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Another detailed look at BF4 multiplayer

The Adli Corporation
HydrasBreath ♜
9 posters

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Carbines, shotguns, PDWs, and DMRs are confirmed all kit.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Is that ALL carbines, shotguns, etc...?



HydrasBreath wrote:Is that ALL carbines, shotguns, etc...?

That's the going theory. I'm not sure if a DICE employee has said for absolute certain.

Also, apparently PDWs are not all kit, they're engineer weapons now.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

ah cool...I was hoping they'd make some changes to the class setups as far as weapons go. Maybe now assault and engy won't be so god tier like they were in BF3.



I thought support was well balanced in BF 3

I always do well with the support kit



This'll be interesting. I kinda like the DMRs being all-class.



Interesting. It'll be fascinating to see how the classes balance this time. I'm still concerned that the assault/medic super-class will be hyper dominant.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

all class DMR sounds neat. like the M14 was in BC2.

although Support + DMR + 4x sounds just an annoying as Assault + DRM +4x was in BC2 hahah. all the PEW PEW!



MEGA MILK wrote:Interesting. It'll be fascinating to see how the classes balance this time. I'm still concerned that the assault/medic super-class will be hyper dominant.

Hopefully now that medics have to charge the defib before using they won't be so annoying to deal with.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Oh they added a charge to the defibrillator? Hopefully the will curb Rambo revives and zombie squads.



yeah I'll probably use DMR alot

has there been anymore confirmed weapons?He said something about the FN FAL which I thought would be cool to put in Very Happy

damn it Oct seems too far away...walking dead and this

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Did anybody catch where he said some guns discard the entire magazine when you reload? If they decide to go that route I'm so screwed. I'm a compulsive reloader haha.

Hopefully supports will be more generous with the ammo too if that's the case.



yea that would be crazy. Cuz technically you really are throwing away the ammo when you reload,but no other game has ever done that, besides in Borderlands 2 with those explosive reload weapons.

I don't think I'd like it to be honest,nobody really throws ammo as it is

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah it would take alot to retrain myself not to compulsively go for a reload after every kill haha.



I really hope that they do go with it discarding un-used ammo when you re-load. That's the way it should be in all FPS games. I'll be pretty pissed if they pussy out and don't do it.

He also said the FN FAL was an all-kit DMR... except that the FN FAL isn't a DMR. It's a select fire battle rifle. So was he just being an idiot? Or does that mean there are battle/assault rifles in the all-kit class?

I like the change of Engi's having PDW's/SMG's as their primary. However since carbines are now all-kit, and there is almost no difference between a carbine and an assault rifle I wonder if that means the Assault class rifles will always have an under-barrel grenade launcher on them to differentiate them?

Also who is this guy talking and playing? He's a worthless fuck-tard dipshit that never spots. In all that time I only ever saw him spot once. I would never want this brain-dead fuck on my team.



Forgot to mention: The weapons look like they have almost no recoil at all. Even less than CoD. Was it mentioned anywhere that this was just because it's an early build or did they actually design it to be... err. Dumber?



I heard they dumbed it down for the e3 gameplay so the guns have way less damage so the bad randoms playing could live longer than they should,don't know about the recoil,they do all seem to have very little now that I'm thinking about it



I just noticed him pulling out the grenade launcher separately from his AR so that answers that question. If that's the case I wonder what the difference is from the AR's to the Carbines.



maybe the ARs do a little more damage at range due to longer barrel



Probably. And I suppose that if Carbines are all-kit weapons now that Battle-rifles probably are too and he just accidentally called it a DMR.



HydrasBreath wrote:Did anybody catch where he said some guns discard the entire magazine when you reload? If they decide to go that route I'm so screwed. I'm a compulsive reloader haha.

Hopefully supports will be more generous with the ammo too if that's the case.

BF series traditionally had discarding mags.

It made support class more desirable, as everyone ran out of ammo. Not to mention vehicles running out of ammo. Of course, some people just made decision that they will not survive that long to expend all ammo.

Its actually a LOT more hurtful to sniper class, as reloading significantly reduces total ammo percentage.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I agree with Metal. I liked the fact that you lose ammo if you reload and still have bullets. I hope that such a change will make players think a bit more before pulling the trigger, and when and where to reload. This should make it a bit more tactical, and it may even encourage improvisation once you are out of bullets.



Am I the only one that quoting is broken for?

Anyway, like Ars said I believe it adds another layer of situational skill into the game. That's good. It would also mean better chances of getting into these new face-to-face knife fights.

