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MoH review MP and SP

Artimise Flare
Patrick Star
8 posters

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1MoH review MP and SP Empty MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-14, 10:24



OMFG i just spent an hour writing up something on here and i go to post it and it says i gotta log in. So now the entire review is FUCKING GONE!

SP: Really good despite some graphical drawn in errors at seldom times. Really emmersive feeling to it as you switch between the NAVY Seals/Tier 1/US Rangers characters.

Graphically it's kinda out-dated but you forget all about that as you play the game.

Controls are tight and great once you get used to them.

Weapons are awesome. You can change RoF (rate of fire) in the single player also.

Cinematics are the usual but tell the story without being all hollywooded to shit.

Sound is amazing witht he occasional annoyance.

Overall i feel more like i'm in combat when i play this campaign vs' any i've played recently.


Weapons are tight just like the SP without the Selector switch however. They kill quickly in this game be them a pistol or rifle or sniper.

controls are fluid like you would hope.

Killchains are interesting and devastating. you can pick once you kill a certain amount between a defensive (right on the d-pad) or offensive (left on the d-pad) ability. They're are no chopper gunners or pavelows or ac130's so most of the Killchains are point and pray. they seem to be more and more powerfull airstrikes as you go. The coolest so far was a strafing run by 2 A10 warhogs, which killed me and 5 others on my team. X(

Gamemodes: Tm DM/Combat mission(basically rush)/sector contorl (conquest) others i forget.

Overall the MP is very straight to the point FUCKIN shoot that guy blow this up and call in the heavy artillery, but it's done well.

I'd say more but it's already been too long!

2MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-14, 10:59

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

you know you could have copied and pasted just sayin and moh doesn't seem lile its for me FO:NV is mine!

3MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-14, 11:23



the games good despite tom's rant, but that's just my opinion.

Alls i know is the multiplayer is easy! I currently stand at 189 kills 76 deaths. 2.46 kdr. GIGGITY!!!

4MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-14, 11:26



HAHA I watched some footage and it looks fun Derp. Just not 60 bucks worth of fun for me. THough I am tempted to trade Halo in.

5MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-14, 11:44



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:HAHA I watched some footage and it looks fun Derp. Just not 60 bucks worth of fun for me. THough I am tempted to trade Halo in.

Quite honestly i didn't pay a dime for the game, it was purchased with trades so it doesn't bother me.

Twizted just got it last night so i don't know how he feels about it yet. I did tell him it's got some quirks about it, but otherwise the online is pretty solid. I've only played the rush game mode and gotta say with only one APC for the offense it makes the game alot more fun! less vehicles makes for some crazy ass firefights. especially when it's 12v12.

I'll have this game for a while. The only thing about online i dislike and it's not that big a deal is the abundance of SNIPERS! However i like killing them with my m4 or m16. affraid

6MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-14, 11:47



Yea well I don't really have any games to trade in I'm not getting it that way. I think I'm just going to wait for BC2 Vietnam, and I think I am going to get Black Ops. Yes sacralige but it looks good and I am REALLY intrigues by te wager match! THis is something I have wanted in previous games something bad to happen if you loose!

7MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-14, 12:03



My thing with BO is that they took everything CoD and added a touch of Saints Row witht eh customization.

Custom labels on guns
Custom red dot sights (you can change the color and or change the shpae to wtfeva you want a skull a heart a douche bag even!?
Custom face paint *LOOK imaclown
Remote control cars that blow up OH BOY yippee.

Sorry i'm a very big sceptic as i like shooters that keep to the core of combat games. SHIT i like Halo Reach more than BO/mw2

8MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-14, 12:05



I don;t care for the custome shit, or the car, but the wager match and what I have seen of the maps looks pretty good to me.

9MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-14, 12:10



I'll see what it's like at my co-workers house when he gets it. But with the changes from mw2 they just added a bunch of visual stuff to spice the same old game up.

I do understand people say that about MoH too.

