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Anybody planning on getting a next gen console?

Bama Psycho
HydrasBreath ♜
The Adli Corporation
Cardboard Fox
Ron Swanson
15 posters

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I think I will

Probably the PS4

Microsoft will have to do alot to sway me again

Ps4 for Sony exclusives, PC for everything else.

Think that's what Ill be doing

I was pretty impressed by the PS4 and I have a hard time seeing the new Xbox matching the specs. Not to mention Sony just has better games IMO.

Now if only we get M/kb support on a console I will be sold all day long



Bold statement considering that the new Xbox has yet to be revealed.

I will not be an early adopter either way. I have been way more impressed with my 360 over the PS3 so based on that I would lean towards the new Xbox.

Either way I'll wait probably;y at least 6 months before purchasing one.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I haven't decide which one, and I won't buy one at launch. But eventually I will get one. I always wait a little bit to see how some of the games, and hardware hold up. But it will happen eventually.



I'll get it whenever my friends do and there's good games to play with them,it doesn't really matter which to me,but I've been talking them into ps4 if it has free online. Then again for the controller alone I'd go xbox.

xbox needs to let us use any laptop hard drive we want and not have to buy their stupid overpriced ones


I dont think I will follow. I'm getting old. Never thought I'd reach this point, but investing in a new console again does not excite me. My son will be interested in a few years. So at the very best, I will play games with him on his new system.

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Possibly, depends on what the new onesd are like.

I'm more likely to get a PC instead though.



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:Bold statement considering that the new Xbox has yet to be revealed.

I will not be an early adopter either way. I have been way more impressed with my 360 over the PS3 so based on that I would lean towards the new Xbox.

Either way I'll wait probably;y at least 6 months before purchasing one.

Have you seen the leaked specs?

The leaked specs for the PS4 were pretty damn close to the final product.

Microsoft will still probably charge for online too, no thanks on that.



ZOMBEE wrote:I dont think I will follow. I'm getting old. Never thought I'd reach this point, but investing in a new console again does not excite me. My son will be interested in a few years. So at the very best, I will play games with him on his new system.

Get off my lawn!

Being old doesnt mean you cant play games anymore man



I hope ps4 keeps the free online



Cardboard Fox wrote:Possibly, depends on what the new onesd are like.

I'm more likely to get a PC instead though.

Smart man bwahahaha

Also I just love Sony exclusives, where Microsoft's just dont do anything for me......Halo? meh.....Gears? meh

Killzone? Yes please
Infamous? yes please
God of War? Yes please
MGS series? yes please
Twisted Metal? yes please etc



JrTapia1991 wrote:I hope ps4 keeps the free online


If they charge for online service I will not be getting one


Sym wrote:
ZOMBEE wrote:I dont think I will follow. I'm getting old. Never thought I'd reach this point, but investing in a new console again does not excite me. My son will be interested in a few years. So at the very best, I will play games with him on his new system.

Get off my lawn!

Being old doesnt mean you cant play games anymore man

Losing interest does. I'm about to have 2 more kids. My life will be full enough.

I could be wring, but really nothing new is exciting me anymore.



I just dont like the "share" button thingy

Seems kinda strange



ZOMBEE wrote:
Sym wrote:
ZOMBEE wrote:I dont think I will follow. I'm getting old. Never thought I'd reach this point, but investing in a new console again does not excite me. My son will be interested in a few years. So at the very best, I will play games with him on his new system.

Get off my lawn!

Being old doesnt mean you cant play games anymore man

Losing interest does. I'm about to have 2 more kids. My life will be full enough.

I could be wring, but really nothing new is exciting me anymore.


Life can get in the way

I dont plan on giving up games ever. Been playing them since I was able as a child, they are part of my life and always have been.

But having a ton of kids might change things though....


Sym wrote:
Cardboard Fox wrote:Possibly, depends on what the new onesd are like.

I'm more likely to get a PC instead though.

Smart man bwahahaha

Also I just love Sony exclusives, where Microsoft's just dont do anything for me......Halo? meh.....Gears? meh

Killzone? Yes please
Infamous? yes please
God of War? Yes please
MGS series? yes please
Twisted Metal? yes please etc

Too each his own. Halo and Gears are widely loved regardless of the criticism.

You forgot Dead Rising. Zombie love bro. Zombie love.






less and less games interest me now days,but I have a backlog to last me a lifetime

I don't care for halo or gears either,I believe dead rising 2 was multiplatform,I know for sure it was on sale for pc the other day for like 5 bucks


Sym wrote:
ZOMBEE wrote:
Sym wrote:
ZOMBEE wrote:I dont think I will follow. I'm getting old. Never thought I'd reach this point, but investing in a new console again does not excite me. My son will be interested in a few years. So at the very best, I will play games with him on his new system.

Get off my lawn!

Being old doesnt mean you cant play games anymore man

Losing interest does. I'm about to have 2 more kids. My life will be full enough.

I could be wring, but really nothing new is exciting me anymore.


Life can get in the way

I dont plan on giving up games ever. Been playing them since I was able as a child, they are part of my life and always have been.

But having a ton of kids might change things though....

I've been gaming since I was 3. Atari 2600 =). Each time a new console comes out I have to invest a lot of cash to upgrade.

I enjoy playing the old SNES and Genesis games a lot lately. Probably go back to those. Hit the pawn shops and flea markets.


JrTapia1991 wrote:less and less games interest me now days,but I have a backlog to last me a lifetime

I don't care for halo or gears either,I believe dead rising 2 was multiplatform,I know for sure it was on sale for pc the other day for like 5 bucks

In comparison to the Playstation I meant. The Wii is garbage.



