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Power outage!

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1Power outage! Empty Power outage! 2013-02-08, 17:50

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Just got power back after a six hour outage all across town. Was a pretty sweet deal really. I got to go home and relax for a bit, finished a book, and took a nap all during time i was supposed to be working.

The real question now is with three hours left in my normal workday should i return to work, or hideout the rest of the afternoon?

2Power outage! Empty Re: Power outage! 2013-02-08, 17:51


You should finish winning the Super Bowl Mr Harbaugh.

3Power outage! Empty Re: Power outage! 2013-02-08, 17:52



Ferris wrote:Just got power back after a six hour outage all across town. Was a pretty sweet deal really. I got to go home and relax for a bit, Jerked it for six hours my penis may fall off.

The real question now is with three hours left in my normal workday should i return to work, or hideout the rest of the afternoon?

Fix'd Very Happy

4Power outage! Empty Re: Power outage! 2013-02-08, 18:07



I'd hideout,probably not worth the gas money there and back lol

5Power outage! Empty Re: Power outage! 2013-02-08, 18:25



JrTapia1991 wrote: there and back

There and Back again:Terrys tale

6Power outage! Empty Re: Power outage! 2013-02-08, 18:29

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

JrTapia1991 wrote:I'd hideout,probably not worth the gas money there and back lol

I actually live within walking distance to my place of work. Its only like a 5 minute walk at best >_>

7Power outage! Empty Re: Power outage! 2013-02-08, 19:04



oh thats neat haha

8Power outage! Empty Re: Power outage! 2013-02-08, 19:08



Fuck work

God I hate my job

9Power outage! Empty Re: Power outage! 2013-02-08, 19:19



I actually wouldn't mind some pizza hut stuffed crust pizza right now lol

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