OH one other thing about MoH, when you move around unlike BC2 you don't feel as your trying to move thru pudding. the movement is more fluid and a littl faster, plus i'm loving the fact that people die on the first knife/tomahawk strike!

10MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-14, 12:11



OOOoo there are tomahawks????

11MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-14, 12:13



YUP the taliban errr "OPFOR" herp derp... gets tomahawks instead of combat knifes.

Unfortunately you cannot throw them like in "Last of the Mowhiikans"

12MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-14, 12:14



No throw =o( well that lost some coolness then.

13MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-14, 14:57

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I loved the campaign for MoH, that is something I think the MoH franchise has always been good at. Delivering a solid story. I only wish that the same care for the weapons and such were given to the multiplayer. The utter lack of fire select, recoil and the rather tiny selection of weapons you get sort of turns me off. Don't get me wrong, what they have works well and some people will love it, but I simply don't care for it. I hope BF3 uses the same audio though, I remember getting goosebumps hearing the .50 firing, god that was awesome!

14MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-14, 15:04



I agree with you that the same recoil and weapon options/skins should be available. Even custom characters, but if the weapon characteristics were transferred over to online. Then people (gamefaqs members) would complain about hit detection and the accuracy sucks WHAAA.

There's just no winning with gamers!

15MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-14, 16:00

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Meh, honestly, that would have been a good thing IMO. people would have a few things to say about MoH to differentiate it between it and MW2. As it is right now, it feels extremely similar if not almost identical to MW2 in many aspects.

If aim assist was removed, and the two aforementioned things were added, fire select and RECOIL, it would really help with the online immersion IMO.

16MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-14, 17:34



godscouchpotato wrote:the games good despite tom's rant, but that's just my opinion.

Alls i know is the multiplayer is easy! I currently stand at 189 kills 76 deaths. 2.46 kdr. GIGGITY!!!

I'm getting the tier 1 limited edition tomorrow since it comes out then xD
Could I play wit choo sometime?

17MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-14, 18:38



I just finished the single player and all I can say is wow.

The story was just awesome. The cinematics are great and not over done. Gave me chills quite often. Especially when

Haven't played the multiplayer yet.

When I first played the beta, I spawned on the ranger team in combat mission and as soon as I hit the ground 3 jets fly right over head and I almost shit myself and at that point I knew I was going to love this game, if nothing else, for the sounds.

18MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-15, 01:19

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

mind if i post on site derpp?

19MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-15, 09:15



Yeah that's cool epyk.

I had a much better write up but i forgot to save constantly!

On another note, MP is very easy to play & easy to get killed in. Most people just try running across the big open expanses, and they die every time! I can't wait till i unlock my tier 1 weapons. Basically same as existing with a little better stats and custom paint. Plus apparently as you get to higher levels you unlock extra character skins(just a rumor so far).

My stats are on the up and up also. I currently sit at 286 kills 108 deaths. 2.64 kdr

20MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-15, 09:21



godscouchpotato wrote:Yeah that's cool epyk.

I had a much better write up but i forgot to save constantly!

On another note, MP is very easy to play & easy to get killed in. Most people just try running across the big open expanses, and they die every time! I can't wait till i unlock my tier 1 weapons. Basically same as existing with a little better stats and custom paint. Plus apparently as you get to higher levels you unlock extra character skins(just a rumor so far).

My stats are on the up and up also. I currently sit at 286 kills 108 deaths. 2.64 kdr
Just got my copy today! xD I get the Tier 1 weapons plus BF3 Beta code and randomly afree copy of Mass effect 2 o.o
So Two games for the price of one and extras is nice.

21MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-15, 14:08



zk50 x erk wrote:I just finished the single player and all I can say is wow.

The story was just awesome. The cinematics are great and not over done. Gave me chills quite often. Especially when

Haven't played the multiplayer yet.

