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J.J Abrams To Direct Star Wars Ep. VII

4 posters

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This could either be really good or really bad.



I predict really bad


I dunno



Eh...I'm gonna go with cautious optimism on this one.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Hmm...I'm warily optimistic, but I won't get my hopes high. I hope that someone will eventually pick up the story of Revan and his exploits back during the old republic, now THAT is something I'd go watch if it was any good.



Why they havent is beyond me

Revan is like a fucking Jedi Batman



I prefer Darth Malak

Revan is pretty cool though

We need the movie to focus on the darker elements of the universe

That would be awesome



In my head Malak sounds exactly Bane now thanks to my Batman comparison




When the republic is dead you have my permission to die

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

That would be epic sym, I would like to see greater elaboration on the siths rise to power from the original sith lord/emperor



They need a movie about Jacen Solo and the Yuuzhan Vong.



Fuck the whole Yuuzhan Vong war



Frostbyrn wrote:Fuck the whole Yuuzhan Vong war

dude...Darth Caedus is the best of them all. fucking avatar of the force and shit.



Artimise Flare wrote:That would be epic sym, I would like to see greater elaboration on the siths rise to power from the original sith lord/emperor

Yes exactly

Focus on the Sith

Its a dark, violent universe, and the films gloss over that fact. Most of the Star Wars universe is the slums, dirty, dingy, violent, dangerous etc.

Not saying make it over the top, but with a focus on some of the darker elements they could really give the series a breath of fresh air instead of all the PRO JEDI crap

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I agree, I want to see how the machinations of the dark side managed to nearly bring the entire galaxy to its knees came about. I remember I watch the holocron videos when i was still interested in Star Wars the old republic MMO. So much history and so much potential there.

From that material alone i think you'd be able to easily make several movies. Lets not even start on the stories of the various other sith lords that were talked about in the games.



Pariah wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:Fuck the whole Yuuzhan Vong war

dude...Darth Caedus is the best of them all. fucking avatar of the force and shit.

I would take your opinion more seriously if you didnt get a verbal boner every time you put Darth in front of something



It can only be better than the last 3 movies.
Actually all he would have to do is film a dogturd for 2 hours straight and it would be better than the last 3 movies.

The last 20 minutes of the most recent movie is probably the lamest thing ever put on film since the big bang. On any planet anywhere in the universe.



Metalzoic wrote:It can only be better than the last 3 movies.
Actually all he would have to do is film a dogturd for 2 hours straight and it would be better than the last 3 movies.

The last 20 minutes of the most recent movie is probably the lamest thing ever put on film since the big bang. On any planet anywhere in the universe.

The #1 movie in America was called "Ass." And that's all it was for 90 minutes. It won eight Oscars that year, including best screenplay.

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