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Captain Pirate Pineapple
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Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Fathers, hide your at least 21 years of aged daughters. Mothers, don't let me speak to those daughters. Sisters, are you at least 21 too?!

Pineapple is back at it again. I'm kind of mad though. Was planning on breaking up with the girlfriend today after work. Can't handle the bullshit with her anymore. It's kind of hard to bend over backwards when I'm always getting fucked in the ass. Well she just sent me two text messages (from a phone I bought and put on my plan and pay for) saying that she doesn't want to break up, but just wants some space. I'm shouldn't go over after work or blow up her phone. I'm leaving work soon to go home, shower, get all dressed up, while downloading some Jay Z (99 Problems), then getting my shit, and going to a friends graduation tonight. He's graduating college to be a LPN. I've seen some pictures of the girls he's in school with. Quite a few of them are single. We are all going out celebrating afterwards too, so I won't have to spend too much money to get them drunk, because they will be doing it themselves!



So what you're saying is...Kalei, the great womanizing, booze-flowing pineapple we know and love, the closest thing to Barney Stinson that will ever exist, is back?

The length of the title for this topic must be ranging between 4 and 255 characters YbJfB



Great. More STD spreading. [sighs]



sheep wrote:Great. More STD spreading. [sighs]

You say that like it's a bad thing.



The spreading of STD's is always a bad thing

What are you Typhoid Marys son Herpes Pariah?



Frostbyrn wrote:The spreading of STD's is always a bad thing

What are you Typhoid Marys son Herpes Pariah?

spreading of STDs reduces population. That's typically a good thing, reduces resource competition.



Pariah wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:The spreading of STD's is always a bad thing

What are you Typhoid Marys son Herpes Pariah?

spreading of STDs reduces population. That's typically a good thing, reduces resource competition.


Most arent fatal though and the stupid clinically retarded portion of the population still seem to breed like rats



Frostbyrn wrote:
Pariah wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:The spreading of STD's is always a bad thing

What are you Typhoid Marys son Herpes Pariah?

spreading of STDs reduces population. That's typically a good thing, reduces resource competition.


Most arent fatal though and the stupid clinically retarded portion of the population still seem to breed like rats

too true.......too true....

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Pariah wrote:So what you're saying is...Kalei, the great womanizing, booze-flowing pineapple we know and love, the closest thing to Barney Stinson that will ever exist, is back?

The length of the title for this topic must be ranging between 4 and 255 characters YbJfB

I know an Indian dude who is extremely Stinson-esque. He is sometimes referred to as the brown Barney Stinson.

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