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Mass Effect 4 Scheduled For "Late-2014 to Mid-2015"

Epyk MD
Green bean Specialist
10 posters

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Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

BioWare's next instalment in the Mass Effect saga is currently in development and will be coming in a couple of years' time according to the Canadian studio, with Mass Effect 4 planned for a "late-2014 to mid-2015" according to an anonymous BioWare team member.

Apparently, it'll be powered by DICE's ubiquitous Frostbite 2 Engine and look to explore new directions, although the team is unsure whether the story will be a sequel or prequel, and have been canvassing for fans' opinions on what form the next chapter should take.

"You'll hear more about the new Mass Effect game in 2013," the BioWare dev in question told Gamer Syndrome, stopping short of revealing a more precise date beyond the tentative 2014-2015 window. "I honestly can't tell you an exact [date] because full development on the game started a month or two ago."

There's more Mass Effect 3 DLC in the pipeline in the meantime, which will feature the return of Joker. BioWare also revealed that Mass Effect 2 was originally supposed to debut multiplayer, while a visit to the Turian homeworld of Palaven had been planned in Mass Effect 3, rather than the brief visit to the planet's moon.

"One of the mission ideas that got scrapped was actually going onto Palaven, the Turian home world, and being able to see what their world was like," BioWare revealed. "We also scrapped the original ending for Mass Effect 3. We were gonna have it as a 'boss battle', where Commander Shepard would go up and fight The Illusive Man who has been transformed by the Reapers. We scrapped that idea because way too many [games] have that as their ending, some final boss fight."



Green bean Specialist wrote: We scrapped that idea because way too many [games] have that as their ending, some final boss fight."

Mass Effect 4 Scheduled For "Late-2014 to Mid-2015" Neil-Patrick-Harris-Gun-to-Head

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

Still would have been a better ending than what they actually gave us, though! Seriously, a chance to FINALLY kick the Illusive Man's ass would be way better than picking if you want red, green, or blue space explosions.



Khfan60 wrote:
Green bean Specialist wrote: We scrapped that idea because way too many [games] have that as their ending, some final boss fight."

Mass Effect 4 Scheduled For "Late-2014 to Mid-2015" Neil-Patrick-Harris-Gun-to-Head

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

colored space explosions are the worse.
i was sad.



I kind of like colored space explosions.

The way they used them wasn't all that great though. Probably would have been more fun shooting someone in the face.



I liked the extended cut ending, I just wish it went into more detail.

Though I wish the whole indoctrination theory was true.



I thought it would of been cool if they went with the dark energy theory thing...they never did anything with why Haelstrom's star was aging so fast



I really ought to get around to playing the first one.



I don't think I could ever replay the 1st one unless I get a game save as soon as you get the Normandy ship....the beginning is sooo slow to me it just burned me out lol.



First one is the best one



I thought 3 was the best.
If you don't count anything after Anderson and Shepard talk on the citadel.
1 was a close second though.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I don't remember




Considering your Jizm is poisonous to Tali I doubt that would happen Very Happy

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Frostbyrn wrote:Considering your Jizm is poisonous to Tali I doubt that would happen Very Happy

I know, it's a joke. Needless to say, I didn't care for the ending either, though the rest of the game was fun. Multiplayer is still fun to run around in, just wish they had some other game types other than fending off the horde of enemies.

I would have liked to of seen something like an 8 man game where you have to hold or capture locations, kind of like a rush from BF. Doubt it will ever happen, but it's fun in its own way. They finally introduced a female Turian, so perhaps in future DLC (If they make more) they'll make it so that you can play one online.

A shame customization is so limited, would have been nice to create a character around the armor that was designed in the game, Hahne Kedar armor ftw!



Everyone knows of all the manufacturers that Geth Armory made the most Pimp armour

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I love the MP, that was the only thing that made ME3 worth while



I was in it for the Banshee Tits



always meant to do the me3 MP more,but BF3 sucks my time away

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

All of ya'll have ME for the consoles right? Am I the only one on PC?



I play on PC but I dont play ME3 anymore

I didnt touch the MP one time

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

You should try it Sym, it's actually pretty fun, even with the randoms



Dont do it

People get mad at your pro as fuck Vanguard skills



Ive heard it pretty good.

ME3 just disgusted me so I had no desire to play it again after the ending.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Frostbyrn wrote:Dont do it

People get mad at your pro as fuck Vanguard skills

Depending on the map, as an Infiltrator I can easily out score a Vanguard. Anything greater than Silver and you're boned as a Vanguard, mobs obliterate your shields in an instant, hell even me with a Widow VIII and power ups still takes me like two or three head shots to kill a simple Geth trooper. Don't even get me started on Platinum.



You have never seen me Vanguard

everyone was complaining I was useless despite outscoring them by so much

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

[Update] It turns out that claims that Mass Effect 4 will be arriving "late-2014 to mid-2015" are complete and utter arse according to EA, with a spokesperson confirming that its' "inaccurate".

An EA representative told G4 that “at no time did EA or BioWare provide any answers to questions from Gamer Syndrome.” The interview has been taken down from the offending website, with a message stating the following:

“The information provided previously by the author of this post was deemed to be obtained from an inaccurate source and NOT an official Bioware or EA interview response. We apologize for the inconvenience,” reads the statement on Gamer Syndrome.

So, Mass Effect 4 could be coming whenever... As you were, people.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

makes me want to play ME3 multiplayer again.

dat human sentinel.



Green bean Specialist wrote:

[Update] It turns out that claims that Mass Effect 4 will be arriving "late-2014 to mid-2015" are complete and utter arse according to EA, with a spokesperson confirming that its' "inaccurate".

An EA representative told G4 that “at no time did EA or BioWare provide any answers to questions from Gamer Syndrome.” The interview has been taken down from the offending website, with a message stating the following:

“The information provided previously by the author of this post was deemed to be obtained from an inaccurate source and NOT an official Bioware or EA interview response. We apologize for the inconvenience,” reads the statement on Gamer Syndrome.

So, Mass Effect 4 could be coming whenever... As you were, people.

Well snap. Stupid media.

Epyk wrote:makes me want to play ME3 multiplayer again.

dat human sentinel.

The multiplayer was pretty fun at first. Then it got pretty addicting.

But after so many games of White/Gold/Geth it made me realize I was really only playing it because of their addicting unlocking system that makes it impossible to even use half the characters and weapons.



hmm who knows when it'll come out

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

pff i played it solely so i could shit talk asari adepts.

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