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You guys go see the Hobbit yet?

Ron Swanson
Dropped Da Soap
11 posters

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Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

If you haven't you really should.

The book is one of my all time favorites and the film did not disappoint.
Sure Jackson too some major liberties with things but they worked out wonderfully.

The riddles in the dark scene, easily now in my top ten scenes of all time. I had chills watching it.

Now I'm going to go see it again with friends. If y'all can see it in Imax 3d.
I hate 3d with a passion but it was beautiful in this movie. It isn't pop out at you 3d but more adds a load of depth to every scene 3d. Makes so many scenes amazing to watch. Like Gollum peering down a long hall at Bilbo when he's chasing him, or thorin charging azok. It's amazing



I saw it! I liked it a lot myself

Still don't like 3d so even though you make it sounds fun, I'll probably skip since every 3d movie I've ever seen gave me a head ache from the stupid glasses, and I seem to have trouble focusing right to see all the popping out crap.

I know some people complained that there is singing... but jesus, there was a new song every chapter in the book. Plus I think the Misty Mountain song was pretty.



I saw it, and it was really good. But my only complaint...

deus ex Gandalf



I loved it was awesome...two more movies to go.



saw it (in 2d.) it was pretty good. i agree with the deus ex gandalf thing though.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I really should go, but I have this terrible thing about movies and games and such where I can feel them reaching for my pocketbook. The Hobbit didn't have enough content to fill 3 movies. I see the whole thing as a cash grab and I don't like it. If you make the Hobbit into 3 movies the LotR saga should have been 8.

But as a diehard Tolkien fan I will go see, and probably buy all three movies >_>



Ferris wrote:I really should go, but I have this terrible thing about movies and games and such where I can feel them reaching for my pocketbook. The Hobbit didn't have enough content to fill 3 movies. I see the whole thing as a cash grab and I don't like it. If you make the Hobbit into 3 movies the LotR saga should have been 8.

But as a diehard Tolkien fan I will go see, and probably buy all three movies >_>

I had the exact same thoughts before I saw it. I think the reason it works is because they make it so detailed and well-done, that it basically pulls you in anyway.



never seen any of



Will wait till it comes to blu ray more than likely



I saw it with Pariah, really good! I can't wait for the next one! Surprised

I never read the book, though....haha.



Not yet, but I really need to go see it.
There's no way I can miss it while it's in theaters seeing as how I'm buying the pinball machine for it.

That would be silly.

Forgot to mention that a guy I work with has seen it 9 times, in every format available (imax, 3D, High FPS, standard etc...). He is a Tolkien freak and he said it is fantastic. Additions and all.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

haven't seen it yet but I would like to.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I've seen it three times in 5 days. Tempted to go see it again today with a different group of friends



I've read the hobbit and Lord of the RIngs at least a dozen times. I am also probab;y a Tolkein freak as Metal mentions... well....

I loved it! There is one part at the end I didn't care for as its really not in character for that part of the journey but otherwise this was an AWESOME movie and a blast to see. I just went for regular 2D as I am not really a fan of 3D. THe new additions to the movie are well done and perfect for the story. Perfect blend of action, humor, story telling. I agree the Lonely mountain theme is awesome. I downloaded the end credit songs of Itunes I liked it so much.

Go see this movie! Going to go again and take my Dad in a week or so!

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