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I'm a jerk HAHA!

Keyser Söze
9 posters

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1I'm a jerk HAHA! Empty I'm a jerk HAHA! 2013-03-29, 23:18



It isn't often I message someone playing BF3 because of how terrible they are at it.

However just now I was in a tank with another guy driving who was just being worthless in it.
-Stopping 10 feet to short to cap a flag.
Crashing into everything.
Missing all his shots.
Getting stuck on things he should have avoided etc...

He was such a terrible driver I sent him a message saying "What in the hell are you doing?". No response from him so I check the scoreboard and...

He's level 1. Probably his first match ever, just trying to figure out the tank controls and even what the rules are and 3 minutes into it a level 100 is already sending him hate mail.

2I'm a jerk HAHA! Empty Re: I'm a jerk HAHA! 2013-03-30, 00:03



New players are the only people I say have an excuse. Nothing like playing TF2 with a bunch of new people...or checking your teams hours, and they're losing to people with 50 hours of play, and your team has 500+. Extremely irritating in any game.

3I'm a jerk HAHA! Empty Re: I'm a jerk HAHA! 2013-03-30, 00:19



Amazing how there are still new people.

Don't you go and hurt their feeling there. They aren't robots like us.

4I'm a jerk HAHA! Empty Re: I'm a jerk HAHA! 2013-03-30, 00:33



At least he's probably nicer than me, you don't want to know some of the things I've said to random teammates xD

5I'm a jerk HAHA! Empty Re: I'm a jerk HAHA! 2013-03-30, 00:33



MH wrote:Amazing how there are still new people.

Don't you go and hurt their feeling there. They aren't robots like us.

I sent him another message apologizing.

6I'm a jerk HAHA! Empty Re: I'm a jerk HAHA! 2013-03-30, 07:34

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Now all this story needs is some return hatemail.

7I'm a jerk HAHA! Empty Re: I'm a jerk HAHA! 2013-03-30, 16:38



I've said much worse to horrible random team mates and crybaby admins.

I hate when they switch you to their losing team.....yuck...I'd rather just be booted/banned from their server than that.

What the fuck are they thinking I'll do? "Oh gee I just got switched to the losing chump team! Oh golly I'll stay!!!" Evil or Very Mad

8I'm a jerk HAHA! Empty Re: I'm a jerk HAHA! 2013-03-31, 01:15



I constantly giggle at the fact that I'm lower level and topping the leaderboards of BF3. Sadly, I'm now a first level colonel, so it won't so cool.

9I'm a jerk HAHA! Empty Re: I'm a jerk HAHA! 2013-03-31, 04:23

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

Had a game of rush earlier tonight where I really wanted to msg an entire squad that was on my team, but I fought back the urge. We were the attacking team on Noshahr Canals and one squad of 3 guys went a combined went 1-9 and two of them went 0-12 each. And its not like the opposing team was really that good, I just went 15-4 but I started the match 13-0 and then got spawn-camped the last minute or so. I think when your squad goes 1-33 its time switch to another game.

10I'm a jerk HAHA! Empty Re: I'm a jerk HAHA! 2013-04-01, 13:06

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Every once and a while I will let someone know how terribly disappointed I am in their gaming skills. I mean, I can't quite understand how some people can suck so much at it.

11I'm a jerk HAHA! Empty Re: I'm a jerk HAHA! 2013-04-01, 20:49



Wait... we needed a topic for common knowledge?

At least now I know what ya'll say behind my back. ><

12I'm a jerk HAHA! Empty Re: I'm a jerk HAHA! 2013-04-02, 02:36



I found this thread hilarious for some reason

Metal to the topic at hand, we already know my man. haha

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