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Black Ops Customization

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1Black Ops Customization Empty Black Ops Customization 2010-10-13, 20:18



Wow, I hate to say it but this combined with those new game modes actually looks pretty fun. I might have to buy this eventually just so I can draw a duck with chainsaws for wings on my gun.

2Black Ops Customization Empty Re: Black Ops Customization 2010-10-13, 20:19



Finally somebody pulls their head out of the sand and admits that this game actually at least LOOKS to be better than MW2. Very Happy

3Black Ops Customization Empty Re: Black Ops Customization 2010-10-13, 20:22



I dunno what you're talking about Bob, I've thought Black Ops looked stellar from the start. Definitely going to the midnight launch for this.

Unless you were specifically referencing Mr. Saws.

4Black Ops Customization Empty Re: Black Ops Customization 2010-10-13, 20:23



No, no. Saws has been on the fence. I'm talking about SEVERAL people who's name's I will not mention, for the sake of courtesy.

Best Black Ops preview IMO.

5Black Ops Customization Empty Re: Black Ops Customization 2010-10-13, 20:27



I never said CoD wasn't fun. I've always said it was fun but I liked my games more strategic and a little less reliant on twitch shooting skills. I enjoyed MW2 a lot before I sold it actually but I just got bored of it because it seemed so repetitive. At least with this currency system and the new game modes it will probably hold my attention for longer than MW2.

Really the first time I played CoD online was when I played the WaW beta at my friends house and was unimpressed because I was going positive and owning people my first time ever playing CoD! But I've never really played much of a Treyarch game so maybe I'll have to change my thoughts about them.

6Black Ops Customization Empty Re: Black Ops Customization 2010-10-13, 20:29



Ducksaws wrote:I never said CoD wasn't fun. I've always said it was fun but I liked my games more strategic and a little less reliant on twitch shooting skills. I enjoyed MW2 a lot before I sold it actually but I just got bored of it because it seemed so repetitive. At least with this currency system and the new game modes it will probably hold my attention for longer than MW2.

Really the first time I played CoD online was when I played the WaW beta at my friends house and was unimpressed because I was going positive and owning people my first time ever playing CoD! But I've never really played much of a Treyarch game so maybe I'll have to change my thoughts about them.

That's because everybody who played the Beta was retarded. If you play against decent teams of people, or people like me (I'm not that good, don't even start it >_>), or other people that are really good, like Xcal, BlameTruth, and Co., it gets ugly for you and your team really fast.

7Black Ops Customization Empty Re: Black Ops Customization 2010-10-13, 20:36



Yeah I know that, it's possible to be good at CoD. In BC2 I got my assed kicked for my first weeks of playing even though I had 200+ hours of BC1 training, against the same retarded randoms I face today and destroy. I just felt like, against your average player, doing good in CoD depended a lot more on luck than other games like Halo or Battlefield.

8Black Ops Customization Empty Re: Black Ops Customization 2010-10-13, 20:41



I don't know, because that's how I felt in BC2. The only reason you die at the beginning is because of how shitty all the starter weapons were before the updates vs. the better ones (bar the M24). After I got unlocks and weapons, I had no problem slaughtering anybody not in a vehicle, and stopped using vehicles for a long time because in the right hands, they are unstoppable. I outright refuse to use about 20%-30% of the BC2 weapons. Not to mention I have to get readjusted to the framerate every time I play (I want to scream "MY EYES!" lol)

9Black Ops Customization Empty Re: Black Ops Customization 2010-10-13, 20:49



Yeah, I know that feeling. After i gave CoD4 back to my friend and went back to BC1 I felt like everything was in slow motion.

And really the SCAR and XM8 are some of my favorite weapons. I didn't feel really disadvantaged at all in the beginning.

I only use the M16 because I started to pretend it was like other BF games and now sometimes I only use the Russian or American defaults depending on what team im on.

10Black Ops Customization Empty Re: Black Ops Customization 2010-10-13, 21:02



Ducksaws wrote:

I only use the M16 because I started to pretend it was like other BF games and now sometimes I only use the Russian or American defaults depending on what team im on.

