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Greece: ON SALE

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1Greece: ON SALE Empty Greece: ON SALE 2013-03-08, 08:28

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Yes, you too can buy a mountain with precious metals and gold, mine the fuck out of it and destroy the natural beauty of the land.

Fuck the forest, just plant a new one in seven years, where the mountain used to be.

Fuck tourism, one of the countries biggest industries.

Fuck health issues, precious metal is worth more.

Even fuck the anti-mining movement and communities negatively affected by the mining, INCLUDED in the price of this luscious, valuable land, your very own Greek Riot Police! Now you can enforce your own democracy and oppress the people's struggle freely!*

*privatized riot police tried and tested with success the past two years in Keratea

Riot equipment and teargas SOLD SEPARATELY

Greece: Riot police storm the small mining village of Ierissos.

Greek gold mine savior to some, curse to others

For Greeks, a deja vu of these past stories:
Resistance in Greece: Keratea opposes Construction of Dump Site

Meet Keratea: Greece's War Zone

The city's fate had been to be relegated to an Athens trash dump expansion.

To serve and protect, right?

2Greece: ON SALE Empty Re: Greece: ON SALE 2013-03-08, 11:56

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Damn man, your country is just fucked up right now

3Greece: ON SALE Empty Re: Greece: ON SALE 2013-03-08, 11:57



So does this mean that Greece is going the way of Canada and transferring to a resource economy? The tourism model was obviously short-lived, but that would really suck. I've always been told that Greece is beautiful, I'd like to see it someday.

4Greece: ON SALE Empty Re: Greece: ON SALE 2013-03-08, 12:15

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

It really is a beautiful country. Especially outside major cities, in more rural areas. Unfortunately, a mountain covered in forest is only worth as much as the gold inside it.

A seven year venture, one that while it will boost part of the community with jobs, it will only do so temporarily and leave the landscape destroyed afterwards. Not to mention possible health issues for certain villages around the mine. Mining can be nasty shit.

And all through this corrupt Greek police are essentially being used as corporate enforcers and glorified security guards.
The riot police entered the village apparently looking for suspects after sabotage of the mining company's equipment.

Motherfucking morons barely make above minimum wage, yet still sell out the people they're supposed to be serving.

5Greece: ON SALE Empty Re: Greece: ON SALE 2013-03-08, 12:22



Pariah wrote:So does this mean that Greece is going the way of Canada and transferring to a resource economy? The tourism model was obviously short-lived, but that would really suck. I've always been told that Greece is beautiful, I'd like to see it someday.

I suspect Greece will still be a tourism hub for a long time.

6Greece: ON SALE Empty Re: Greece: ON SALE 2013-03-08, 12:43



Damn Greg, that's hard. Makes me feel sad. I can just see it happening in Serbia, that'd be terrifying. I'm sorry.

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