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THQ Files For Bankruptcy, Unannounced Games Revealed

The Adli Corporation
Green bean Specialist
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Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

THQ has filed for bankruptcy, as part of a plan to sell all of the company’s games and assets to private investment firm Clearlake Capital Group for $60 million.

The publisher says that bankruptcy is a positive step that will enable the sale of the company and hopefully ensure that its in-development titles make it to shelves.

As part of the agreement THQ will sell its "four owned studios and games in development". The plan is for the publisher to continue working as normal during the sale process.

"The sale [of the company] needs to be completed through a Chapter 11 proceeding of the Bankruptcy code," THQ president Jason Rubin explained in an open letter.

"The most important thing to understand is that Chapter 11 does not mean the end of the THQ story or the end of the titles you love. Quite the opposite is true, actually.

"Chapter 11 is a safety net for U.S. companies. American Airlines is currently in Chapter 11 restructuring, yet I flew back and forth on that airline when I visited Volition two weeks ago. Donald Trump and his companies have been in Chapter 11 four times.

"You can add to that list household names such as Macy's, Eddie Bauer, the Chicago Cubs, Chrysler, Delta Airlines, General Motors, the Pittsburgh Penguins, Marvel Studios, and MGM, among many others.

"MGM filed Chapter 11 two years ago, and this year it released Skyfall and The Hobbit, two of the biggest titles of the year. That's what I mean when I say new start!

"Whatever happens, the teams and products look likely to end up together and in good hands. That means you can still pre-order Metro: Last Light, Company of Heroes 2, and South Park: The Stick of Truth.

"Our teams are still working on those titles as you read this, and all other rumored titles, like the fourth Saints Row, the Homefront sequel, and a lot more are also still in the works."

Indeed, tucked away in THQ’s bankruptcy filing are details on every game the company has in development, including projected sales numbers.

The list reveals that the four THQ-owned studios, Turtle Rock, THQ Montreal, Relic Entertainment and Vigil Games, are all working on new, unannounced IP. And though we know little about the contents of these games, we do know their working titles.

Left 4 Dead creator Turtle Rock Studios is developing a co-op action game called ‘Evolve,’ THQ Montreal - led by Assassin's Creed creative lead Patrice Désilets - is working on something called ‘1666,’ Space Marine developer Relic Entertainment is making a game called ‘Atlas,’ and Darksiders dev Vigil Games is working on ‘Crawler’ alongside Saints Row 4.

You can see THQ’s predictions for its upcoming slate of games below, in an image taken direct from THQ’s bankruptcy filing.

THQ Files For Bankruptcy, Unannounced Games Revealed Thq


Those are some pretty hopeful numbers to be honest. Pretty sure WWE'13 hasn't even sold half of that.

I think SR4 and the South park thing will be pretty big.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

SR4 and South Park have reputation and strong franchises to lean on.

Homefront 2... not so much. im still interested in it though, Homefront was a fun game before the multiplayer collapsed Sad



The Adli Corporation wrote:SR4 and South Park have reputation and strong franchises to lean on.

Homefront 2... not so much. im still interested in it though, Homefront was a fun game before the multiplayer collapsed Sad

Thats how I joined SeC, through you and Homefront..whenever we played,,bit of shotgun rained supreme...really fun mp wish I didnt stop playing due to BF games

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Homefront had some cool ideas, it's just many were not implemented correctly, and the story was a massive let down IMO



I enjoyed the story...but I wish it was more detailed and fleshed out. I think the multiplayer was layed out well and was enjoyable

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Agreed, multiplayer was okay, it had some really great ideas, that I think if the developers had a bigger budget could have made the game really great. Sadly that wasn't the case.



it was great but due to budget not tested enough before hadn and no dedicated servers...bit of bugs made it unfun sometimes but it was usually really fun...killstreaks (scorestreaks really) were amazing

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

menacinglemon wrote:Thats how I joined SeC, through you and Homefront..whenever we played,,bit of shotgun rained supreme...really fun mp wish I didnt stop playing due to BF games

lmao yeah. i remember when we both got the Shotgun from the german website code giveaway. playing on that tiny-ass map with C4 and shotguns was hilarious.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I played a lot of the MP and it was raw, but at least it had some new ideas. they needed better gun and skill balancing. the LMGs sucked, and if you bought anything other than a tank on big levels you were wasting your money.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Ferris wrote:I played a lot of the MP and it was raw, but at least it had some new ideas. they needed better gun and skill balancing. the LMGs sucked, and if you bought anything other than a tank on big levels you were wasting your money.

the T3AK with the recoil-less perk was king. oh, and cluster bombs... god i loved those cluster bombs Cool



haha cluster bombs where the shit...UAV, cluster bomb...and soething else

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

Ubisoft Rumoured to be Eyeing THQ Bid

"With THQ recently filing for bankruptcy, it appears that Ubisoft is potentially considering a bid to buy up the ailing publisher's assets, should THQ work through its financial troubles. Should Ubisoft acquire THQ's assets, it would snatch up the company's brands and development studios in the process.

Although THQ is on the market, there are no planned studio or office closures, and a so-called 'stalking horse bid' with an investor essentially means that the publisher's debts will be written off, enabling the business to continue operating, making for a more desirable acquisition.

Sources say that Ubisoft is currently in lengthy talks with THQ and presumably new owners Clearlake Investments regarding the brokering of a deal. Allegedly, Ubisoft is looking for a 'bargain buy' according to sources, and is happy to wait until THQ sells off specific assets like it did with Midway four years ago.

Ubisoft's acquisition of THQ - if the reports from sources turn out to be legitimate - would mean a takeover of five studios, such as Volition and Vigil with intellectual properties including Saints Row, Darksiders, Homefront, Red Faction and licenses like WWE and Warhammer 40K. As with any rumour, take this with a pinch of salt, but for Ubisoft, acquiring THQ's brands and studios could be an enormously savvy move."



Shitty, I don't want Uplay for all of those games' future installments.

But if it means Activision/Blizzard or That one other company doesn't buy THQ...then Ubisoft better get on it and buy buy buy

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

menacinglemon wrote:haha cluster bombs where the shit...UAV, cluster bomb...and soething else

UAV with the explodey perk! loved flying in front of camping snipers and getting shot down, especially on the mode where they would have 1 kill left for 5* threat level XD



haha oh yeah...i remember driving into people to go boom....I miss that game

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

menacinglemon wrote:haha oh yeah...i remember driving into people to go boom....I miss that game

after a few kills they stopped shooting my UAV. unlucky for them, their friends didnt Laughing


menacinglemon many memories...those jeeps were so annoying too >_<

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

As long as my wrasslin games font get messed with I'm fine



I ALMOST got WWE 13 on black friday


JrTapia1991 wrote:I ALMOST got WWE 13 on black friday

After i finished the story mode i got bored of it. Universe mode just doesn't feel as fun as it sounds which is kind of weird because i was ok with it in 2011.

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