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Marijuana Stops Child's severe seizures

Keyser Söze
Green bean Specialist
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Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist




Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I think it's crazy that some people still doubt the medical benefits of this plant.



Considering that most stoners people come into contact with and know are stoners, act like idiots, it really isn't that surprising. Its hard to take something serious with all the fucktards running around that smoke it. Or think they're smoking it when really they've just been given oregano. ><

Plus the benefits aren't spoken of enough, especially in anything remotely similar to main stream media where more people are likely to see it.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

sheep wrote:Considering that most stoners people come into contact with and know are stoners, act like idiots, it really isn't that surprising.  Its hard to take something serious with all the fucktards running around that smoke it.  Or think they're smoking it when really they've just been given oregano.  ><

Plus the benefits aren't spoken of enough, especially in anything remotely similar to main stream media where more people are likely to see it.
People who abuse prescription drugs are just as fucktarded as anyone else or even more so in a lot of cases.

Just because you can abuse something doesn't automatically negate any benefits.

There's just this crazy irrational stigma around weed for some reason.



Did she eeven mention abusing the drug?



People who smoke are  or act like fucktards?



Reading comprehension gone down hill there Sym? I said there are some/a lot. Not all. I've known some who fall into both categories, though more of the idiot type than the non.

As for prescription drugs - How many commercials for some pill or another do you see a day? They are in your face on a regular basis, talked about in doctors offices and so on, so we're more used to pills and the like as being the route to taking care of our medical issues. If marijuana got the sort of positive exposure it would become more accepted by people.

- Also, since its harder to tax the government wants to keep it out of the legal market. It might have something to do with the big pharmaceutical companies too, but I'm not educated on whether or not they can recreate the effects with synthesized pills/whatever.

I'm not against it for medical use, and don't really give a damn if people smoke it for fun either. What you do with your free time is none of my concern.

Annnd, anything and everything can be abused.



Well re reading what you said it still sounds like that's what you were saying. but whatev.

 Marijuana Stops Child's severe seizures Attachment



Haha  im high right now

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

sheep wrote:
It might have something to do with the big pharmaceutical companies too

Yes. It also has a lot to do with other products that most people don't think about too, as you can make a shit load of different products with hemp such as paper, clothing, rope etc.

So it is more than just the pharmaceutical industry that stands to lose profit from the legalization of cannabis (and industrial hemp).

sheep wrote:
but I'm not educated on whether or not they can recreate the effects with synthesized pills/whatever.

They can simulate them to an extent, but we can't fully recreate in a lab something that is the product of a living system and its enzymes. Also, cannabis being a natural plant, cannot be patented.

Funny fact, THC pills list things such as difficulty in thinking or maintaining concentration, feelings of 'disconnectedness', confusion, sleepiness, dizziness, euphoria, increased appetite etc as side effects. Strange how a lot of these "side effects" sound like normal things to expect when getting high.



< enjoys MJ for 12+ years

Im an experienced stoner, have been for years. Greg is the only one on my level. True story.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Speaking of which, I haven't waked and baked yet...

Time to get busy, before I called to go to work.



Ive waked an baked every day for 3 weeks


I gotta go to gym tomorrow.....damnt...haha.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Haha, well I'm off to make some coffee, than a spliff and then it's time to open my mixing program and get some work in.

I hate being on call for work but not knowing when I might actually have to go. Makes it impossible to plan out the day.



Yea sounds like that would a bitch

Anything new you got to share?

Ive been working on a few riffs haha, I like them alot. I just need a bad again.....Seriously sucks.....if I moved back to Portland it would so chops are nearly back after the drunko accident...

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Sym wrote:Yea sounds like that would a bitch

Anything new you got to share?

Ive been working on a few riffs haha, I like them alot. I just need a bad again.....Seriously sucks.....if I moved back to Portland it would so chops are nearly back after the drunko accident...
I'm almost done with the mix portion of the Spliff album, but to be honest, after working on this for 6 months, I'm kind of burnt out on it. Plus this stage is more listening to it over and over and catching the last details that need to fixed (example: vocals here and there up or down a couple db). It's kind of like proofreading, so it's a bit boring as you can imagine, especially when you've heard all the songs a thousand times over.

Right now I'm adding the various samples and making a playlist just to see how it all flows together.

I'll share the whole damn thing with you soon if you like, I just want to fix some rough edges. I could use an outside opinion anyway.




I would gladly give you feedback

Constructive of course haha...

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Sure, hell you can even have an "advance copy" too. Haha...



Whats going on with Birth of Depravity?

I like that project a whole lot.....

Spliff is pretty much strait grind (amiright?) and while I love that shit, I like the death metal element of BOD more.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Sym wrote:Whats going on with Birth of Depravity?

I like that project a whole lot.....

Spliff is pretty much strait grind (amiright?) and while I love that shit, I like the death metal element of BOD more.
Birth of Depravity is on hold kind of...

The three of us are pretty far from each other so, we don't actually play, but the guitarist has about 5 or 6 new tracks he's working on. We also finally got copies of our CD and we did a live show last October.

