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Microsoft cant wait for E3

Green bean Specialist
Ron Swanson
12 posters

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1Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 00:25



Looking forward to it myself.

2Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 11:03


grader wrote:

Looking forward to it myself.

Only 5 months away >.>

3Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 11:49

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

E3 is always cool, but I won't get excited for it for another 4 3/4 months

4Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 11:55


I just want some new tech... Playing Far cry 3 kinda shows the 360's age especially when people are talking and the frame rate gets really choppy.

5Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 12:54



I feel kinda guilty, since I haven't played xbox in a while. But I might check out E3.

6Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 13:03

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

My xbox gets played, or at least used, every day.

7Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 13:20



Microsoft hasnt done this before,that I know of.I think what this really is, is a countdown to the big unveiling of the next Xbox to be done at E3.

8Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 14:20


I just want to know the specs of it to know what to expect..

9Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 14:54



probably quad core cpu,and AMD 6850 GPU from what I've read,with maybe 4gb or 8gb of ram.

10Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 15:19


Wasn't the 6850 a rumor? Anyways a dedicated GPU would help a lot considering the 360 doesn't even have that.

I guess it's really all rumors since nothing has been said yet.

11Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 16:55



Prepare to spend 600 bucks if the console is even somewhat powerful

12Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 17:21

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

13Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 17:28



LOL at that article

16 gigs of ram in a console?

Thats just ridiculous

12 gigs of ram is more than enough, way more.

They need to focus on GPU and heat control. Not RAM.

14Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 17:33



Sym wrote:LOL at that article

16 gigs of ram in a console?

Thats just ridiculous

12 gigs of ram is more than enough, way more.

They need to focus on GPU and heat control. Not RAM.

Some grammar mistakes in there as well.

But 6-8gb would be perfectly fine...since most computers run on 4 - 8...

An the 360 is only what....512mb of ram.

15Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 17:59



yea was gonna be 256mb but Epic told em for Gears it neede 512mb

16Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 18:07



ooooh cool

17Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 18:29



It would be nice for it to have a lot more ram, but agree with Sym, heat control and GPU are a lot more important (but then, saying "we have a shit-ton more RAM!" probably appeals to less hardware-savvy gamers)

18Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 18:43




Microsoft just annoys me these days

I thought the original Xbox was cool as hell, 360 was pretty good, but man....I dont know what they are thinking any more console wise....Same could be said for Sony.

19Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 18:45



paying for the online is a joke too,alot are fed up with it

20Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 18:48




People need to wake up and stop being robbed

21Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 18:48


I am just really anxious for something new why i might just go PC eventually. I just want to see some facts about it.

22Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 18:50



I can almost promise that a mid range PC right now will be more powerful than next gen consoles.

I honestly believe consoles are in trouble this next gen unless something drastic happens.

23Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 18:52


Sym wrote:I can almost promise that a mid range PC right now will be more powerful than next gen consoles.

I honestly believe consoles are in trouble this next gen unless something drastic happens.

That's what i am kinda thinking..

24Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 18:53



chunckylover53 wrote:
Sym wrote:I can almost promise that a mid range PC right now will be more powerful than next gen consoles.

I honestly believe consoles are in trouble this next gen unless something drastic happens.

That's what i am kinda thinking..

Almost 100% sure of this. No way an economy gaming console will out-do a gaming PC.

25Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 18:56



I'd just go for the pc personally got more freedom. You could go cheap with the build for 500 total, Pentium G860 dual core cpu,and like a AMD 7750 or even a 7850 -7870, cheapest 8gb ram, or even 4gb....etc etc.

getting the sandy bridge pentium would allow you to upgrade to an i5 or i7 later on for the 1155 socket

if you want a quad,the amd phenom I heard still is decent to this day. These days,most games just depend on a decent gpu. That AMD 7750 can max out BF3 on 1600x900 resolution, was looking up benchmarks on it the other day.

26Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 18:59



chunckylover53 wrote:
Sym wrote:I can almost promise that a mid range PC right now will be more powerful than next gen consoles.

I honestly believe consoles are in trouble this next gen unless something drastic happens.

That's what i am kinda thinking..

The reason being is that tech had improved dramatically over what was available 7 to 8 years ago. Much more than the average console gen. And there is a few reasons for it.

- The abnormal length of this gen
- High end GPUS have improved exponentially the past 5
- High price of high end hardware will make consoles no longer accessible to the general public anymore if they do indeed go that route.

People buy consoles for 3 reasons mostly
-low entry cost
- ease of use
- friends

One of those reasons will be totally wiped out if the hope to compete tech wise.

