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An outside look at the fascist underbelly of Greece.

The Adli Corporation
Keyser Söze
6 posters

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Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I've remarked on these Neanderthals before. This is a new article, and is probably the only video in English at the moment that sums up what these scum are perfectly.


The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

oh for the love of christ. how the balls do they expect ot be seen as not Nazi when they pull crap like this.

if Golden Dawn doesn't get crushed by international pressure i will lose faith in every political establishment.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Its a wonder that groups like this can exist. Its hard to believe enough people believe in these ideals to publicly support groups like this.



An outside look at the fascist underbelly of Greece. ZCdqo

this one applies too

An outside look at the fascist underbelly of Greece. SU6DU

and this one as well...
An outside look at the fascist underbelly of Greece. Bo7Df

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Yes, yes and yes.



And this

An outside look at the fascist underbelly of Greece. Jaguars-fan-gif

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I have to admit, I was slightly amused by the reaction of the black guy with the shopping cart upon being called over by members of the Golden Dawn party. He was like, "nah, fuck that shit. I'm good over here."



Ferris wrote:Its a wonder that groups like this can exist. Its hard to believe enough people believe in these ideals to publicly support groups like this.

It's shockingly easy to be quite honest. All it really takes is a charismatic individual and utilizing patriotism. National pride is typically at the forefront of all of these types of groups. Eventually it just takes a nasty turn towards anyone and everything not born of that nation to be hated.

Just look at the hate groups in North America, most if not all stem from National Pride.



reminds me of all the rednecks here >__>

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