Spliff is more grind yes, but I think some death metal elements make through in some of our tracks. Also, our lyrical themes being mostly about weed I think a lot of songs are more on the playful, kind of groovy catchy side of things as oppose to kick you in the face kind of grind. Lots of silliness in the album, really.



No doubt

Thanks for the input

I actually listen to your BOD album every once in awhile , it really good.

Would be so much fun to jam with you and Hydra. Man that would be great. I havent had a good jam session in a good while. I miss it.....

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

That would be awesome, too bad we're in three different countries...haha.



Canada/America/Greece its all the same thing when it comes to music

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I was thinking more of the distance issue, but yes.

Perhaps a project from distance.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:I was thinking more of the distance issue, but yes.

Perhaps a project from distance.
I've thought about suggesting we do this a few times actually. I think it would be pretty rad.



I forgot about hemp. we used hemp in school in an art/crafts class.

And there is something about the seeds too I remember seeing ... or the seed oil? But I forget now.

I think if it could get better press, and have these sorts of stories and educational documentaries about it in more accessible places it would help boost the legalization of it, at least for more medical practices. Like getting some of the documentaries and what not you can find on youtube or elsewhere on the net, and setting them up on Netflix. Some people don't use youtube but do stream Netflix.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I always thought this was a good documentary about cannabis. It might be on Netflix too.



Reefer Madness?

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Whoops, forgot to actually include the documentary.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Reefer Madness is pure propaganda.



This has nothing to do with anything Very Happy

Marijuana Stops Child's severe seizures Efudix



Khfan60 wrote:Reefer Madness?
 Not sure if serious...



Sym wrote:
Khfan60 wrote:Reefer Madness?
 Not sure if serious...
That movie is 100% fact. Marijuana is the devil's playtool

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

And don't forget that it's more deadly than even heroin. Also, when you smoke it, you exhale multi-coloured smoke and play the piano really fucking fast!

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:And don't forget that it's more deadly than even heroin. Also, when you smoke it, you exhale multi-coloured smoke and play the piano really fucking fast!
That's it! I'm gonna smoke weed and become the next Beethoven!

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

HydrasBreath wrote:
Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:And don't forget that it's more deadly than even heroin. Also, when you smoke it, you exhale multi-coloured smoke and play the piano really fucking fast!
That's it! I'm gonna smoke weed and become the next Beethoven!
But you'll be the first homicidal Beethoven!

You know, because people kill other people on weed.

Like Cephalic Carnage
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Came into my home,
Searching for the weed,
Crooked wretched cops,
Enforce corrupted greed,
Throw me to the ground,
Ripping my place apart,
For an ounce of buds,
They used excessive force,
Where are my rights,
There's no justice for me,
Our system let me down,
My life I must defend,
So now ill kill for weed,
Grab a cop and pull
him to the floor,
Strangulate him with a chord,
Kill for weed,
Kill for weed,
Kill for weed,
Kill for weed,
The other try's to
subdue me falls onto
a sword,
Kill for weed,
Kill for weed,
Kill for weed,
Kill for weed,
This wont happen again,
Your bullshit lies
and rotting sins,
We cant take no more,
Well fight you all
and win the war,
Legalize today,
Put a stop to brutality,
We will rise above,
Till your gone,
And we have won,
Its our destiny,
So now ill kill for weed,
This is a song about a
I met on the street,
Told me how he killed for weed,
Killed for weed,
Killed for weed,
Killed for fucking weed!!!!!



You like CC?

I love them, haven't put out a new album in ages.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Last edited by Sym on 2013-08-13, 19:02; edited 1 time in total



Marijuana cures Children's diseases

In unrelated news Happy Meal sales skyrocket

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Of course I like CC, duh.

Although last album I didn't really pay much attention to.

I think their highlight is Lucid Interval. I love the experimentation both on a musical level and from the actual mix angle. Fucking insane.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Their one little flamenco interlude on that album inspired my guitarist and I to introduce some random chill out, acoustic guitar interludes in Spliff.



Just didnt think they were your cup of tea,

They are very much a technical death metal band

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Yes, but they're not boring and flatulent. They sound like it comes naturally while they're having fun playing music, while others bands seem contrived and forced.

Plus they're stoners...



Oh wow they do have a recent album(3 years )....I should check that one out....did you ever listen to it?

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Misled by Certainty? Yes.

Actually just finished listening to it now.

Still my least listened to and least favourite CC album.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Here's a pretty cool videoclip from the last album.




Yes thats the one.

Damn, heres hoping they put out something soon.

Heres a good one

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Ha I was just watching that video a little bit ago actually cruising through CC videos

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Go listen to it if you haven't. It's full on youtube.

And don't get me wring, it's not a bad album, it just feels like they didn't go anywhere after Xenosapien, while up until that album it seemed to me that they were constantly progressing.

I was disappointed when I first heard it, but maybe it just needs more listens.

Eh, whatever...

*goes back to Lucid Interval*

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Really, how could they ever top this?

It's like death/grind having a bad trip on too much acid...



Xenosapian is my favorite actually

Ill check out the new album here soon. Right now Im listening to this. Back when they were more brutal. Death grind. Now they are more tech death. Anyways they are sick.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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