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[BO2] [PC] RTS stages are just too... console

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The smooth transition between RTS to FPS (or vice versa) is awesome.

HOWEVER, due to the lack of real RTS controls, I seem to be relying heavily on FPS mode, rather than the intended RTS mode.

Besides, why the heck did Treyarch mess up the keyboard setup 1,2,3,4,5...

Was wondering in the beginning why the default key binding was
Special 1: 5
Special 2: 1
Special 3: 2
Special 4: 3
but now I know its due to this flippin RTS stages.

The shortcut keys for RTS is DIRECT port of console arrow pad, instead of sorting binding keys to be more suited for keyboard. For more fluid gameplay, I would have to constantly fumble RTS portion and do fine in FPS, or do fine in RTS and fumble in FPS...



I hate the strike missions

THey seem tacked on and not well thought out......

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