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Cthulhu saves the world!

Ron Swanson
7 posters

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1Cthulhu saves the world! Empty Cthulhu saves the world! 2013-02-25, 10:55

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Cthulhu saves the world! Boxart15

Its a sweet little indie game I came across the other day. Its only 80 MS but its fucking hilarious! Also a great throwback to old school NES RPG styling (Looks at Hydra).

But anyway, its only about 8 hours long, but if you want to find a fun, funny game to enjoy for a couple hours I couldn't recommend it enough.

2Cthulhu saves the world! Empty Re: Cthulhu saves the world! 2013-02-25, 14:10



I got the double pack of it and it's predecessor awhile back on steam for like a dollar,might play em next,heard they were cool

3Cthulhu saves the world! Empty Re: Cthulhu saves the world! 2013-02-25, 15:04

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

if you were in to RPGs in the early 90's you will like it

4Cthulhu saves the world! Empty Re: Cthulhu saves the world! 2013-02-25, 15:06



heard the one made before it Breath of Death VII is good,I guess it was trying to copy the name from the RPGs Breath of Fire....which I never played.

I like the old school stuff better than alot of new games....anything after Final Fantasy X seemed pretty bleh to me.

5Cthulhu saves the world! Empty Re: Cthulhu saves the world! 2013-02-25, 15:12


Tales of Vesperia is amazing and on the 360 if you havn't played that Jr, copies of it are pretty damn rare though.

EDIT:Just checked amazon and they have a bunch actually..

6Cthulhu saves the world! Empty Re: Cthulhu saves the world! 2013-02-25, 15:43



I heard alot about it that it's pretty good

I've had Final Fantasy 13 for awhile now just sitting there,got it new for like 9 bucks awhile back,reminds me of the old days since it's 3 discs haha

7Cthulhu saves the world! Empty Re: Cthulhu saves the world! 2013-02-25, 16:59

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

hmm color me intrigued. I'll have to look up some videos on this.

8Cthulhu saves the world! Empty Re: Cthulhu saves the world! 2013-02-25, 17:13

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Damn looks pretty sweet. It's got a very early Final Fantasy mixed with early Dragon Warrior vibe.

I might have to get this.

9Cthulhu saves the world! Empty Re: Cthulhu saves the world! 2013-02-25, 17:14

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

its short Hydra, but I really enjoyed it. And I figured since you are also a fan of old school RPGs you would be all over it as well.

10Cthulhu saves the world! Empty Re: Cthulhu saves the world! 2013-02-25, 17:15



You're three years late mate

11Cthulhu saves the world! Empty Re: Cthulhu saves the world! 2013-02-25, 17:17

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Ferris wrote:its short Hydra, but I really enjoyed it. And I figured since you are also a fan of old school RPGs you would be all over it as well.

Can't really go wring for 80 ms points though haha.

12Cthulhu saves the world! Empty Re: Cthulhu saves the world! 2013-02-25, 17:23



always wanted to get that co op zombie multiplayer game on xbl for 80 points called zombie estate Razz

13Cthulhu saves the world! Empty Re: Cthulhu saves the world! 2013-02-25, 17:29

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Conker wrote:You're three years late mate

yeah, but better late then never Very Happy

14Cthulhu saves the world! Empty Re: Cthulhu saves the world! 2013-02-25, 17:36

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Ferris wrote:yeah, but better late then never Very Happy

thats what she said.

15Cthulhu saves the world! Empty Re: Cthulhu saves the world! 2013-02-25, 17:40



chunckylover53 wrote:Tales of Vesperia is amazing and on the 360 if you havn't played that Jr, copies of it are pretty damn rare though.

EDIT:Just checked amazon and they have a bunch actually..

I'm actually DL'ing the demo right now, you can buy it from Games on Demand.

16Cthulhu saves the world! Empty Re: Cthulhu saves the world! 2013-02-25, 17:44


I've been meaning to do another playthrough of it for awhile now.. It's a long game with a lot of side stuff you can do, new game +'s and such, like any Tales of game.

17Cthulhu saves the world! Empty Re: Cthulhu saves the world! 2013-02-25, 17:49



Toast recommended it, and, well, what better time to start trying a bunch of games than when you only have a week to play them.

18Cthulhu saves the world! Empty Re: Cthulhu saves the world! 2013-02-25, 23:55



Played the demo. I died to some giant wolf demon thing. It pretty much just threw me in a situation without any sort of explanation of the mechanics, story, or characters. Not saying the game is bad, but the demo is a really bad demo, at least for someone who hasn't played a JRPG since FFIX.

Side note: Tried Bayonetta as well, and that was super cool.

19Cthulhu saves the world! Empty Re: Cthulhu saves the world! 2013-02-26, 00:30



Bayonetta is excellent

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