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Star Wars: First Assault Pops Up Again, Possible Battlefront III 'Predecessor'

The Adli Corporation
Green bean Specialist
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Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

Back in October last year, Star Wars: First Assault cropped up online as a mysterious, unannounced Xbox Live Arcade title apparently in development at LucasArts. Today, it's surfaced once again, with a few more salient details about the game.

According to an anonymous source, Star Wars: First Assault is a downloadable multiplayer shooter that supports up to 16 players. Purported to be lined up for release this spring, the game reportedly pitted an eight-person team of Rebels against an eight-person team of Imperial Stormtroopers in iconic Star Wars locations like Tattooine and Bespin.

A person said to be familiar with the project also reckons that Star Wars: First Assault is potentially 'step zero' towards the oft-rumoured Star Wars: Battlefront III. It's rumoured that should Star Wars: First Assault see release and sell well enough on XBLA, it could pave the way for Battlefront III.

However, it's not currently clear what exactly the deal is with Star Wars: First Assault. Like Star Wars 1313, the status of the game is subject to speculation and hearsay, with LucasArts reluctant to lend any concrete details on either game. Looks like we'll just have to wait and see, and take a look at the two leaked Star Wars: First Assault screenshots below.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


SWBF3 would be very wonderful indeed. i played some of BF2 at a cousins house a while back.



at this point I've kinda given up hope to ever see a battlefront 3



1.Its First person,Both Battlefronts were Third

2.Look at the screenshots I thought it was Call of Duty when I first saw those

This looks like an attempt to cash in on that Star Wars CoD mod



That one screenshot with Player, Ben Kenobi, and Capt something looks like a squad... Hmmm



Im just checking out on SWBF3 rumours, Ive been hearing them for years and nothing's ever materialized.
Until its actually on shelves im gonna resign to the fact that it doesnt exist.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Still sounds like it could be fun.



If there is a Star Wars: Battlefront III, I will jump up and down for joy. So many memories coming home from school, and eating popcorn from a tin while playing the second one.



I still play Battlefront 2 sometimes, if anyone would like to join.

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