When I first played the beta, I spawned on the ranger team in combat mission and as soon as I hit the ground 3 jets fly right over head and I almost shit myself and at that point I knew I was going to love this game, if nothing else, for the sounds.
When I played that part and the guy said we are out of ammo I had over 700 bullets left lol.

22MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-15, 16:46



I actually really enjoy this game. Right now its in its stage of rentors and n00bs who are absolutely ruining it, but it should be fine in a few weeks. At least then it will settle down.
Also, the biggest complaint has to be lack of kick. But it all makes sense- You have to play with the assault rifle/carbine they give you, right? If your Coalition, its the AR15's. The opfor get the AK's. So they have to be balanced! I know the m16 is TONS more accurate than the AK, but it all has to be balanced online. When you think of it like that, it makes more sense.
Overall, im enjoying the lack of perks and killstreaks and such. The streaks they do give you are fine. I dont have a problem with the game so far, except for the absolutely terrible few matches I had last night...

23MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-15, 16:58



I myself have only experienced the objective based online. no TDM or solo stuff. From what i have played it's alot of fun. Also as you level up i think around 10 or 11 you unlock the ability to use enemy weapons as a starting option! once you reach level 9 in the MP it's considering you a Tier 1 operator and the fancy stuff becomes available.

Possibly even new player skins!?

24MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-15, 17:09



Yea at that part I had a ton of ammo left T800. But when they came over the hill I just watched in awe lol. Same thing when the AC130 was flying around...hate to be on the receiving end of that.

25MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-15, 18:07

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

if you wanna beef it up let me know and ill swap'em out

26MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-15, 19:25

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

The difference between the M16A4 and the AK47 is glaringly obvious, and adding recoil if only visual would help the immersion imo. They should have just kept fire select so that the recoil could be mitigated.

M16A4: Accurate, fairly quick rate of fire, low penetration of walls and such, burst fire is the way to go for maximum accuracy.

AK47: Extremely powerful in medium to close range engagements, really high penetration of walls and such, semi auto fire is necessary for accuracy down range.

I think it's a fair trade. Accuracy for stopping power, stopping power for accuracy, honestly I see absolutely no reason why the guns should NOT have recoil, even if it's just visual recoil. The weapons behaved fine in the campaign, so their is no excuse to why they couldnt include ALL the guns from the campaign as well as include the features they had.

I enjoyed the game, but I feel they shouldn't have cut out things that seem to be the norm of FPS games nowadays. Even MW2 had more recoil than any of the MP guns MoH has.

27MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-15, 19:28



Artimise Flare wrote:The difference between the M16A4 and the AK47 is glaringly obvious, and adding recoil if only visual would help the immersion imo. They should have just kept fire select so that the recoil could be mitigated.

M16A4: Accurate, fairly quick rate of fire, low penetration of walls and such, burst fire is the way to go for maximum accuracy.

AK47: Extremely powerful in medium to close range engagements, really high penetration of walls and such, semi auto fire is necessary for accuracy down range.

I think it's a fair trade. Accuracy for stopping power, stopping power for accuracy, honestly I see absolutely no reason why the guns should NOT have recoil, even if it's just visual recoil. The weapons behaved fine in the campaign, so their is no excuse to why they couldnt include ALL the guns from the campaign as well as include the features they had.

I enjoyed the game, but I feel they shouldn't have cut out things that seem to be the norm of FPS games nowadays. Even MW2 had more recoil than any of the MP guns MoH has.
The reason they didn't include campaign weapons is that the campaign was made by a different developer and uses a different engine.

28MoH review MP and SP Empty Re: MoH review MP and SP 2010-10-15, 19:31

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

True, still, I think they could have done more with it you know. I hope they decide to add more flavor to the MP, because as of now, there just isn't a lot going for MoH other than a great campaign IMO. Since this new installment of the series seems to have gone pretty well, I have the feeling we'll be seeing sequels sooner or later. Hopefully they'll learn from this and makes some adjustments, at least to the MP.


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