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 » The Lounge » Archives » Old saves

Old saves

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1Old saves Empty Old saves 2011-01-31, 11:58



I bought a used 120 GB hard drive yesterday to replace my 20 GB. They did not clear their memory when I got it though. So I went through and cleaned it up myself.

I got to deleting Fallout stuff. It had over 100 saves!!!

Is there a good reason why you'd have that many?!?! Took like 10 minutes to delete it all.

To top it off, the user id was "poopman". Not a live user by the looks of it though.

2Old saves Empty Re: Old saves 2011-01-31, 12:17



Hmmm. Perhaps they were kind of crazy about seeing how different choices turned out. Sometimes I will do this (not as much as that guy though). I'll create extra saves at certain points in case I want to go back and try something differently. Or if I'm about to advance into an area I'm not sure I'm strong enough for.

Or maybe he didn't know how to over write saves. =P

3Old saves Empty Re: Old saves 2011-01-31, 12:18




BWAHAHAHAHAHA You got poopy mans hard drive! That just strikes me as funny fer sum reason!

4Old saves Empty Re: Old saves 2011-01-31, 12:30



kind of like sheep said. I know alot of RPG players like use multiple saves for one game in case they get stuck at a point. i had a friend that had 3 saves for FF7. I never did that, always thought it was a cop out to do it, but I'm really stubborn, I've been stuck in spots and bosses for weeks because I was underleveled (FO levels with you I noticed). My first RPG was FF2(4) and I was stuck on the Magus Sisters for a week (I was 8, okay!! and 5 levels below all the enemys. I just kept going till I found a way to defeat them. Some poeple get stuck and reload another save to find an easier way.

5Old saves Empty Re: Old saves 2011-01-31, 12:34


100 saves? DAYUM.

6Old saves Empty Re: Old saves 2011-01-31, 12:36



Oh well, mine now!

7Old saves Empty Re: Old saves 2011-01-31, 12:48



lucky you!!

8Old saves Empty Re: Old saves 2011-01-31, 12:51



I play plenty of RPG's myself. 10 saves is a lot for me. 100+??? That's a bit ridiculous.

9Old saves Empty Re: Old saves 2011-01-31, 12:54



I agree Millsy. I usually only run with 3 or 4. 1 is a main save, the others are just in casers. It doesn't seem like a lot of console games even allow this anymore though. You get 1 save, that is all. Sadness.

Maybe he had more than 1 character.

10Old saves Empty Re: Old saves 2011-01-31, 12:57



I'm the complete opposite. I delete saves like a madman.
I'll have two at a time at most. One backup, one current. Once I've progressed far enough, though, I gotta get rid of the extras, because there's no way I'm going to backtrack.

11Old saves Empty Re: Old saves 2011-01-31, 14:44



100? Sounds like over saving.

I have 5 periodical saves, and 1 for different checkpoints for a character, and those are gone once I am done with a character and leave one master save for that character.

Total I have 17 saves.

12Old saves Empty Re: Old saves 2011-01-31, 14:46



I guess different strokes for different folks.

I was a little worried though when I put in my 120 gig, and saw that I only had 72 gigs available.

Then I saw the ridiculous amounts of useless crap I needed to delete. Lots of installed games.

13Old saves Empty Re: Old saves 2011-01-31, 14:53



LoL, I have 25/6 available on my 120. Need to delete some of those installed games.

14Old saves Empty Re: Old saves 2011-01-31, 15:41



I upgraded because I could only install 1 or 2 games. Now I plan on installing many of my most played games.

15Old saves Empty Re: Old saves 2011-01-31, 16:24

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Im planning on buying a Slim soon. The 250 gig one. Just tireds of having a 60 gig cause I DL like crazy.

Plus my three year warrenty is almost up.

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