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Do you think Battlefield should include a modicum amount of customization?

Artimise Flare
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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

nothing too crazy, but like the style of scope or optic you'd like on your weapon, or perhaps other small details. Nothing as extensive as Rainbow six, or Halo Reach. Maybe etching your clan tag or or something onto the side of your weapon like they did in COD:BO?



I always thought it would be cool if you could customize certain portions of your guns, like different stocks, handguards, rail systems, etc. Completely unnecessary I know, but I still think it'd be cool.



I dont know, gun customization like that seems kinda gimmicky to me.



Hotdamnitssam wrote:I dont know, gun customization like that seems kinda gimmicky to me.

I know, that's why I said unnecessary, heh. I just like being able to personalize things in games. I wouldn't ever hold my breath for it and it's not something that disappoints me when I don't see it.



Yeah, it'd be something to work for after hitting Warrant Officer.



MEGA MILK wrote:Yeah, it'd be something to work for after hitting Warrant Officer.

I miss you Mega. Hold me. Sad



I miss you Mega. Hold me. Sad

Do you think Battlefield should include a modicum amount of customization? 1293138913011



*Punches anime in the hed killing it*

No to custom anything.



I wouldn't mind some customization. I don't see why anyone would be against it.



TheGM wrote:*Punches anime in the hed killing it*

No to custom anything.

Oh come on man, you're such a cold fish! Be creative!



Apparently theres supposed to be more weapon/character customization in Battlefield 3.



ante87 wrote:
TheGM wrote:*Punches anime in the hed killing it*

No to custom anything.

Oh come on man, you're such a cold fish! Be creative!

I could always hack the site to disable pics? Saving us all from hair lipped kids FOREVER!



Do you think Battlefield should include a modicum amount of customization? Ls01

But they're just so darn cute.



For BC3 I hope they just don't do any singleplayer and spend all of their money and time on the multiplayer.

I'd also like to see the medals from Modern Combat. Things like get 10 kills in one life, heal 10 guys in one life, kills 4 enemies with one magazine. A lot of those were extremely challenging in that game.

they shouldn't be achievements because some of them are next to impossible, but they were fun challenges to aim for.



I'm not sure about battlefield, but I would like to see a shooter with massive amounts of (realistic) customization.

First I want all the guns to mimic their real life counter-part: Weight, RoF, Ammunition, ballistics, trajectory, energy, mobility, damage based on where the bullet actually hits etc...

Different styles of all the different possible optics.
All the possible rail systems for that weapon.
Grips, stocks, slings.
All the possible gunsmithing options: trigger jobs, internals, chromed barrels, porting etc...
All the magazine options for that weapon. If I use dual mags I want to pick the style and color of the tape!
Ammunition/barrel changes.
Muzzle options.
Bipods/mounts options that actually work.
Left handed models/mods for lefties.
I want purely cosmetic mods like skeletonized triggers, hammers etc...
Customizable camo that can be tuned to the level.

And 10,000 more options for your actual character.

Then maybe I'd be happy....

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

bipods would be great



Metalzoic wrote:I'm not sure about battlefield, but I would like to see a shooter with massive amounts of (realistic) customization.

First I want all the guns to mimic their real life counter-part: Weight, RoF, Ammunition, ballistics, trajectory, energy, mobility, damage based on where the bullet actually hits etc...

Different styles of all the different possible optics.
All the possible rail systems for that weapon.
Grips, stocks, slings.
All the possible gunsmithing options: trigger jobs, internals, chromed barrels, porting etc...
All the magazine options for that weapon. If I use dual mags I want to pick the style and color of the tape!
Ammunition/barrel changes.
Muzzle options.
Bipods/mounts options that actually work.
Left handed models/mods for lefties.
I want purely cosmetic mods like skeletonized triggers, hammers etc...
Customizable camo that can be tuned to the level.

And 10,000 more options for your actual character.

Then maybe I'd be happy....

I think this could and should be done with the Borderlands engine.

Also, thanks for thinking of us lefties! Nothing like getting smoldering hot brass to the face!

KutKuSlayer wrote:bipods would be great

Functional bipods would be amazing.



I think for camo to really be affective, they need to get rid of the slight glow that you have.

If someones hiding in a forest in BC2 they kinda stick out from the brush (especially with an HD tv). I wish you could merge into the background more.



Hotdamnitssam wrote:I think for camo to really be affective, they need to get rid of the slight glow that you have.

If someones hiding in a forest in BC2 they kinda stick out from the brush (especially with an HD tv). I wish you could merge into the background more.

It would also help if the soldiers actually wore camouflage and the ghillie suits didn't look like green construction paper that was glued on. Also, wtf is with ghillie suits in FPS games now? No human being would be running around a battlefield with one of those, they'd pass out from heat exhaustion.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

^ especially since a lot of ghillie suits have thermal rentention to stop them showing up easily of thermal cameras Razz

+50 killing an enemy
+50 killing an enemy
{shotgun efficiency award}
-50 commited suicide




ante87 wrote:
Hotdamnitssam wrote:I think for camo to really be affective, they need to get rid of the slight glow that you have.

If someones hiding in a forest in BC2 they kinda stick out from the brush (especially with an HD tv). I wish you could merge into the background more.

It would also help if the soldiers actually wore camouflage and the ghillie suits didn't look like green construction paper that was glued on. Also, wtf is with ghillie suits in FPS games now? No human being would be running around a battlefield with one of those, they'd pass out from heat exhaustion.

Seriously, the gillie suit just looks like a bunch of dirty mop heads glued to a guy. They dont even give any camouflage. And to expand on my previous post, reduce the exposure of the players. that would solve it


People don't glow or anything, their movements are just easily identifiable and their clothes aren't the right color to blend in with.



Yeah and the Russians usually get screwed Camo wise at least the US can blend in on snow levels while the russians look like their still wearing fucking Urban camo

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Not to mention the red medic hat that acts like a fucking marker, man...



It doesnt even make sense to wear specact outfits on snowy maps, because the defaults are white, and the specacts are brownish green.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Maybe to pretend your a tree or something, man. Don't forget, Frost hates trees.



Speaking of camo.
Have you guys seen the new camo pattern on Bushmaster's ACR rifle?
At first I thought it looked like a reptile skin, but then I thought it looked like a broken light pattern on foliage. Strange and cool looking.

I can't find a picture of it but It's on the cover of one of the current magazines.



Metalzoic wrote:Speaking of camo.
Have you guys seen the new camo pattern on Bushmaster's ACR rifle?
At first I thought it looked like a reptile skin, but then I thought it looked like a broken light pattern on foliage. Strange and cool looking.

I can't find a picture of it but It's on the cover of one of the current magazines.

You are now obligated to provide said picture. *stares expectantly*



I went through several pages worth of google images and can't find it. It must be exclusive photos to the magazine.
Next time you're in a store check the magazine rack, the ACR is on the cover with lots more pictures inside.

When I first saw the cover I thought it was just the lighting they used for the pic but it's the actual gun camo. It seems to do a really good job of breaking up the weapons profile, it's almost hard to see detail in the gun.



Ha! I found it...
Do you think Battlefield should include a modicum amount of customization? Image.aspx?i=cover0041832

Do you think Battlefield should include a modicum amount of customization? Multi-mission-acr



Well, we know what camo will be on the next CoD. Pretty spiffy, though.

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