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Free HUGO!

HydrasBreath ♜
Ron Swanson
The Adli Corporation
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1Free HUGO! Empty Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 00:45



That's apparently what my school stands for.

One of the football players is getting suspended for, and I quote his teammate, "boozin hard as fuck"

And to "help" the situation, the team wants the entire school to wear shirts with "FREE HUGO" on them to the next game.

Is this how all teenagers are, or is my group just extra retarded?

2Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 00:50



Was he boozing in school or something?

3Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 00:53



yup. came to school drunk as a pineapple. and now the entire school is protesting, like he's some kind of god damn martyr.

4Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 00:57



Pariah wrote:yup. came to school drunk as a pineapple. and now the entire school is protesting, like he's some kind of god damn martyr.

Hilarious! I also find it funny that his name is Hugo, you don't hear that name too often.

5Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 00:59



What a dipshit

Ive seen my friends take Exams drunk/stoned and one even brought a freaking Water bottle full of Vodka into one once

6Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 01:01



Metalzoic wrote:
Pariah wrote:yup. came to school drunk as a pineapple. and now the entire school is protesting, like he's some kind of god damn martyr.

Hilarious! I also find it funny that his name is Hugo, you don't hear that name too often.

actually, it's Nate Hugo, but "Free Nate" Sounds stupid as fuck.

I feel like I'm probably going to be even more unpopular, but I have to dig out my all black wardrobe.

7Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 01:03



You should get one of those shirts and put a "Don't" above Free Hugo.

8Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 01:05



T shirts that say "FREE HUGO" eh?

Siren should go topless in protest!

9Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 01:07



So we get to the bottom of it. Frost is a pedophile.

10Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 01:10



Shes legal here

You should hear this song im listening too

Fountain of Wayne-Greys Fiancee

11Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 01:11



I would free Hugo

12Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 01:12



Sym wrote:I would free Hugo

Nice one Jocks United Very Happy

13Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 01:13



Why not?

14Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 01:14




I dont have a problem with him drinking

I have a problem with the fact he was stupid enough to get caught

15Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 01:15



Meh it happens

I got caught doing the same thing in High School, and was also suspended.

Shit happens

I turned out pretty ok

16Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 01:17



I maintain that anyone stupid enough to get caught deserves what happens to them

17Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 01:18



Sometimes its just bad luck

Doesnt always have to do with stupidity

I got ratted on by this kid who didnt like me......little bastard

18Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 01:21



Walking into school shitfaced isnt bad luck

Luck is something independent of your own actions

Walking into school is a choice

Admittedly being ratted out was bad luck but the rest wasnt

19Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 01:22




20Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 04:23

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

wear a ''FREE FERRIS'' shirt instead.

21Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 11:21

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Sym wrote:Meh it happens

I got caught doing the same thing in High School, and was also suspended.

Shit happens

I turned out pretty ok

I disagree. Bad choices have consequences and getting drunk during school doesn't "just happen" you have to do it.

Personally if I were the AD of the school, he would be done in sports forever.

22Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 11:39


Be the coolest guy there and wear a "fuck the establishment" shirt.

23Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 11:44



Sounds a lot like my old high school.

24Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 12:31



Sym, he deserves it. Not only was he drunk as a motherfucker, he carried in a waterbottle full of vodka.

He deserves it.

Fucking retard.

25Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 13:11



Frostbyrn wrote:Darwinism

I agree. Make a shirt that says "Euthanize HUGO"

26Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 13:19



Something similar or completely identical has happened in every single highschool at one point or another.

I almost got busted going to a dance wasted once. But I didn't make half way across the parking lot. Suspended for a week, good timing because Fable just came out and I wanted to play it.

27Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 15:45



Crombie wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:Darwinism

I agree. Make a shirt that says "Euthanize HUGO"

Or find the worst picture he has ever taken and put it on a shirt along with the words

"Do you really want this swimming in the gene pool" Very Happy

28Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 17:16

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Sounds like run of the mill high school shenanigans to me.

29Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 17:44



This happens a few times a month at my school. More so with pot though.

30Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 17:48



Ferris wrote:
Sym wrote:Meh it happens

I got caught doing the same thing in High School, and was also suspended.

Shit happens

I turned out pretty ok

I disagree. Bad choices have consequences and getting drunk during school doesn't "just happen" you have to do it.

Personally if I were the AD of the school, he would be done in sports forever.

You would really kick a kid off the team FOREVER because of one mistake?