That sounds like kind of a cool idea. But also, all the last weapons for every class are almost completely better than the rest, which makes sense, but I wish they are were all equal. Tbqh, the only reason I used the shotgun with slugs originally because:

1.)I've always wanted to snipe with a shotgun, because it would be hilarious.
2.) It's the only reliable way to kill people sometimes, especially back in the days of the lag.

11Black Ops Customization Empty Re: Black Ops Customization 2010-10-13, 21:27



M16 is ok I guess, I actually think the XM8 is the best assault rifle. Something about the M416's sights seems messed up.

The UMP is really good, a complete beast with Magnum ammo and a 4x. But I still prefer the SCAR.

The MG3 is probably the best, but for a while it was the M60. I don't think singleplayer got patched, so using an M60 magnum ammo on onslaught just feels unfair hahah

M95 is actually the worst sniper IMO

12Black Ops Customization Empty Re: Black Ops Customization 2010-10-13, 21:31



Ducksaws wrote:M16 is ok I guess, I actually think the XM8 is the best assault rifle. Something about the M416's sights seems messed up.

The UMP is really good, a complete beast with Magnum ammo and a 4x. But I still prefer the SCAR.

The MG3 is probably the best, but for a while it was the M60. I don't think singleplayer got patched, so using an M60 magnum ammo on onslaught just feels unfair hahah

M95 is actually the worst sniper IMO

Forgot about the M95. BA Snipers actually seem to go backwards, level wise in terms of effectiveness.

The XM8 is nowhere near as good as the AN-94/M16/M416. The 416 is like the BC2 version of MW2's ACR, the M16 is like a laser pointer that kills ridiculously fast if you aim at the head, because it will never miss, and the AN-94 is the best weapon in teh game.

The M60 really isn't that good any more, it's just easy to wield.

And the UMP is far better than the SCAR. Easier to control, same damage, and only has 5 less rounds.

13Black Ops Customization Empty Re: Black Ops Customization 2010-10-13, 21:33


I'm gonna have to say the UMP is almost my least favorite SMG. For some reason I just don't like it at all. The SCAR and the 9A-91 just have a better feel for me. The SCAR was my first platinum and I still love it, it just feels right to me.

14Black Ops Customization Empty Re: Black Ops Customization 2010-10-13, 21:38



Wacco wrote:I'm gonna have to say the UMP is almost my least favorite SMG. For some reason I just don't like it at all. The SCAR and the 9A-91 just have a better feel for me. The SCAR was my first platinum and I still love it, it just feels right to me.

I would rather forcibly remove my own genitalia with a mechanical pencil than use the SCAR.

15Black Ops Customization Empty Re: Black Ops Customization 2010-10-13, 21:47


I dunno why, I love it.

16Black Ops Customization Empty Re: Black Ops Customization 2010-10-13, 21:49



It's a love/hate gun. Ever since I've used it, ever since even my pre-BC2 GameFAQs days, I've always just hated it. I even hated the SCAR in MW2; OP, but I couldn't use it because the firing rate and 20 round clip felt really clunky.

17Black Ops Customization Empty Re: Black Ops Customization 2010-10-13, 21:56



I think it looks pretty cool. And I was going with my "default guns" role play so I just ended up using it.

But seriously it's not an SMG or really a carbine. I would've liked to see it made into an assault rifle.

18Black Ops Customization Empty Re: Black Ops Customization 2010-10-13, 22:05



I just don't like the feel/look of the gun at all. It looks like somebody took a shit, pressed it into a mold for a gun made out of child's play blocks, and it that's the structure of it. In other games, the SCAR always fires at a clunky *chunk chunk chunk chunk chunk* kind of firing rate. The BAR even feels cool to use, despites it's slow RoF, the SCAR just feels....clunky.

19Black Ops Customization Empty Re: Black Ops Customization 2010-10-13, 23:23

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

I just hope the guns act like their real life counterpart as best as possible. It does look fun and no doubt is probably gonna be better than Reach for me.

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