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Korea... wat r u doing? Korea stahp...

Patrick Star
Ron Swanson
The Adli Corporation
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The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation




You know, I have to say, this is kinda hypocritical. A shitload of UN countries have nukes, and while it would be exceedingly dangerous to give them to NK, it's pretty unfair to preemptively sanction them.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Pariah wrote:You know, I have to say, this is kinda hypocritical. A shitload of UN countries have nukes, and while it would be exceedingly dangerous to give them to NK, it's pretty unfair to preemptively sanction them.

How many of those countries are threatening the US with them though?

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yes, but then again NK is effectively making death threats to the South, and saying they are willing to nuke Washington.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

The Adli Corporation wrote:yes, but then again NK is effectively making death threats to the South, and saying they are willing to nuke Washington.

Nuke washington eh? hmmmm maybe those crafty Koreans are on to something



Ferris wrote:
The Adli Corporation wrote:yes, but then again NK is effectively making death threats to the South, and saying they are willing to nuke Washington.

Nuke washington eh? hmmmm maybe those crafty Koreans are on to something

About fucking time I hate that wooden toothed bastard!



Lol Frost. I think it's about time that every country in the world just takes a vote about what they want to do with North Korea; I think they should just kill off their entire government and reunite their country or something, and give control to the existing government in South Korea, because they seem to know what they're doing.



I'm not too worried about them, they've already displayed that they are incapable of launching missiles.



Chewy wrote:I'm not too worried about them, they've already displayed that they are incapable of launching missiles.

You don't have to launch them when they have Dennis Rodman to carry them in a duffel bag.



Yeah, but they even if a small child threatens to stab you with a stick, then they try, they need a good spanking.



Korea... wat r u doing? Korea stahp... 67313_632611096766123_1077964772_n

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Kitsune wrote:Lol Frost. I think it's about time that every country in the world just takes a vote about what they want to do with North Korea; I think they should just kill off their entire government and reunite their country or something, and give control to the existing government in South Korea, because they seem to know what they're doing.
No country wants to take over north Korea. It would be like taking over medieval peasants. They have no skilled workers and no education. Very terrible situation to be in.



Just because they are unskilled doesn't mean that they couldn't be trained, it would take time and resources, but in the end, having more land would be worth it.



Crazy fuckers



Kitsune wrote:Just because they are unskilled doesn't mean that they couldn't be trained, it would take time and resources, but in the end, having more land would be worth it.

*looks over at the middle east*



The only way that NK prolongs its existence is by threatening war against SK.

NK leaders know that they cannot win war against SK with
1. Equipments dating back to WWII and before (they still use Mosin Nagant and T-32, for example). And barely half of them are functional.
2. Starving military and civilians, where soldiers and civilians are engaged in skirmish for food.
3. US will be joining war to help SK, but China is abandoning NK due to profits from trades between SK and China. (Russia abandoned NK ever since Korean War)

The reason why they are keep threatening for war is to get more supplies from SK and other countries, and they know that if the real war broke, there is nothing they (the NK leaders I mean) can do besides trying to mess up Korean peninsula as much as possible, before they are removed from power.

Hence, the nuke is the best possible solution for them both in offensive (to get supplies) and defensive (mess up Korean peninsula if war broke out), is to produce nukes.

On the subject of usefulness of NK territory, NK has decent amount of natural resources, but thats not really going to be much of a benefit for any country occupying it that has to spend tremendous amount of money for new infrastructure. If SK takes over NK, a LOT of countries owning NK bonds will be very happy, as they have bought and traded NK bonds (which should be of value worse than toilet paper) in hopes that SK takes over NK in the future and repays ALL NK's debt. SK taking over NK at the moment (with its current economic state) would go bankrupt.



JrTapia1991 wrote:Korea... wat r u doing? Korea stahp... 67313_632611096766123_1077964772_n

Who's the black guy in the red outfit in the crowd there? Where's Waldo?

And is the leader dude drinking out of a tiny bottle?



Willie Nelson wrote:
Kitsune wrote:Just because they are unskilled doesn't mean that they couldn't be trained, it would take time and resources, but in the end, having more land would be worth it.

*looks over at the middle east*

The war in Korea would be nothing like the Middle East; the Middle Eastern's have been fighting for centuries there mostly because of religious beliefs. Trying to fight individuals fighting based on religion is a surefire way to lose unless you plan on having to kill every last man, woman, and child.



Kitsune wrote:
Willie Nelson wrote:
Kitsune wrote:Just because they are unskilled doesn't mean that they couldn't be trained, it would take time and resources, but in the end, having more land would be worth it.

*looks over at the middle east*

The war in Korea would be nothing like the Middle East; the Middle Eastern's have been fighting for centuries there mostly because of religious beliefs. Trying to fight individuals fighting based on religion is a surefire way to lose unless you plan on having to kill every last man, woman, and child.

You realize a lot of NK citizens don't want to be freed, right? It very much would be akin to fighting a religious war.



They would still convert much more easily than somebody doing something for a religious reason than simply loving their country due to brainwashing.



Ante wrote:
Kitsune wrote:
Willie Nelson wrote:
Kitsune wrote:Just because they are unskilled doesn't mean that they couldn't be trained, it would take time and resources, but in the end, having more land would be worth it.