PLUS they are talking about up-gradable hardware for next gen, which in theory is cool. But how many console owners are going to want to take apart their system and tinker with the build? Not many I imagine. At that point you just might as well be on PC.

I know some of you guys think Im a PC fanboy, and I kinda am. But I have my reasons, and stuff like this is pretty eye opening. To me at least.

27Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 19:21

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

This is more funny Smile

28Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 19:21



Green bean Specialist wrote:

This is more funny Smile


29Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 19:23



Pariah wrote:
Green bean Specialist wrote:

This is more funny Smile


Holy shit thats awesome

But really? Its gonna be two more years before these things are released. Thats a long time

30Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 19:26



If the new console doesnt appease me...full gaming pc is my moneys worth i guess

31Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 19:30



The only way I buy new consoles is if the price is incredibly low and they have some amazing exclusives. I might consider it then. But I doubt the price will be low.

32Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 19:39



i7s and gtx 680s in the new xbox Laughing

33Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 19:44



JrTapia1991 wrote:i7s and gtx 680s in the new xbox Laughing

Haha impossible, but cool nonetheless

I bet the next consoles will be close to a GTX 560 ti

34Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 19:46



Hopefully they don't go with AMD, but they probably will since it's cheaper.

35Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 20:02



I swear I heard the PS4 will be using an AMD APU.

36Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 20:04



Yea they will probably go the AMD route

37Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 20:07



I really want to try a build using that 8350 8core AMD cpu >__>

38Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 20:10



Naw Intel is soooo much better

39Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 20:13



Yeah, an Intel CPU can tear up an AMD one with the same clock speed.

40Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 20:14

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

41Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 20:19



I would be alot more pro console is the hardware wasn't stagnant

42Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 23:07



It's a better gaming experience on PC, that's why I'm switching.

Though playing with friends is very convenient on console.

43Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 23:20


It's a hard decision to be honest, i feel kind of weird dropping so much money on something that'll mostly be used for gaming, even though i game a lot.

44Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 23:22



You'd be surprised. I get a ton of use out of my PC.

45Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-03, 23:43



I use my PC a ton

I use it for pretty much all my entertainment besides playing guitar

46Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-04, 02:51



I agree that I'm a bit worried the next batch of consoles won't have the oomph that I really want them to.

However the "gaming PC's are better, consoles are doomed!" argument isn't new. Remember I ran and owned game stores from 91 to 04 and that has been said every generation.

Even as far back as the NES/SNES transition people were saying "Systems are doomed/suck Computers are soooo much more powerful" (although then it was people adamant that Amiga was going to crush all).

Back when I PC gamed we thought the same thing: "PC's are going to push consoles out of the market" etc... In fact that is why I started buying/selling and renting PC games so heavily back then.

It never happened throughout those gens, so I don't see it carrying any more weight now. In fact over those generations the gaming market and consoles in particular have grown stronger, not less.

I'm just scared you wiener licking PC dorks are going to corrupt me... Very Happy

47Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-04, 04:37



Sym wrote:I can almost promise that a mid range PC right now will be more powerful than next gen consoles.

I honestly believe consoles are in trouble this next gen unless something drastic happens.

No it wont. Not in 3-5 years.

48Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-04, 04:43



Tom wrote:
Sym wrote:I can almost promise that a mid range PC right now will be more powerful than next gen consoles.

I honestly believe consoles are in trouble this next gen unless something drastic happens.

No it wont. Not in 3-5 years.


I dont understand your post?

Next gen consoles wont more powerful than mid range gaming PC's. I dont know what your hearing.

49Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-04, 04:49



Sym wrote:
Tom wrote:
Sym wrote:I can almost promise that a mid range PC right now will be more powerful than next gen consoles.

I honestly believe consoles are in trouble this next gen unless something drastic happens.

No it wont. Not in 3-5 years.


I dont understand your post?

Next gen consoles wont more powerful than mid range gaming PC's. I dont know what your hearing.

Of course they will not be more powerful, but by then games on consoles will look as good (or better I am guessing) and run better than they would on a mid-range pc that is 3-5 years old. You need to take into account just how optimized console games are compared to pc games. Just look at the PS3, no PC that is as old PS3 could run PS3 games with the same level of detail at 30 fps.

50Microsoft cant wait for E3 Empty Re: Microsoft cant wait for E3 2013-01-04, 04:52



Well 3-5 years after the next gen consoles come out mid range in the PC world will blow whatever they put in the consoles out of the water.

You do make a valid point about optimization though

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