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Artimise Flare
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1Back from hiatus Empty Back from hiatus 2013-08-14, 11:54

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare


It's been a while since I've posted here. How has everyone been?

2Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-14, 16:02



afro afro afro afro  welcome

3Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-14, 16:10




4Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-14, 16:22

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Anyone else pumped for BF4? From what I've read so far, I'm really liking the changes they have put into place. A little mixed on the whole all kit carbines thing, though all lot DMR's sounds cool.

I like how you can finally start dialing in your scope and zeroing for distance with the sniper rifles now.

5Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-14, 16:30



I'm pretty excited for BF4. Did you see they just revealed a trophy system gadget for the engineer? Say goodbye to M320/XM25 spammers!

 Also, welcome back yo. Always good to have more people sparsely posting. Razz Wink

Last edited by Ante on 2013-08-14, 16:31; edited 1 time in total

6Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-14, 16:31



Honestly Im not really that pumped for BF4

I dont know why either. It looks awesome.

7Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-14, 16:32



trophy system gadget?

yeah I'm pumped for bf4,gonna look sweet maxed out/on high Razz

8Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-14, 16:35



My AFSC is cooler than your AFSC.

9Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-14, 16:41

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

LMG only suppression, my favorite carbine the Swedish AK5 (AK heavily modified FNC) return of C4 and motion mines for recon, choosing factions to face in multi player, and a plethora of other things. It looks amazing.

And no I have not seen the new achievement system. Any links?

10Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-14, 16:42



11Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-14, 16:45

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Lol, nice.

Hopefully it will help keep tanks from getting "lolroflstomped" bu an army of engineers.

Oh, counter knifing and charge up time on medic defbs yes please!

12Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-14, 16:52



Counter knife better be really hard to pull off

13Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-14, 16:53

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

You have 1 second to react with a melee attack to counter

14Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-14, 17:36

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah I'm pretty pumped to play BF4. We'll have to get a squad going.

15Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-14, 17:55



Artimise Flare wrote:You have 1 second to react with a melee attack to counter
People who practiced counters all day in fighting games put your hands up.

Hand up.

16Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-14, 22:46

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

MH wrote:
Artimise Flare wrote:You have 1 second to react with a melee attack to counter
People who practiced counters all day in fighting games put your hands up.

Hand up.

1 second really is a lot of time. I could see this getting patched fast if so.

17Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-14, 22:47



Yea I was thinking it needs to be like half a second

18Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-14, 23:05

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Either that or nobody will even contemplate knifing from a counterable position.

19Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-14, 23:06



No doubt a second is wayyyy to long IMO

20Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-14, 23:42

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I think if you knife from the back they can't counter.

21Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-14, 23:44



PLaying guitar Im used to moving my fingers much faster than that Shocked

22Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-15, 00:21

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah a whole second seems a bit long to me too.

23Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-15, 01:56



Perhaps it will encourage people to use a weapon designed to be a last resort as such.

24Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-15, 02:39



The counter only works from the front so it's really a non-issue.

I'm really looking forward to it and I still have no idea which system I'll be getting it for. Although if everything else is equal (or they fuck the PS4 version up with mkb support) then I'll get it on X1.

I am a bit worried that the scope-zeroing thing is going to make for even more useless snipers not helping take objectives. Hopefully it is absorbed by the much higher player count.

25Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-15, 10:57

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Depends on how it's implemented I think. What I'm curious is if this will apply to both DMR's with traditional x8 optics and such as well. Also, if they're going to make it so that DMR's are actually able to be effective at reasonable tanges with a shot to the head.

Using them in BF3 was a real exercise of patience if and you were pretty much required to run them with either an RDS or x4 at most.

It will be mice to be able to actually use them in their intended role with getting boned because your follow up shots are so handicapped.

It looks like there will be more points to be earned for damaging and killing vehicles now.

A video showcasing an AC130 gunship showed the guy getting Mobility damage and then mobility kill points off of a tank he was pounding with the 120mm. Boats look amazing as well from what I've seen. Pilots will have to fear flying over the water as well it seems now that boats have AA missiles and air burst cannons.

26Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-15, 12:27



I'd like to know the full weapons list but probably be awhile till they have that.... AN94/AEK all the way Razz , I'll probably use that DMR quite a bit,I liked running with the m14 in bad company 2

27Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-15, 13:32

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Interesting enough the M14 and the SCAR-H are now assault rifles for the assault kit. The M39 is a DMR.

The AK971 is back of course, but the AK74 appears to have been replaced with the AK12

Furthermore it looks like they are trying to bring in more 7.62 battle rifles into the game. If the FAL is available ill be as giddy as a highschool tween out at a twilight premier.

Engineers now are the only ones that have PDW's no more LOL god mod engi's per say, though Carbines are now all kit weapons, so I'm not sure what to make of that.

They have brought in one of my all time favorite rifles as an all kit weapon the Swedish AK5c (one super sexy gun if you ask me) among other things. It's still a little early to say, but the game is looking really good.

Fully customizable handguns will be nice, laser pointers, sound suppressors, ghost wring irons (will make the Rex much easier to aim) so far it looks like a lot of the issues people complained over in BF3 is being addressed.

Another intriguing thing I saw was the "High Value Target" resource the commander has. So I wonder, is this kind of like the bounty system from home front where a "bounty" can be placed on a player that is doing very well and is being a pain to the other team? Designating a specific player as an objective possible? If that is the case, I welch it with mixed feelings. While useful 8 can see it being abused and used to troll people.

28Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-15, 13:39



it'll probably be used on me

I swear I remember some streamer on youtube,maybe levelcap or some other guy saying that the FAL is in the game,thought that was cool,but I haven't seen too much on weapons, alot of Chinese weapons,like that low recoil LMG with the magazine

29Back from hiatus Empty Re: Back from hiatus 2013-08-15, 13:51

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Yeah the one with an insane ROF of 1.1k or something.

Yeah there is a surprising lack of Russian weapons being listed.. God I hope you're right on the FAl jr, that would be awesome.

We need more battle rifles in the game. Vehicle upgrades seem pretty cool so far, free fall bombs would be nice I think for jets.the new anti infantry rockets for helicopters are interesting. Finally the pilot can get in on the action of taking out infantry instead of the gunner getting all the glory.

I really like the idea of being able to choose where each faction spawns and which one is fighting whom. That'll add a really nice mix up to the game I think.

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