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Just realized what was missing from Black Ops.

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Never really thought about it, but I've sat and thought something was really weird about the game: There's no idle sway on anything, except for snipers. If that was patched into the game, that would create balance, without really having to change damages on anything. The M4 from CoD4 would've been extremely OP, had it not been for idle sway, but because of it, it was fine the way it was, though it was easy to use. That's all the weapon balance needs added, and it would be tuned perfectly.



Yah but I mean do you think your average noob could handle that and recoil?



T-800 wrote:Yah but I mean do you think your average noob could handle that and recoil?

They did in CoD4, they can in this game. If someone isn't that good at the game, why should they be allowed to have a chance against people who are? I never understood that about so many games. If they want to be good, they should have to earn it.



COD 4 did not have this type of recoil. Hell I have never seen a game with recoil like it is in black ops. Just give it a couple of years and sway will most likely be added back once the market is use to recoil.



They should still both have sway and recoil; I even say there should be more recoil than there is in Black Ops. I want a difficult shooter for once.


T-800 wrote:COD 4 did not have this type of recoil. Hell I have never seen a game with recoil like it is in black ops. Just give it a couple of years and sway will most likely be added back once the market is use to recoil.
most weapons in codwaw had sway. semi-automatics were able to keep up with machine guns so well because they actually didn't. sway and recoil are two completely different things

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