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Yo Greg! I heard some shit is going down in greece

Keyser Söze
HydrasBreath ♜
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HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Hope you're ok dude.

Do you know what's going on exactly?



Apparently the Maya stole their Delegates

But no seriously whats happening?

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I don't know...something about anti-fascists are marching in the streets and fucking shit up. Heard an anti fascist musician (32 yo...not Greg) was beat to death by a bunch of pro fascists a few days ago.

Shit is just fucked apparently.



I always hear about people getting killed and shit over soccer games in other countries but here we'd rather just sit on the couch eating cheeseburgers

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

A hip-hop artist, Paulos Fyssas (aka Killah P), who was also an anti-fascists activist and according to some an anarchist (media like the term left wing more, but I degress) was surrounded by about two dozen members of the Golden Dawn party (neo-Nazi, fascist scum) and murdered in cold blood.

Eyewitness reports him and two friends being surrounded before a car pulled up, a guy walked up to him and stabbed him in the stomach and heart. Apparently, motorbike police were within view of the incident and did nothing to stop it (not surprising since a majority of Greek cops are members of Golden Dawn). Also, witnesses report the victim in his last moments pointing at his assailant.

The suspect was arrested, Golden Dawn claim he's not a member of their party and that they had no hand in this, despite the suspect admitting to being a member.

That's about all I know about the incident.

As you can imagine the shit has hit the fan.
Since their entry into parliament these fascist pigs have gone off the hook, transforming from a marginalized gang of the thugs on the brink, to a national political Mafia. This is just one of the many incidents since the elections, from pulling guns in city halls to beating people in allies, from championing health care only for Greeks to hiding behind and in the ranks of the Greek riot police during riots. This marks the second fatal attack this year, the first being a Pakistani male in January.

Of course, many are trying to make this look like a football rivalry gone bad, but people have hit the streets in numbers seeking payback, including numerous attacks on Golden Dawn offices around various cities in the country. I believe one was even set aflame.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Some foreign media on the subject.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Here a link from a BBC reporters tweet concerning the reality of relations between law enforcement and fascists in this county.

Paul Mason @paulmasonnews

Maybe Greek gov can explain to rest of EU why police and ppl throwing stones seem to inter-operate in this video?

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Easy, because in this country Neo-Nazis and police are more often than not one and the same.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

But, please, come visit Greece in the summer as a tourist, just be sure to be white.


Why does greese have to be fucked up now, I used to enjoy a good holiday there a few years back. LOL.

Altho I guess it maybe still ok in Kassiopi, Corfu Razz

Yo Greg! I heard some shit is going down in greece 700px-Griechenland_korfu_kassiopi_panorama

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I always wanted to visit Greece. I don't know if that's a good idea now....

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:But, please, come visit Greece in the summer as a tourist, just be sure to be white.
Holy shit man. What the hell is wring over there?

Is being white enough or are nationalities also considered when deciding what to do to me?

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

It pretty much boils down to an ancient Greek quote of "pas min Ellin varvaros", which basically translates to "all non Greek are barbarians", with these guys.

Although, really, they're a bunch of retarded skin heads that think the real threat are those immigrants that have come to take their jobs (what a joke), which in Greece's situation are Albanians, Romanians and other people from Bulkan countries, anyone from Africa, and Pakistani. Also, Greek hate for the Turks goes back centuries.

Funny thing is, Greece gets more than it's fair share of political refugees. Why the fuck would anyone come here?



Do you own a gun Greg?

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

What I don't get is how a bunch of fascist fuck heads got into power in the first place? That just seems so fundamentally wring for a democratic nation.

At any rate hope things get better and calm down over there...stay safe dude!



Luckily Greg is white...

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Still...When people riot and shit you never know what could happen.



No doubt



HydrasBreath wrote:What I don't get is how a bunch of fascist fuck heads got into power in the first place? That just seems so fundamentally wring for a democratic nation.

At any rate hope things get better and calm down over there...stay safe dude!
Well the Nazi party did establish itself riding the back of Germanys fucked up economy after the first world war

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Sym wrote:Do you own a gun Greg?
No. I'm not a fan. I don't have problems with people owning them, but it's not my style. That might change if I ever get the chance to fire one.

HydrasBreath wrote:What I don't get is how a bunch of fascist fuck heads got into power in the first place? That just seems so fundamentally wring for a democratic nation.