*looks over at the middle east*

The war in Korea would be nothing like the Middle East; the Middle Eastern's have been fighting for centuries there mostly because of religious beliefs. Trying to fight individuals fighting based on religion is a surefire way to lose unless you plan on having to kill every last man, woman, and child.

You realize a lot of NK citizens don't want to be freed, right? It very much would be akin to fighting a religious war.

You know the war isn't over between NK and SK right? It is a 65 year cease-fire.



Kitsune wrote:They would still convert much more easily than somebody doing something for a religious reason than simply loving their country due to brainwashing.

They pretty much worship their leader as a god

It would be a religious war



Frostbyrn wrote:
Kitsune wrote:They would still convert much more easily than somebody doing something for a religious reason than simply loving their country due to brainwashing.

They pretty much worship their leader as a god

It would be a religious war

Not pretty much, they do

Government is the religion in NK



John Redcorn wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:
Kitsune wrote:They would still convert much more easily than somebody doing something for a religious reason than simply loving their country due to brainwashing.

They pretty much worship their leader as a god

It would be a religious war

Not pretty much, they do

Government is the religion in NK



<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

South Korean soldier holding hands to open the "Door" to North Korea incase the north tries to pull one of them in.

Korea... wat r u doing? Korea stahp... 71948_359487604163428_587678039_n



menacinglemon wrote:You know the war isn't over between NK and SK right? It is a 65 year cease-fire.

NK announced that they will be dropping cease fire treaty starting from the coming 11th. If anybody has not heard the news yet.



StormEye wrote:
menacinglemon wrote:You know the war isn't over between NK and SK right? It is a 65 year cease-fire.

NK announced that they will be dropping cease fire treaty starting from the coming 11th. If anybody has not heard the news yet.

Yep they must be freaking stupid



damn so the war will start again on the 11th or is it just more bullshit talk from NK?



From the looks of it, NK may actually try something if this isn't halted now.



NK has broken the pact so much .... rounds shot across DMZ and other small bullshit...but if this happens....

You denounce the ceasefire

You are going to have a bad time



Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Bets are now open on WWIII!!



Leave the starcraft players alone, NK



Lol, my bet is: NK vs. the World. 1st day actual war happens (if it ever does and the bullshit peace talks end) North Korea gets bombed/their ass-kicked.



Oh, and them "worshipping" their leader is far different than people who worship a god. It is very different trying to fight a nation like that. People that worship a person as their god typically want something they can find in this world, and are easily pleased/placated when they get something that wows/amazes them/makes them happy, while people who worship a god, are looking for something not found in this world, and will often fight to the death for what they believe in, regardless of what you promise them.



Kitsune wrote:Oh, and them "worshipping" their leader is far different than people who worship a god. It is very different trying to fight a nation like that. People that worship a person as their god typically want something they can find in this world, and are easily pleased/placated when they get something that wows/amazes them/makes them happy, while people who worship a god, are looking for something not found in this world, and will often fight to the death for what they believe in, regardless of what you promise them.

Imperial Japan worshipped their 'King' as a god. Look how that went.



Japan also worshipped many other gods as well, not only their Emperor, and were defending their homeland. Also, the United States bullied them into a trade agreement after World War II, so I think their fears of the US weren't exactly unjustified.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

StormEye wrote:
menacinglemon wrote:You know the war isn't over between NK and SK right? It is a 65 year cease-fire.

NK announced that they will be dropping cease fire treaty starting from the coming 11th. If anybody has not heard the news yet.

So shit hits the fan tomorrow?

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

HydrasBreath wrote:
StormEye wrote:
menacinglemon wrote:You know the war isn't over between NK and SK right? It is a 65 year cease-fire.

NK announced that they will be dropping cease fire treaty starting from the coming 11th. If anybody has not heard the news yet.

So shit hits the fan tomorrow?
maybe for NK. the rest of the world has thing to worry about.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Rusty Shackleford wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:
StormEye wrote:
menacinglemon wrote:You know the war isn't over between NK and SK right? It is a 65 year cease-fire.

NK announced that they will be dropping cease fire treaty starting from the coming 11th. If anybody has not heard the news yet.

So shit hits the fan tomorrow?
maybe for NK. the rest of the world has thing to worry about.

Oh I know it was just the first I was hearing of it.



I think they're just a bunch of talk and won't have the balls to start a war,they'd lose



Starting a war? Nahh, they're not that dumb. Part of their strategy is getting everyone to think that they're crazy enough to actually nuke the US/go to war with SK



If I were everyone, I would call there bluff if there is one. If it isn't, it gives us a chance to rid us of them.



Fuck another war

You serious Clark?

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I can't imagine NK being dumb enough to think that actual combat would favor them in any way.

so I don't really see that happening.



Well, they cut the direct phone lines to SK. Shit's going down.



Pariah wrote:Well, they cut the direct phone lines to SK. Shit's going down.

That is what they threatened if the South and US did not stop drills. Workers were still aloud I don't think its going to happen right away but over time. (a few months - a few years....thats at this rate....but who knows)



If North Korea is stupid enough to start a war, I will laugh.

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