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I presen....GFAQs stupidity

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1I presen....GFAQs stupidity Empty I presen....GFAQs stupidity 2013-04-03, 13:18

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Oh I know. that board is just awful. I almost can't stand it.

The worst thing is all those stupid ass topics go 100+ posts



Hence why i don't deal with GameFAQs; I feel brain cells die just thinking about it, lol.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

If you give a board long enough almost all these people leave. Like right now at the ME3 board we have a fair community. its gone down now since they have stopped supporting the MP but it was really nice there for a while.



I find gamefaqs to be mostly teens

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