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Building a Computer

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1Building a Computer Empty Building a Computer 2010-10-14, 22:00



So, hopefully my mother is going to be getting a job soon (she went back to school to get a better job then the one she had) and that means we will have a lot more money. I am also going to (hopefully) be getting a job soon as well, which means I'll be able to buy stuff. One of the first things on my list is to buy/build a gaming computer. Now, I have absolutely no experience in building a computer whats so ever. Do any of you know how long it would take to learn how to build a good gaming computer, or have on made that isn't absurdly overpriced? (I'm looking at YOU Alienware)

2Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-14, 22:32



One think i want to correct is that when building a computer you can screw things up really easily. I have not built one personally (will be soon though) but you do everything from electrocuting yourself, frying your cpu because you installed the cooling system wrong, to having your computer not even start because you got the wrong motherboard. Now in order to know what kind od parts you need what games do you want to run and on what settings?

3Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-14, 22:34



Tom there is a manual haha

4Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-14, 22:58



Bla125 wrote:Tom there is a manual haha
Not when you are building your own.

I think......

5Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-14, 23:01



Well the main game I want to run is TF2, since it's the only game I have right now. But by the time I make the computer, I'll probably have more/want more that have higher graphic needs (Crisis?). For graphics I want the highest possible, but I doubt I'll be able to get that, so just run games at good FPS with high graphics settings.

6Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-14, 23:02



T-800 wrote:
Bla125 wrote:Tom there is a manual haha
Not when you are building your own.

I think......
Manuals come with every part, and even if they don't there are PLENTY of instructional videos.

7Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-14, 23:04



Bla125 wrote:
T-800 wrote:
Bla125 wrote:Tom there is a manual haha
Not when you are building your own.

I think......
Manuals come with every part, and even if they don't there are PLENTY of instructional videos.
I know just having a little fun. Razz

8Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-14, 23:07



What is your budget?

9Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-14, 23:09



No idea. Maybe in the $1000 range? I've never built a computer so I have no idea what the price range could be :s

10Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-14, 23:11



At $1000 you'll be able to max crysis, depending on if you still need a monitor and stuff though.

11Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-14, 23:11



I would suggest going here
and post a thread asking for what you need so you can get the best deal for the money.

12Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-14, 23:14



Chances are I'll need a new monitor, keyboard, and maybe a mouse if I want to spend a little money for a better one then I have.

13Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-14, 23:18



Twitchy wrote:Chances are I'll need a new monitor, keyboard, and maybe a mouse if I want to spend a little money for a better one then I have.
Just add that to the end of your thread those awesome people there should be able to help you out.

14Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-14, 23:19



Gamefaqs PC board will give you a build pretty quickly.

15Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-14, 23:19



Bla125 wrote:Gamefaqs PC board will give you a build pretty quickly.
That is also a good place.

16Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-14, 23:27



Trust me when it comes to building a computer it seems like it is a lot harder than it actually is. I have built about 3 from the ground up and just swapped cases on 2 other ones. I had to build 3 computers 2 days before Christmas once.

There are a lot of videos to see how to do it so just take your time and I personally wouldn't worry too much about static frying anything, just don't go dragging your feet across the carpet.

17Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-14, 23:33



Offtopic: is that pic from Beetle Juice Bob?

Ontopic: If you ever need any help on building a computer I'm sure that you could find PLENTY of help.

18Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-14, 23:50



Well with everyone saying it is so easy i would just look at guides and find parts at newegg that you need to build a computer with and run crysis.

19Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-15, 03:53



Bla: It's from Demolition Man.

20Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-15, 07:57



Building a computer is kind of hard, the two Desktops in my house that my mum and sister use are made by my brother because he earns way too much in a month >.< (£5300 something) and he just builds computers sometimes since it's low budget rather than buying a ready made computer.

21Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-15, 12:41


Chewy has some good stuff for it.

they even have something where you put in what kind of CPU, GPU, etc in and it tells you the recommended wattage of the power supply:

but anyways one of the most important things is to make sure to get parts in the same interface. like don't get a SATA motherboard and then a SCSI hard drive.

but yeah that's about all the knowledge i have on the subject, i haven't actually built one myself but my last lab in my small computer systems class we had to look up parts for one.

22Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-15, 21:50



Just so you know, that post blew my brain.

23Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-15, 22:11



Twitchy wrote:Just so you know, that post blew my brain.
If it did I would stay away from building computers.

24Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-15, 22:42

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

If you're uncertain about installing the hardware or anything you can always youtube it.

Depending on how high end and how future proof (how long before it will be obsolete) can vary a lot in pricing.

25Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-19, 11:57



I'm debating building a PC or buying a gaming-quality laptop. Hm.

26Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-19, 11:59



I like laptops but they are just so damn fragile really.

27Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-19, 12:04

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

PC will last you since you can easily upgrade or swap parts out. If you're always needing a Laptop because you wanna game then maybe you're gaming too much. Razz

28Building a Computer Empty Re: Building a Computer 2010-10-19, 12:05



Game too much!!!! NEVER!

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