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BC2 Vietnam class video.

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1BC2 Vietnam class video. Empty BC2 Vietnam class video. 2010-10-11, 17:14



Looks pretty good though the guy playing is not really good at the game.

2BC2 Vietnam class video. Empty Re: BC2 Vietnam class video. 2010-10-11, 18:18



"Dis is the type of WEY-Pans dey used back back 50-60 years aga during Vietman"

3BC2 Vietnam class video. Empty Re: BC2 Vietnam class video. 2010-10-11, 20:05



Damn i dont really give a shit about the Medics Gadgets i wanted to see what the Sniper and Assault carried

4BC2 Vietnam class video. Empty Re: BC2 Vietnam class video. 2010-10-11, 20:39



It'd be cool if the 40mm shotgun/40mm smoke equivalents were a sawed-off DB and a smoke grenade fired from a sling-shot.

but whatever

5BC2 Vietnam class video. Empty Re: BC2 Vietnam class video. 2010-10-11, 23:58



Frostbyrn wrote:Damn i dont really give a shit about the Medics Gadgets i wanted to see what the Sniper and Assault carried

M21 or Scoped M14...yeah. Since it is Nam. Expect a Moshin Nagant and Draganov.

6BC2 Vietnam class video. Empty Re: BC2 Vietnam class video. 2010-10-12, 00:19


I loved the "ultra-modern tin boxes" part. They need a better guy for this stuff. He thought the Vietnam War was 60 years ago, it wasn't. He said that they chose weapons from the Vietnam War to put into the game. WHOA! Revolutionary ideas here huh?

7BC2 Vietnam class video. Empty Re: BC2 Vietnam class video. 2010-10-12, 03:04



I know they should Remake 2142 So much more Fun Very Happy

8BC2 Vietnam class video. Empty Re: BC2 Vietnam class video. 2010-10-12, 03:23



Frostbyrn wrote:I know they should Remake 2142 So much more Fun Very Happy

Forgetting about useless wookies and Camo?

Or having every point capped by the enemy and having a huge ass army of tanks, IFVs, gunships and mechs barreling down on you?

Or playing Camp Gib OVER AND OVER AND OVER (not that I mind).

Or what happens when an MW2 finds prone?

9BC2 Vietnam class video. Empty Re: BC2 Vietnam class video. 2010-10-12, 03:24



Thats why i said Remake with BC2's Engine

Titan mode FTW Very Happy

10BC2 Vietnam class video. Empty Re: BC2 Vietnam class video. 2010-10-13, 13:38

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Just tell us what's on the radio and I'll be happy.

11BC2 Vietnam class video. Empty Re: BC2 Vietnam class video. 2010-10-13, 13:47



WOw that guy did a bad job at explaining the game I thought! Ok do you REALLY have to tell me everytime you equip a new gun that it is rusty and tied up with cloth??? I got it the first time guy!

I will be buying this though! O yes it will be mine!

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