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Tons of new BF4 info

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1Tons of new BF4 info Empty Tons of new BF4 info 2013-08-15, 21:51



2Tons of new BF4 info Empty Re: Tons of new BF4 info 2013-08-15, 22:15

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Nice. I'm really liking the revamped perk system.

3Tons of new BF4 info Empty Re: Tons of new BF4 info 2013-08-15, 22:17



That armor perk though. ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

4Tons of new BF4 info Empty Re: Tons of new BF4 info 2013-08-15, 22:30

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Ante wrote:That armor perk though. ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Yeah when I saw that I was like "oh god please no magnum ammo" Thankfully I didn't see anything like that.

5Tons of new BF4 info Empty Re: Tons of new BF4 info 2013-08-15, 22:35



any bullet damage modifiers are a cause for concern imo.

6Tons of new BF4 info Empty Re: Tons of new BF4 info 2013-08-15, 23:06

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Ante wrote:any bullet damage modifiers are a cause for concern imo.
Yeah but it's in one of the generic perk trees so I'm hoping it won't be widely used. I hope the class specific ones will be more useful.

7Tons of new BF4 info Empty Re: Tons of new BF4 info 2013-08-16, 00:00



The morons at DICE wrote:We’re increasing the suppression effect of Light Machine Guns, exclusive to the Support kit, while other weapons are less suppressive.
Dumb. Beyond dumb. A bullet is a bullet, the weapon it is fired from should make zero difference to suppression. This is so dumb it actually lowers my interest in the game a bit.

Less of a moron at DICE wrote:we’re also replacing the accuracy penalty in Battlefield 3 with a scope sway effect – similar to what snipers get in Battlefield 3 while suppressed. A skilled, focused player can keep his aim on target and get hits, even while under the effects of Suppression.
Smart. However not smart enough to erase the idiocy of the previously quoted change.

OK. Back to reading the article written by worthless scumbag swedes.

8Tons of new BF4 info Empty Re: Tons of new BF4 info 2013-08-16, 00:09



How is LMGs getting more suppression dumb? It's exactly the role they're tailored for and they should excel over all the other weapon types at it. Having an assault rifle match an LMG for suppression while having greater accuracy, lower recoil, and better mobility is the dumb move here, not this.

9Tons of new BF4 info Empty Re: Tons of new BF4 info 2013-08-16, 00:11



Ante wrote:any bullet damage modifiers are a cause for concern imo.
I agree. I also don't like that Stealth one.

I also really dislike that it sounds like Support and Recon both have C4 and they both have Claymores.

Why even have different classes if you go and break your own design rules and mix two of them up.

It's stupid decisions like this that really make me wish some other dev was in charge of the franchise. God I hate them.

10Tons of new BF4 info Empty Re: Tons of new BF4 info 2013-08-16, 01:07



Ante wrote:How is LMGs getting more suppression dumb? It's exactly the role they're tailored for and they should excel over all the other weapon types at it. Having an assault rifle match an LMG for suppression while having greater accuracy, lower recoil, and better mobility is the dumb move here, not this.

You're right. LMG's are tailored for, and exell at, suppression. But not because a magical suppression fairy sprinkled dust on them. It's because they can lay down prolonged, sustained fire.

There is no difference in bullets whether they're fired from the LMG or the rifle. So there is really no logical reason one should suppress more than the other. It makes no sense.

They should base suppression off of volume of fire. That would make sense within the pseudo-realistic realm of a military shooter as well as making it so all weapons follow the same "physics" without magical exceptions to the rules. It would also create a mechanic that was more active than passive.

11Tons of new BF4 info Empty Re: Tons of new BF4 info 2013-08-16, 01:29

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I'm not sure how I feel about the Assault still being the medic. It really is a bit overpowered in BF3.

12Tons of new BF4 info Empty Re: Tons of new BF4 info 2013-08-16, 07:56



Ars Diaboli wrote:I'm not sure how I feel about the Assault still being the medic. It really is a bit overpowered in BF3.
with the charge time introduced to the paddles a spam revive will only bring someone up at 20 health (and 20 points for the revive). A 100 health revive is said by DICE to take 3 seconds of defib charging. that will make a pretty big difference to medic whoring.

Edit: Also, you apparently run and sprint slower with the armor perk enabled.

Edit2: It also only protects from the front.

13Tons of new BF4 info Empty Re: Tons of new BF4 info 2013-08-16, 11:16

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

All right, I like those changes then. I won't say much until I play it. This IS DICE after all, they tend to find ways to fuck it up.

14Tons of new BF4 info Empty Re: Tons of new BF4 info 2013-08-16, 11:40



Ars Diaboli wrote:All right, I like those changes then. I won't say much until I play it. This IS DICE after all, they tend to find ways to fuck it up.

15Tons of new BF4 info Empty Re: Tons of new BF4 info 2013-08-16, 19:16

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah I aslo found it weird that support and recon both get C4 and claymores.

16Tons of new BF4 info Empty Re: Tons of new BF4 info 2013-08-16, 23:06



yeah with all the universal weapons and stuff it just seems to me classes don't matter much,or assault medic pwns all again >_>

17Tons of new BF4 info Empty Re: Tons of new BF4 info 2013-08-16, 23:21



A wise man on another site wrote:I like Recon having C4 back. I just don't think that Support should also have C4. Maybe they should have the mortar binoculars instead. Or a much bigger, single-use demo pack. Or anything at all to differentiate the classes so they aren't to similar.

