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[Civ] So about last night

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1[Civ] So about last night Empty [Civ] So about last night 2012-11-23, 11:59



I finally finished my epic campaign as Elizabeth. After nuking/conquering the crap out of the Iroquois, Songhai, India and China and conquering all the city states (I took over a few of them in a single turn Very Happy), I proceeded to work on infrastructure. After sending out workers to clean up all the fallout and the pillaged tiles, I started a few towns, including Liverpool on a single remote island (and I keep it as a nuclear repository). Then, since I had buttloads of money from the Autocracy and Honor perks in warfare, I started investing heavily. I limited growth in my civ and started annexing all of the puppet cities that I had taken over. I bought courthouses for all of them, then ended up investing money into the actual buildings. By the time I was finished, I had almost no population growth in my civ, over 400 happiness, about 3000 culture per turn, somewhere around 2000 gold per turn (though it's hard to tell since I spent about 36 turns in a golden age due to the excess happiness and the game spawning a great merchant every few turns), and around 300k reserve gold.

All in all, a good civ. Seeing as the only thing left to do is to sit back and watch it get richer and more cultured, I'd say it's a job well done.

though the only thing that irks me is the Apollo Program. I've got 2 pieces already launched, and 4 more on the ground, but I don't see any option to launch them.

2[Civ] So about last night Empty Re: [Civ] So about last night 2012-11-23, 14:17

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Pariah wrote:I started a few towns, including Liverpool on a single remote island (and I keep it as a nuclear repository).

I have no idea how this game works but that sounds like an excellent idea.

3[Civ] So about last night Empty Re: [Civ] So about last night 2012-11-23, 18:02



I basically founded a city on an island, the game named it Liverpool, and since it was on a remote area, I moved all of my nukes and nuclear subs as a "last resort". I actually started that earlier during my massive world wars.

4[Civ] So about last night Empty Re: [Civ] So about last night 2012-11-23, 20:43



Are we talking about CiV? or some other program?

You CANNOT launch ANY individual pieces.

You have to bring them all to one location, usually your capital or a city with launch station.

Then you have to assemble them.

After all that, you are ready to launch.

5[Civ] So about last night Empty Re: [Civ] So about last night 2012-11-23, 21:10



StormEye wrote:Are we talking about CiV? or some other program?

You CANNOT launch ANY individual pieces.

You have to bring them all to one location, usually your capital or a city with launch station.

Then you have to assemble them.

After all that, you are ready to launch.

Civilization V. That one.

No, I made two pieces earlier in the game, intent on the scientific victory. I brought them to the capital, then clicked the top option button and there was an animation and they disappeared. And I now have 2 pieces towards the program.

6[Civ] So about last night Empty Re: [Civ] So about last night 2012-11-23, 21:18



They should not disappear.

They should be displayed in your city, until the final launch happens.

7[Civ] So about last night Empty Re: [Civ] So about last night 2012-11-23, 21:18



heres a screenshot

8[Civ] So about last night Empty Re: [Civ] So about last night 2012-11-23, 21:21



You can see your spaceship being prepped for launch at 12'oclock of your city.

9[Civ] So about last night Empty Re: [Civ] So about last night 2012-11-23, 21:24



I know, but I can't add any other parts to it.

10[Civ] So about last night Empty Re: [Civ] So about last night 2012-11-23, 21:28



This game is mega addicting

11[Civ] So about last night Empty Re: [Civ] So about last night 2012-11-23, 21:33



Did you try with all parts?

I think it is possible to produce excess parts, just in case your part gets hijacked during the transfer, which cannot be added anymore.

If not, you can just blame it on a bug. The game is not exactly well-programmed.

12[Civ] So about last night Empty Re: [Civ] So about last night 2012-11-23, 23:11



I see this game for 15 bucks on steam.....I already have civ 4 though.....does 5 add much that makes it better than 4? Some say without the dlc civ 5 isn't that great,they say the base game was lacking (I don't know I've never played it lol)

13[Civ] So about last night Empty Re: [Civ] So about last night 2012-11-23, 23:25



5 has made the game a lot more stream lined.

Some feel its too simplified compared to 4, an example would be that 5 does not have the pollution factor (instead has combined in the happiness).

Combat, however, got a huge buff in game play, as 4's only real strategy was to create a stack of doom and roll over opponents.

You can try the demo and see if you like it.

I have not been into Civ much in IV, but I got real into V. Stream lining of gameplay and the buff in combat, probably did the trick.

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