At any rate hope things get better and calm down over there...stay safe dude!
Their not actually in power. They have something like 20 out of 300 seats in parliament.

This means that most of the xenophobic crap they try to get passed as laws gets voted out. But since then, as I said, their influence and attacks have increased.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:
Sym wrote:Do you own a gun Greg?
No. I'm not a fan. I don't have problems with people owning them, but it's not my style. That might change if I ever get the chance to fire one.

HydrasBreath wrote:What I don't get is how a bunch of fascist fuck heads got into power in the first place? That just seems so fundamentally wring for a democratic nation.

At any rate hope things get better and calm down over there...stay safe dude!
Their not actually in power. They have something like 20 out of 300 seats in parliament.

This means that most of the xenophobic crap they try to get passed as laws gets voted out. But since then, as I said, their influence and attacks have increased.
Ah well still pretty messed up that they even got that much support.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

They rode in on the economy crisis.

Blame the immigrants for Greece's problem, even if the government was cooking the books since before entering the EU.

Yep, must be the darkies fault...

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

+ Athens - The Greek government is likely to take steps in an attempt to ban the far-right Golden Dawn party following the murder of an anti-fascist rapper by a self-confessed party member. wrote:


More on it in these link:

   The alleged murder of [Fyssas] by a self-confessed member of the far-right Golden Dawn party has sent political tensions soaring in Greece.

   As the crisis-hit country was brought to a standstill by striking workers on Wednesday, police raided several Golden Dawn offices in Athens after the fatal stabbing late on Tuesday of 34-year-old Pavlos Fyssas, a well-known activist on Greece's vibrant anti-fascist scene.

   The raids came within hours of a 45-year-old man being arrested in connection with the murder. The alleged perpetrator, who has not been named, reportedly admitted having links to the extremist group, according to police.

   Fyssas, Greece's foremost hip-hop artist who performed under the stage name Killah P, is said to have identified the culprit as he was being taken to hospital after being injured in the brawl which broke out shortly after midnight in Piraeus's working-class district of Keratsini.

   "They were his last words before he succumbed to his wounds," said one source requesting anonymity.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Sym wrote:Luckily Greg is white...
Yes, but a foreigner and technically only half-Greek. Although if these fuckers want to get technical, being half Austrian I'm more Aryan than these morons.



that's fucked up somebody would be killed just for their skin color, which is why I'd never go with my dad on his trips to mexico,it's gotten so bad he hasn't even gone either, but, I'd watch and read so many stories of them killing people just for being white, and doing horrible things to white women no doubt >_>



Racism is one of the most fucked up things in the world

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

JrTapia1991 wrote:that's fucked up somebody would be killed just for their skin color, which is why I'd never go with my dad on his trips to mexico,it's gotten so bad he hasn't even gone either, but, I'd watch and read so many stories of them killing people just for being white, and doing horrible things to white women no doubt >_>
That's a load of bullshit.

The low level scum of the cartels kill anyone they feel like, because most of them are uneducated little shits that got a gun and now have a means to feel superior to others. Skin color doesn't matter much, if at all.

Mexico is a country with a relatively low level of racism. If you happen to be near the cannon-fodder level members of a cartel, you WILL get fucked if you don't get away as soon as possible without drawing attention.



This topic now makes me want to watch Breaking Bad



it's getting good, 2episodes left.



Im only on season 5

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Season 5 is last season.



NVM Im on season 4 episode 8



And im on drugs!

Weeeeeeeeeeeee! Very Happy



How pleasant... I never pictured Greeks as "white".  I always picture them as olive/bronze skinned hot bodies with curly dark hair.



I picture them all as that dude from Ancient Aliens Very Happy



I see greek people all day...... they are people...with more hair.....and speedos...them and the Italians like their speedos




I don't mind hair, and some men could pull of a speedo.



because your thinking of some bronzed Adonis rather than the fat guy from Borat Very Happy



I've never seen that movie.

Besides.  Why would I want to envision some ugly bastard instead of something beautiful.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Best article in here, if anybody's interested in a good synopsis.

Greece's neo-Nazi Golden Dawn goes global with political ambitions

Buoyed by its meteoric domestic success, the far right party is planning to expand 'wherever there are Greeks

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Here's the accompanying video for the previous article.

Last edited by Shotgun Dismemberment on 2013-09-20, 22:43; edited 1 time in total



Not seeing a video

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

My bad, fixed.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze


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