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So my Paypal got hacked today

Ron Swanson
Patrick Star
HydrasBreath ♜
8 posters

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1So my Paypal got hacked today Empty So my Paypal got hacked today 2013-03-20, 06:09

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I was just sitting on the couch reading this afternoon when all of a sudden I get a barrage of emails one after the other from Paypal saying I gifted a bunch of money to some asshole. It ended up being 4 transactions in all totaling over 200 dollars.

I immediately changed my password and flagged the transactions and all that jazz but fuck what a piss off. Now I have to go to the bank and call my credit card company and alert them that my account has been compromised and see what they can do about it.

The worst part is I have no idea how they got in to my account in the first place. I haven't even logged in to Paypal in months. Didn't get any weird emails or anything recently.

This really blows...hopefully Paypal rules in my favor.



damn that sucks,I figured paypal would be kinda safe. I haven't used it in forever though,it was too much hassle to use it just for ebay

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

ouch. One of the things i fear most.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

The internet is an evil, evil place. I hope you get that shit taken care of. Because its not like a normal thief where he has to be close by to rob you. No, this asshole who jacked you is probably in South America or some shit. So its not like you can track the guy down and exact your revenge.



they used it to fund their cocaine operations down there lol



that sucks, sorry bro

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Thanks dudes the Paypal investigation can take up to 10 business days so I have to play the waiting game. I'm fucking paranoid they'll keep withdrawing funds between now and then though. Regardless if I get a refund or not I'll be promptly removing my account and credit card info from Paypal as soon as I can.

It wierds me out that that the bastards could have my address too.



That sucks man, I do worry about mine getting jacked since it is directly linked to my bank account. I think I'm gonna go make a more secure password... Mine is already pretty decent, random numbers and letters, but it can always be better.

Recently I've had my debit card number guessed(luckily they only tested it with a $0 transaction on napster, nothing was taken), and then a day after that my Origin account hacked. And my Facebook was hacked pretty recently too(which I dont even really use). These hackers need to fuck off.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Nothing is safe >_>

After reading this topic I might just bury all my money in a coffee can in the yard.



Hank Hill wrote:Nothing is safe >_>

After reading this topic I might just bury all my money in a coffee can in the yard.

Except that the hackers already read this post and traced your IP address, and are on their way to your house to dig up your back yard right now.



Keyloggers, most likely. Make sure you're running your browser of choice with a script blocker at all times.



So my Paypal got hacked today 51463ea07ef2e



Damn, hope you get your money back. Sad



Sucks dude

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Chewy wrote:That sucks man, I do worry about mine getting jacked since it is directly linked to my bank account. I think I'm gonna go make a more secure password... Mine is already pretty decent, random numbers and letters, but it can always be better.

Recently I've had my debit card number guessed(luckily they only tested it with a $0 transaction on napster, nothing was taken), and then a day after that my Origin account hacked. And my Facebook was hacked pretty recently too(which I dont even really use). These hackers need to fuck off.

Yeah same here it's linked to both my bank account and credit card. I'll be unlinking them once the investigation is over.

for now I've transferred the entirety of my bank account to another account. The bulk of my money should be safe that way.

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