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The missing nodes (minecraft)

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1The missing nodes (minecraft) Empty The missing nodes (minecraft) 2013-05-28, 12:08

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

the two small nodes above frosts house are gone, and we now have a large one...somewhere in town.

its overcharged and generating flux...anyone know anything about it?

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

found it, its way out past pariahs house, i contained it, but half of town may get random atmosphere effects.


Sounds fun Very Happy



Epyk, are you going to destroy the town?

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

wasnt me, i though one of you all did it. my node is a bit farther out.

the small nodes were to so the unstable nodes didnt effect the towns.



I haven't messed with thaumcraft at all, I have no clue.

random sidenote, is it possible to pick up an MFE?



there's a bug with thaumcraft that sometimes causes nodes to reset and randomize.



Pariah wrote:I haven't messed with thaumcraft at all, I have no clue.

random sidenote, is it possible to pick up an MFE?

Yes use a wrench or electric Wrench



Frostbyrn wrote:
Pariah wrote:I haven't messed with thaumcraft at all, I have no clue.

random sidenote, is it possible to pick up an MFE?

Yes use a wrench or electric Wrench




Make sure to right click not just break it

Also the Electric Wrench on Lossless mode is preferred

Since the normal one only has an 80% chance of removing a machine successfully

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