyone playing now? KOIcJ

that picture is redundant.

as to the topic, mainly Planetside 2 and Solitaire Laughing. i feel like i have played my favourite games too much but i cba to play nay of my backlog. Rolling Eyes

might buy BL2 at some point.



mostly ive been watching the 2004 reboot of battlestar galactica and baccano! but sometimes ive been playing the armored core expansion.

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

BL2 and Age of Empires 2, but I haven't really been playing either of them that often.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Just got my first char to 50 on BL2 (Maya), and she is badass

Still playing ME3 MP a lot, fucking love that game. I have recently made a couple cool friends playing since you assholes dropped it long ago >_>

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

tempted to buy the founders pack for Firefall, it looks like a decent game.

meh, its only £12, i got the founder pack Smile

Last edited by The Adli Corporation on 2012-11-14, 13:28; edited 1 time in total

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I've mainly been doing BL2. Slowly playing the Campaign in Halo 4. Just finished the story in NFS: The Run, which you should pass on. Other than that though, I haven't really been playing any video games. Been playing pool with my leagues, and been playing "high school games" with the annoying ex's.



I've been playing BL2 and Forza Horizon recently. Have tons of games on my backlog as well.






Muv-Luv Extra.

Shit's pretty gay.



Frostbyrn wrote:Nothing

I seem to immediately burn out on games nowadays

Its mainly because I seem to be super pessimistic and just focus on a games faults to the exclusion of its good points

my god this is me too.............

makes me feel bad =/ lol.

right now,Black Ops 2,zombies is pretty fun,and MP is cool. Nuketown 2025 is more of a bloodbath than metro

Man,last night I played some BF3 again,and it felt like I was in the matrix since I was so used to 60fsp COD going to 30fps BF3. I really thought my xbox was broke because everything was going soooo slow. lol, I'd hop,dodge bullets,etc. and kill chumps like it was nothing ;D, even got some good old hatemail from killing a chump with the .44 magnum on Kharg Island conquest lol.... Razz

well besides Black Ops 2,Halo 4 with some friends, I still have Xcom to finish (great game) backlog sucks....DMC HD Collection,FF13,Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition >__>, Dragon Age 2,Sacred 2,Two Worlds 2,Bioshock 2,finish all the achievements in Skyrim since I got Hearthfire

Skyrim,I'm burned out on it too. I'm sure if I had it on pc it could breath new life into it....I've just done the majority of the stuff in the game haha. So much value for the money though,I wish I could experience it fresh again....played that thing for like 3 months straight Smile

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Cardboard Fox wrote:BL2 and Age of Empires 2, but I haven't really been playing either of them that often.

LMAO! Fox I love your avatar xD



When I get to play,its Halo 4.
Night shift is sucking the life out of me so Im not doing much of anything anymore,including games.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

grader wrote:When I get to play,its Halo 4.
Night shift is sucking the life out of me so Im not doing much of anything anymore,including games.

Yeah I go through that pretty much every summer. It definitely does suck.

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox




whenever I can find my damn debit card laying around I'm getting gamefly for 1 dollar a month lol,and renting the new hitman I guess Razz

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

playing a lot of Firefall, its fun Very Happy



Blops 2 and Halo 4 on Box. Same old Same old on PC. Dota 2, HoN, TF2, FO:NV, DayZ, Civ 5, and TL2. Recently finished Sleeping Dogs, good game, kinda poop ending. Still gotta finish Bastion, Cave Story, and Deus Ex: HR.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Drums, I've been playing lots of drums, not so many games...



Dota 2, Dota 2, and gta games. Got back into trading on dota 2 and it has been interesting so far because of the recent event and spike of a particular item. After watching the GTA5 trailer I finally decided to finally play the complete GTA pack I bought a while back, I am on to vice city right now and I am really liking it so far, especially the sound track. Sadly I could not get san andreas to work because it has a massive stuttering issue for me and I cant find a fix.



I'm about to try out Borderlands 2, as I stole it from Grey when he wasn't looking. Hopefully by Monday I'll actually get a chance to put it in my xbox.

And Skyrim. Was playing a bit of that until my family disappeared randomly without warning and pissed me off.

Oh, and no offense taken Art.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

just bought BL2 for £15 on steam Smile

as of the moment, im almost exclusively playing the AWESOME Firefall beta. it is really fun Very Happy



I'll start playing BF3 on the 360 again here shortly.



Pranetshide 2.

Some Dark Souls.

Some Xbox stuff, BO2 I guess.

A bit of PS3 stuff. Playing classics so I know what I missed for these years.



i just got x-com so i'll be playing that

also, big surprise, league



I don't even know where to begin with the stuff I got on steam or amazon sale cheap lol,maybe start and finish torchlight 2

been playing minecraft on 360....I know the world is smaller,but damn I love the easy crafting system

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

MEGA MILK wrote:I'll start playing BF3 on the 360 again here shortly.

Not digging it on the PC?

I've gotten back into Skyrim again. Been messing with skills that I don't usually bother with like alchemy. It's pretty fun so far. I'm a stealth bow/dagger assassin type that relies on poisons and illusion magic.

I based it of the "Cryptstalker build" with a few modifications to suit my personal play style better.

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