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Review of BC2: Vietnam

Dropped Da Soap
10 posters

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1Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 18:32



It's lookin like an excellent review...not that we care about a review.

2Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 18:33



TM, what's your avatar from?

3Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 18:33



Yeah, any reviews of games these days should usually be ignored, considering that most reviews given out are based on how much the reviewers get. Unfortunate, really.

4Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 18:35



I like reading them still. I dont have to agree with them, but they can possibly point out details I may have missed otherwise.

5Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 18:36



The Joker wrote:I like reading them still. I dont have to agree with them, but they can possibly point out details I may have missed otherwise.

Yeah, and they still usually give you a pretty good perspective, but some of the time, they are BS/biased.

6Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 18:42



I usually don't have much of a problem with reviewers overrating something due to bias. I'd rather not see it but it doesn't really hurt anything in the end.

But I do hate it when they rate it down because of it. It causes less people to buy the game which can mean short lived online. Like this one guy marked AvP for giving him motion sickness. Fuck that shit, that's his problem not the games.

7Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 18:43



The Joker wrote:TM, what's your avatar from?

Looks like... Generation: Kill?

8Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 18:43



This is one time where the reviewer was biased toward our game though. Did you see there will be tunnels!?

That is a picture of a Marine after The Battle of Falujah, Mills. It was front page of our newspaper years ago so I went and found it. I love the pic, if you look he's even got a broken nose and I like the expression on his face.

9Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 18:44



Chewy wrote:But I do hate it when they rate it down because of it. It causes less people to buy the game which can mean short lived online. Like this one guy marked AvP for giving him motion sickness. Fuck that shit, that's his problem not the games.

This is the kinda shit I'm talking about.

10Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 18:45



texasmace wrote:This is one time where the reviewer was biased toward our game though. Did you see there will be tunnels!?

That is a picture of a Marine after The Battle of Falujah, Mills. It was front page of our newspaper years ago so I went and found it. I love the pic, if you look he's even got a broken nose and I like the expression on his face.

Le looks pretty messed up. I was just curious. Cool Pic.

11Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 19:51



I ignore scores and look at what they actually say.

12Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 20:30


Wow 9.5.

13Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 20:49



No scopes for everyone? Close quarters combat? I'm set!

Now I'm excited.

14Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 20:52

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Lol higher review then Black Ops

15Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 21:12



Dropped Da Soap wrote:Lol higher review then Black Ops

SMG2 and DJ Hero 2 got higher results than both; shows how intelligent reviewers are. MW2 got a 9.5 as well, but I wouldn't give that game a 5.

16Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 21:35



DrBob276 wrote:
Dropped Da Soap wrote:Lol higher review then Black Ops

SMG2 and DJ Hero 2 got higher results than both; shows how intelligent reviewers are. MW2 got a 9.5 as well, but I wouldn't give that game a 5.
Did you just diss SMG2?!?!

17Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 21:41



I dis SMG period; I thought that game was boring, but that's just my opinion. Also, the only reason they took a few points from CoD, is because it "was like the other CoD", but I haven't seen an original story from Nintendo for years, or a BF game that wasn't like the others. Games stay close to each other, and slowly evolve, because they are the same game for a reason.

Also, Fallout: NV got an 8, and less than that by some reviewers, some reasons not even having to do with glitches. Trust the word of no professional reviewer, but only judge a game once you have played it.

18Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 21:44



DrBob276 wrote:I dis SMG period; I thought that game was boring, but that's just my opinion. Also, the only reason they took a few points from CoD, is because it "was like the other CoD", but I haven't seen an original story from Nintendo for years, or a BF game that wasn't like the others. Games stay close to each other, and slowly evolve, because they are the same game for a reason.

Also, Fallout: NV got an 8, and less than that by some reviewers, some reasons not even having to do with glitches. Trust the word of no professional reviewer, but only judge a game once you have played it.
Each to his own and mario games are not about story.

19Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 21:52



Bob I heavily disagree with your assesment of smg. Way of base. Mario games are soley based on gameplay. Nintendo still focuses on what makes games for what they are supposed to be, FUN. SMG2 is friggin classic.

20Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 21:56



I still wish that Nintendo would dig up an original story sometimes.

It's always EXACTLY the same; I mean, even Metroidchange up a bit, but Mario is always this:

Bowser kidnaps Peach, Mario must save Peach from same enemies repeated 4 billion times throughout the series. I like Mario, but I wish that there would be something original for once, even completely change the game, make Peach the damn bad guy (well, girl) or something. *glares at Zelda as well*

21Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 21:59



mario rpgs good enough for you?

22Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 22:03



The gameplay inovations from smg to smg2 were amazing imo. Knocking a mario game for story is akin to dissing ice cream because its cold. I think your missing the point....have you played the galaxy games for more than a minute or two?

23Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 22:09



I played the first for about 3 hours, and I even tried playing Co-Op mode with my sister, and we were nearly bored to tears.

Skip to 02:55, and he says exactly what I think. No, he's not a real reviewer, but his opinion and mine are the same.

24Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 22:42


Man, this just makes me more pumped for Vietnam. What is it, 5 days away now?

25Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 22:45



26Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 22:45



I think so, and Vietnam actually does look to be pretty good, and actually fun. Smile

27Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 22:50


I know dude, I'm pumped. Can't wait to use the Huey and the PPSH.

28Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 22:52



I'm going to say "fuck my stats" and just use the Flamethrower. I want to get into the top 100 Flamethrower kills if I can.

29Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 23:15


Nice dude. I'm sure you can do it if you put some effort into it.

30Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-16, 23:42



The fire excites me too.

But hearing that there will be more people running around makes it awesome. Recon is fine in my book, but running around is so much better for you. Exercise yo.

31Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-17, 00:02


Running around as a recon is the best though

32Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-17, 00:07



Wacco wrote:Running around as a recon is the best though

Common misconception that Recons are useless unless running around, I see. At least in Vietnam, Recons will be forced to do their job, considering they're the only ones with optics, and no more motion mines, so they won't have an identity crisis.

33Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-17, 00:33


DrBob276 wrote:
Wacco wrote:Running around as a recon is the best though

Common misconception that Recons are useless unless running around, I see. At least in Vietnam, Recons will be forced to do their job, considering they're the only ones with optics, and no more motion mines, so they won't have an identity crisis.

I didn't say they were useless, I just said they're the most effective class for running around IMO. The ability to have C4/Mortar, Motion Sensors, and a BA w/ 4x scope or an all-kit weapon is deadly.

34Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-17, 01:53



I run around as a recon all the time. I used to be a really good sit, wait, kill, and even sometimes move afterwards recon. Not any more. I just love running hell bent into mayhem now.

I think it's because I'm less scared of the game.

Kitty, you took that the complete wrong way. He was saying it was the best, probably as in his favorite, not that that was the only way to do it. Chillaxe guy.

35Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-17, 02:01



6X >>> 4X

if you let the skill flow naturally it'll work out better in the end. if you're playing by yourself, have more C4, if not Lightweight. is sexy

36Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-17, 02:05



sheep wrote:I run around as a recon all the time. I used to be a really good sit, wait, kill, and even sometimes move afterwards recon. Not any more. I just love running hell bent into mayhem now.

I think it's because I'm less scared of the game.

Kitty, you took that the complete wrong way. He was saying it was the best, probably as in his favorite, not that that was the only way to do it. Chillaxe guy.

I'm still tired of this anti-sniper bullshit I see everywhere. I used to love sniping, but I stopped, because other people called me out on it all the time. Doesn't matter if I kept 5 people off the objective by myself with my pistol while they weren't looking, or whether I took out 70 people in a round with my sniper rifle, keeping them off my team's back. I'm apparently the worthless one when I snipe, no matter what I do. Pretty much the only thing I enjoyed about BC2 was taken away from me early on.

37Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-17, 02:14



Annnnd how was Wacco being anti sniper Kitty? He wasn't.

And why care? Why let what someone else has to say stop you from doing something you enjoy? Sniping is a valid tactic. Why are you letting someone else have so much power over you to make you stop playing your favorite kit?

You know where sniper hate comes from? I do! Because it's awful getting picked off. I "rage" at snipers all the time because... they are killing me! But do I think the kit should be destroyed or that no one should snipe - hell no.

I just think they shouldn't snipe me. =P

38Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-17, 02:53


Kitsune, only idiots would say you're useless if you're covering the objective well. I didn't mean that sniping is ineffective, because that's completely untrue. All I was trying to say is that I find Recon to be the most effective running around class because of the motion sensors, C4, and ability to use all kit weapons or a sniper with a 4x scope. I don't mean that's the only way it's useful, because that's not true.

39Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-17, 09:39



I usually just use the scope that's on the recon weapons. I haven't touched any optics specs in so long. I love iron sights for non-recon, then just the standard scope when long distance reconning.

40Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-17, 10:27



How come every sniper who tries to defend being the Sniper goes "I best Sniper EVER! I kill 6 guy at Mcoms" when your job is to spot people since he is named Recon.
Hey I killed 7 guys with assault at the mcom give me a medal....oh they did, CALLED MOTHER FUCKING ACE PIN!!!

there aren't any weird anachronistic pieces of future tech around to break the illusion.

Good that shit was stupid in black ops.

41Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-17, 14:25



The Recon can spot, but so can every other class in the game. Everybody should constantly spot; that's why the Recon is the class with the most disadvantage other than motion mines, because every other class can do what it's supposed to be doing well.

42Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-17, 14:37



Recon is designed to Spot. As an Assault I'm up to my elbows in people wanting to kill me it would be nice if somebody would tell me where people are at, yet I seem to tell them.

43Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-17, 14:43



I do love my Recons with Semis/Assault Bushmen who use their motion trackers and are a reasonable distance to something that matters.

44Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-17, 14:45



I think you were touched inappropriately by a bush wookie when you were young.

45Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-17, 14:46



Nah I just seen to many Cowards sit back and snipe and let the mcom blow up cause they think they should join the marines because they own bro.

46Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-17, 14:50



What I'm trying to get at GM, is why can my Assault, Engineer, and Medic teammates NOT kill the people on the M-COM with their high powered weapons and rocket launchers, and I have to go to defuse, and kill everybody around it by myself using only a sidearm and succeeding. It pisses me off to watch 2-3 teammates as other classes die to one person who arms the objective, then I hold off 5+ people as well as defuse it with a bolt-action rifle at short range and a measly pistol.

47Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-17, 14:52



Eh. It gets bad cred because 90% of the people who play it aren't good at it. Recon (I'm gonna get flak for this) takes the most skill to use effectively, and can help the team out just as much as any other class.

48Review of BC2: Vietnam Empty Re: Review of BC2: Vietnam 2010-12-17, 14:54



The main reason I can see hating Recons with bolt-actions is because there are those that sit at the first hill on Arica while attacking, and try to get their +500 Marksmen bonus, all the way back to the last base. Those people even drive me crazy.

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