I sure as hell wouldnt

31Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 17:52



I just dislike Jocks honestly

And thats coz of bullshit that took place in High School

If he was like some stoner or a math geek or something I would have a more live and let live attitude

32Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 17:54



I think you need to let that go

33Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 17:56



Easy for you to say

34Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 17:59



I was never bullied so I dont know how it is

BUT it happened in High School, seems kind of petty to dislike a whole group of people because what a few people did to you years ago.

Just my two cents

I never bullied kids, so I dont know how it is on that end either.

35Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 18:04



It was like 4 years of my life man and im only 21 so thats almost a quarter of it

Of course its going to have a major impact and im not going to get over it in like 3 years

And hating a whole group of people is hard when they almost universally all act the same

36Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 18:08



Ah yes, painting an entire group of people with one broad stroke.

I cant stand when people do that

I was technically a "jock" and would still be if I didnt break my back. In my school in Ohio, very few of us bothered anyone.

37Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 18:09



Still sucks you were bullied though

38Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 18:14



Maybe you are the exception to the rule

And I imagine the reason you defend them is because you identify yourself as one of them so any attack against them you perceive as an attack against you

But still man I try not to judge jocks and crap but when they think they should be able to get out of something just because they are on a sports team I usually get a bit trigger happy

39Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 18:17



The jocks in my school were all mostly cool.

Probably because most of them were also stoners. Really everyone in my class was a stoner.

40Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 18:18

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

showing up to school drunk is a pretty stupid mistake, especially high school. I would expect to be fired if I showed up drunk to work, why would you expect to be able to play sports? which is a privilege, by the way. Especially since they usually make you sign some sort of pledge to stay out of trouble before the season, at least our school did, that tells you what will happen if you get in trouble

I understand kids make dumb decisions, I sure as hell did. But if you get caught there has to be consequences. We had two players kicked off our football team in high school for drug charges and I honestly think it was for the best for all parties involved.

*in his best Hank Hill voice* there is no greater lesson you can teach a young man than to take responsibility for his actions.

41Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 18:18

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah I don't know about permanent suspension from sports because of one incident. Maybe suspend him for a season or something.

I was also bullied from age 13-18. It sucks but the shit you go through shapes you into the person you are. I went through hell but I wouldn't change anything cause I probably wouldn't be the person I am today otherwise.

42Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 18:22

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

HydrasBreath wrote:Yeah I don't know about permanent suspension from sports because of one incident. Maybe suspend him for a season or something.

I misspoke this morning. I didn't mean a permanent suspension. I was tired and that was what I ended up typing even though that is too much.

But he wouldn't play any that season.

43Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 18:25



In general, "jocks" are let off too easy for their mistakes. I've seen teachers pass them in classes they're failing due to pressure from coaches. You really can't judge an entire group of people for it, though. My cousin was one of the better football players on our high school team, but he got decent grades and never talked down to anyone else for being different. He even stood up for me multiple times when other jocks would push me around in gym class.

44Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 18:26



Sym, this is one of the guys who put a kid in the hospital last year, for cheering for the opposing team. He's so blindingly retarded that his coach basically has to pull him through his basic classes. He fucking deserves it.

I get that you're trying to protect the images of jocks everywhere, but the vast majority of them don't deserve protection. You may have been a good guy in HS. but that's an exception.

45Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 18:26



I should mention, he's a senior.

46Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 18:27



Jocks dont exist at ghetto schools...

And ive been mildly drunk at school before, but didnt get caught Wink

47Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 18:34



A serious civil discussion on the SeC Very Happy


48Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 18:35

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Zillah wrote:Jocks dont exist at ghetto schools...

And ive been mildly drunk at school before, but didnt get caught Wink

I have too, I also used to go out and smoke pot at lunch all the time. But if I got caught I knew I was done as far as sports go.

49Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 18:37



When I got in trouble for drinking at school I was suspended for one week from school

It was basketball season, and I missed 4 games. I thought that was a pretty severe punishment to be honest.

50Free HUGO! Empty Re: Free HUGO! 2012-12-17, 18:39


Zillah wrote:Jocks dont exist at ghetto schools...

And ive been mildly drunk at school before, but didnt get caught Wink

Wut, yeah they do, we had a really chill football team though(definitely did get away with more stuff but eh) but i knew a good amount of them shit the one lineman is playing for flordia on a full ride scholarship right now.

Guy had like 3 schools offer him it too.

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