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*Drops Mic*

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1*Drops Mic* Empty *Drops Mic* 2013-01-18, 04:27



So this chick has been just berating the shit out of my gay friend and he cant switch his Facebook to private because he also uses it for work

My other friends have tried to talk to her and sort her out with logic and stuff but she sticks to her stupid Anti-gay religious propaganda but her calling him a F***** was the last straw

Anyway I manipulated my way onto her friends list using another friends account and since he is a model she seemed pretty interested

So I ask her

"Are you a magician?"

"No why Wink "

"Because I looked at you and my boner disappeared"

Its got 32 likes so far

Very Happy

2*Drops Mic* Empty Re: *Drops Mic* 2013-01-18, 08:52

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

cant he just... block and report her for harassment?

3*Drops Mic* Empty Re: *Drops Mic* 2013-01-18, 11:09

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Why Adli, that's just using logic..... This is the internet, where logic isn't allowed.

4*Drops Mic* Empty Re: *Drops Mic* 2013-01-18, 11:47



The Adli Corporation wrote:cant he just... block and report her for harassment?


Also, how exactly does she keep going? I mean, I get the religious fervor, but fucks sake, he's a gay guy being harassed. There's no end of help he can get.

5*Drops Mic* Empty Re: *Drops Mic* 2013-01-18, 14:07



this is tumblr, 4chan, or reddit crusade waiting to happen. Frost what are you doing.

6*Drops Mic* Empty Re: *Drops Mic* 2013-01-18, 15:39



She kept making multiple accounts

Lol you should see all the replys

"OMG she is a magician"

"Ha you ugly"

"She also killed my lady boner"

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