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Anyone care to write a FO:NV featurette?

Epyk MD
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Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Making FO:NV featured game of 10.18.10

But seeing as iv only played 20mins of fallout 3 I doubt I would do it justice.
Any volunteers on writing up an article?



I would write it if I had the game, but sadly, I won't be able to get it Sad

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

FGotW is your take on unreleased games, finding up to date info or vids and adding a splash of your thoughts of how the game will turn out or how you think it will measure up to it predecessors



I'd do it but would you people be able to handle my combination of Verbosity and poor grammer?



If nobody will do it I'll give it a shot.



Mr. Dr. Awesome wrote:FGotW is your take on unreleased games, finding up to date info or vids and adding a splash of your thoughts of how the game will turn out or how you think it will measure up to it predecessors

I'll do Black Ops when it comes out! Very Happy

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

You can do BO now if you like, showcasing vids theve released and your thoughts on the direction they are taking the game from what they've shown.
If we get them out before the game releases more ppl are informed about the game.

@GM I can be your editor.

@bla. Thanks, I'm looking forward to your game reviews as well


I could do one if you want. Want me to write one up or should I just leave it to the GM and Bla?



I'm HOPEFULLY going to gamestop tomorrow so I'll try and write some reviews on the games I get to get me started and stuff. Thanks for giving me the opportunity =]

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I can add all of them to the section, if you'd like to do one wacco that' be great.
If you want to do something different that be cool as well.
My update tomorrow is about the new TRON movie, so it doesn't have to be about gaming in general,


I think I'm gonna write one, because I've played Fallout 3 to death. Put in honestly like 200+ hours into that, done EVERYTHING there is to do.



Should we send you an email or pm you first so you can look over it?

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Then pm me so I know its there, I usually update every morning

Sounds good wacco, all articles are yours, so if some bigshot from a gaming mag sees it and wants to buy it, or offer you a job it will be taken down (dramatic circumstances, but you get the picture)

Feel free to send me anything, anytime ill get it put up. The more content the more exposer we will get and can attract more members and more content


Aight, so just have it done by the 18th?

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

No dead lines, I plan on adding for monday, but I can always write one up on a diff game if you don't get a chance to get to it.

Add any pics or embedded video codes in the email as well, my articles have been rather on the short side, somewhere in 500 word range (I maybe underestimating) check out the brink and breach articles to get an idea, but since your intimate with its predecessor I'm think length isn't going to be an issue (I know my ME3 feature is going to be huge).



Where do we find them?



Nevermind I found it lol =]



*steps out of the shadows*


If it ends up being that no one can do it I would be willing to do so.

*steps back into the shadows*

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I appreciate it jawas, if you ever feel like submitting anything else as well, please don't hesitate to email me.



I won't mind doing one in the future, I don't get many games as they come out, but some of the ones I do get I won't mind giving my opinion. Just for future reference.


I'd love to one of these, but I don't think I have the bandwidth to do one for FO Sad


Epyk, did you get the one I sent you the other day??

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