Also thanks Ante for posting these!



yea quoting is broken for me too,when I quote to reply it never lets me out of the box to start typing my own reply



The work around for quoting.

When you quote a post, select all by pressing Ctrl+A, then cut it. When the space is blank, press enter once or twice to make space. At the top of the posting space, paste back the quoted text.

Thats what I've been doing.



I just noticed (from the other topic) that it looks like going all kit gives classes the option of C4 again! Unless Recon always has C4. It also looks like Recon still has the Tugs, so that's great.

I also noticed that Support seems to have a Smart-Grenade launcher instead of mortars. Coolio! They also look to have an Ammo Box and an Ammo Pouch. One re-supplies ammo and the other re-supplies explosives I'm guessing?

I'm really liking what I'm seeing so far. I'm worried about the damage meters though. Hopefully they are still using the semi-real approach to caliber/damage that BF3 uses.

Things that I'm not liking.
The points feed is still to close to the center of the screen where it can be distracting and the text is far to small in these videos.

The on-screen hud. It looks like the A, B, C markers for objectives have been moved out of the way to the edges of the screen (thank God), but the friend/enemy markers still get jumbled. A teammates name marker still lights up even if a bad guy is between you, making it look like the badguy is on your team. I really wish they would fix this. Gets me killed regularly on BF3.



I'm also not liking the suppression changes as he described them.
I do like that it is toned down, but it doesn't make sense that different weapons would suppress at different amounts. You could make a case for bullet velocity or caliber (barely), but having the actual weapon class matter is stupid.



Different types of knives!
I'M IN HEAVEN! Can't wait to finally play this.

However I still hate DICE with a passion. I hate them so much that I am now extremely racist against Swedish people.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Can you post a link to that new info you're getting metal? is it in a video or something? I didn't see it in  the video in this thread.



Metalzoic wrote:I really hope that they do go with it discarding un-used ammo when you re-load. That's the way it should be in all FPS games. I'll be pretty pissed if they pussy out and don't do it.

He also said the FN FAL was an all-kit DMR... except that the FN FAL isn't a DMR. It's a select fire battle rifle. So was he just being an idiot? Or does that mean there are battle/assault rifles in the all-kit class?

I like the change of Engi's having PDW's/SMG's as their primary. However since carbines are now all-kit, and there is almost no difference between a carbine and an assault rifle I wonder if that means the Assault class rifles will always have an under-barrel grenade launcher on them to differentiate them?

Also who is this guy talking and playing? He's a worthless fuck-tard dipshit that never spots. In all that time I only ever saw him spot once. I would never want this brain-dead fuck on my team.

Levelcap is probably one of the best Battlefield players out there. Judging his skill based on a 20 minute session at E3 is a pretty brain-dead move, imo. Just saying.



HydrasBreath wrote:Can you post a link to that new info you're getting metal? is it in a video or something? I didn't see it in  the video in this thread.




Can you post a link to that new info you're getting metal? is it in a video or something? I didn't see it in  the video in this thread.

It's from Antes other thread showing a picture of some of the option/setup screens.

He might have a 9:1 kd and an SPM of 10,000, but if he doesn't spot then I would consider him not-good, just like I would any other player. Maybe he spots more in real life, he seemed to in one of his other videos.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

DICE won't fix the teammate-name-while-an-enemy-is-between-you, I know it. That shit always trolls me Sad

And yeah, LevelCap is pretty good. He seemed to just be fucking around and exploring the game in the videos he's making.



DICE won't fix the teammate-name-while-an-enemy-is-between-you, I know it. That shit always trolls me Another detailed look at BF4 multiplayer Icon_sad

That's what I'm worried about to. I hate it and it would be so easy for them to fix.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I heard that magazine based ammo is only in hardcore mode and that core is probably just pool based.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

HydrasBreath wrote:I heard that magazine based ammo is only in hardcore mode and that core is probably just pool based.
You break my heart, man Sad



Ars \"FUCK THIS SHIT" Diaboli wrote: wrote: 
HydrasBreath wrote:I heard that magazine based ammo is only in hardcore mode and that core is probably just pool based.

You break my heart, man Another detailed look at BF4 multiplayer Icon_sad


HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah I guess the devs have confirmed that magazine based is something they want to implement in hardcore.



Too bad hardcore sucks



Sym, while punching a baby, wrote: wrote:Too bad hardcore sucks

Hmmm... this reminds me that I have an awesome idea for friendly-fire I'll tell you about in a bit.

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