ZOMBEE wrote:
Sym wrote:
Cardboard Fox wrote:Possibly, depends on what the new onesd are like.

I'm more likely to get a PC instead though.

Smart man bwahahaha

Also I just love Sony exclusives, where Microsoft's just dont do anything for me......Halo? meh.....Gears? meh

Killzone? Yes please
Infamous? yes please
God of War? Yes please
MGS series? yes please
Twisted Metal? yes please etc

Too each his own. Halo and Gears are widely loved regardless of the criticism.

You forgot Dead Rising. Zombie love bro. Zombie love.

Dead rising isnt an exclusive though, its on PC lol.

I really just meant console exclusives.

Gears 1 was pretty fun, but each one after that just felt more boring to me. Im not a huge fan of 3rd person shooters though so meh

Halo would be cool as hell to have on PC. I would play it for sure. But its nothing I'm gonna by a console for.

The one thing Microsoft does better than Sony is the damn controller. I hate the dual shock, its so small.

I will buy one next gen console, that much is certain. I just dont know which one. But the PS4 does have me alot more excited than I anticipated.



Maybe. Certainly not at launch.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i might get a PS3 at some point. i wont be a first adopter though, thats for sure. my flatmate next year will probably get one so i might just play with him on his PS4/Xbox(whatever) Razz



ZOMBEE wrote:
Sym wrote:
ZOMBEE wrote:
Sym wrote:
ZOMBEE wrote:I dont think I will follow. I'm getting old. Never thought I'd reach this point, but investing in a new console again does not excite me. My son will be interested in a few years. So at the very best, I will play games with him on his new system.

Get off my lawn!

Being old doesnt mean you cant play games anymore man

Losing interest does. I'm about to have 2 more kids. My life will be full enough.

I could be wring, but really nothing new is exciting me anymore.


Life can get in the way

I dont plan on giving up games ever. Been playing them since I was able as a child, they are part of my life and always have been.

But having a ton of kids might change things though....

I've been gaming since I was 3. Atari 2600 =). Each time a new console comes out I have to invest a lot of cash to upgrade.

I enjoy playing the old SNES and Genesis games a lot lately. Probably go back to those. Hit the pawn shops and flea markets.

Fair enough

Im only 27, but Im starting to feel old lol



Ill probably be an early adapter.

It will bite me in the ass like it always does though...



MEGA MILK wrote:Maybe. Certainly not at launch.

Probably for the best haha

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I doubt very much anything would interest me enough to get one. Some stuff looks good and all but my interest in gaming has waned. I thought I would pretty much always be into it since I started when I was like 3 years old on the NES. It seems like for me gaming has become just a way to kill some time rather than something I truly enjoy.





HydrasBreath wrote:I doubt very much anything would interest me enough to get one. Some stuff looks good and all but my interest in gaming has waned. I thought I would pretty much always be into it since I started when I was like 3 years old on the NES. It seems like for me gaming has become just a way to kill some time rather than something I truly enjoy.

That makes me sad

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Sym wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:I doubt very much anything would interest me enough to get one. Some stuff looks good and all but my interest in gaming has waned. I thought I would pretty much always be into it since I started when I was like 3 years old on the NES. It seems like for me gaming has become just a way to kill some time rather than something I truly enjoy.

That makes me sad

It bums me out too man cause I had tons of great times with you fools playing BC2 and BF3.

And the nostalgia factor of old NES and SNES titles is always great but I don't seem to take time to sit down and play those games either.

I might just be in a weird spot in my life...alot of uncertainty and instability going on for me right now.

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

I will at some point and more than likely I'll go w/ the new xbox. I actually like the xbox exclusives a little better than the playstation knock on them, I just like the Halo and Gears franchises and the only PS franchise I really like is Metal Gear Solid(Twisted Metal was ok, haven't tried any of the newer exclusives that were part of the ps3 generation).



I will end up getting all of them eventually, but there is no drive for me at the moment to pick up at launch.



Absolutely. Positively.

I'll probably pick up the new Xbox for sure.

The PS4 maybe.
They will have to make some serious changes to their services, features and functionality or it will have to be seriously more powerful than the Xbox for me to get it.

I truly think Sony is the steaming, worthless, shit-pile of a games company compared to the other 2. Half of everything they say is a lie, the other half is poorly designed, badly executed and under-delivered. The one thing they excel at is fucking up... and I consider those their good points.

Then again who am I kidding, I always buy every console that comes out.
Except the WiiU I guess. It is actually the first system since the ColecoVision that I didn't buy at launch... weird.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Meh, maybe. If anything I'll get the next gen consoles for the exclusives but only after the price of the consoles come down.

Right now I'm funding my real hobby that being Firearms collecting to be honest.



I will absolutely buy either the new Xbox or PS4 - quite possibly both.

The new Xbox is immediately appealing, simply because I've had great times with both the original and (especially) the 360. I have a lot of friends on Live, who are quite likely to invest as well and it's always fun to play with friends.

Also, Halo and the best controller in the business Very Happy

However, I do want to find out a bit more about the machine of course.....

As for PS4, I've never owned a Sony home console while it's been current, but I was impressed by what I've seen of PS4 so far. I also own a Vita, so there could be some very cool link-up possibilities.

However, as much as I love the Vita hardware (and I really do), Sony have made an absolute arse of handling it - although they seem better with home consoles, perhaps...but I'm cautious.

So, I'm not completely committed yet, but the idea of a new toy is certainly exciting Cool

Oh, and don't stop playing because you get old - you get old because you stop playing Razz

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