So now that you can pick and choose gadgets, what is the difference between a Support running with C4, Claymores and a carbine and a Recon using the exact same set-up? Their character model?

No sir. I don't like it.

18Tons of new BF4 info Empty Re: Tons of new BF4 info 2013-08-17, 01:05



Metalzoic wrote:
A wise man on another site wrote:I like Recon having C4 back. I just don't think that Support should also have C4. Maybe they should have the mortar binoculars instead. Or a much bigger, single-use demo pack. Or anything at all to differentiate the classes so they aren't to similar.

So now that you can pick and choose gadgets, what is the difference between a Support running with C4, Claymores and a carbine and a Recon using the exact same set-up? Their character model?

No sir. I don't like it.
Do we know for sure a recon can run C4 and claymore at the same time? Same with support? Probably not is my guess, and I'm pretty sure DICE won't give support the PLD and pokeballs, and recon mortars and ammo packs. A little bit of explosives overlap (and it's only these 2 classes. it's not like assault is getting rocket launchers and engies grenade launchers) to help more classes be somewhat effective against vehicles is a good thing.

People jump the gun way too easily.

19Tons of new BF4 info Empty Re: Tons of new BF4 info 2013-08-17, 12:30



Ante using a rational voice wrote:A little bit of explosives overlap (and it's only these 2 classes. it's not like assault is getting rocket launchers and engies grenade launchers)
That's my problem. It's only 2 classes if all 4 had some overlap I wouldn't mind. Then it would be a design feature. Two just makes it a half-assed rule. Even more of a crime is that they didn't even bother to come up with something new! They just copy pasted Supports shit over to Recon.

Ante in his infinite wisdom wrote:to help more classes be somewhat effective against vehicles is a good thing
Sure, if they had actually done that for all classes. Except that's not exactly what we have here is it? Nope.
C4 being given to Recon helps them with vehicles, but Claymores don't and they also didn't mention giving assault any anti-vehicle abilities.

So really this change:
-washes two classes together a bit, making each less distinctive, but leaves the others creating an imbalance.

-It takes the balance of 2 anti-vehicle/2-anti-infantry classes and instead makes 3 anti-vehicle creating even more imbalance.

-It takes the class that is already filled with "designated marksmen" who don't do shit to help and gives them Claymores so the can camp and not-do-shit-to-help even better. All balance is lost and the entire thing tips over.

-The terrorists win.

See? #Seriousbusiness. The only thing that could make it any worse is if they introduce female character models.

Here's my vote:
Give C4 to Recon, but not Claymores
Give Claymores to Support, but not Recon

That I would support.
oops... didn't mean to go all Artimise on you guys...

20Tons of new BF4 info Empty Re: Tons of new BF4 info 2013-08-17, 13:12



DICE Blog wrote:The Support kit has a few more offensive options, and thanks to community feedback will retain his C4 and Claymores from Battlefield 3. The XM25 gives him some nice indirect suppressive fire, a redesigned remote mortar allows him to use indirect fire from a distance, and the ability to equip carbines and DMRs gives him an added versatility in combat roles.

Recon has gotten a much needed boost to mobility, as well as the return of the Spec Ops play style from Battlefield 2. Pack a carbine, C4 (or Claymores), and Motion Sensors and you’re good to go behind enemy lines. Fans of more traditional sniping roles will enjoy our revamped sniping mechanics with rebalanced Sniper Rifles, the ability to zero your sights (set an aiming distance), and additional optics and accessories. Finally, the Recon players can still utilise the MAV, T-UGS, and Radio Beacon to help out their team.
I just noticed that the article only mentions Support and Recon being able to use Carbines and DMR's and doesn't mention Engi or Assault having access to them at all.

Also, what do you think they mean that they gave Recon more mobility? That makes it sound like the class moves/sprints faster than the others. What else could that mean?

God I hate DICE.

21Tons of new BF4 info Empty Re: Tons of new BF4 info 2013-08-17, 16:10



No one's forcing you to buy BF4 man. If you hate it that much, why not just stay away from Battlefield?

22Tons of new BF4 info Empty Re: Tons of new BF4 info 2013-08-17, 17:19



What? Why would I do that? I never said I hate it. I love Battlefield. It's one of my favorite series.

That doesn't mean I can't point out things that are poorly thought out or half-assed. Especially when it is a dev that has a pretty good track record of screwing up the obvious.

23Tons of new BF4 info Empty Re: Tons of new BF4 info 2013-08-17, 17:25

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

From what I gather, Metal hates DICE, but loves Battlefield. It's weird.

Here's my vote:
Give C4 to Recon, but not Claymores
Give Claymores to Support, but not Recon
This, please.

I really want DICE to keep each class very different from each other, not interchangeable. Bad Company 2 had very good balance in that aspect. Each class could be brutal, but not retarded good. May just be me, but making the Assault the medic was a terrible idea for BF3, as was creating the support class for C4 + Claymores and removing the C4 for the wookiees. It made one class close to useless and another one godly. Support is a good class in BF3, but at the cost of shitting on Recon and making Assault way too powerful. I'll just wait and see at launch I guess, they can't fuck it up too badly.


24Tons of new BF4 info Empty Re: Tons of new BF4 info 2013-08-17, 17:37

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah I think only one class having claymores is enough. They are annoying enough as it is. And from what I gather support gets mortar binocs and not recon...Unless I missed something?

25Tons of new BF4 info Empty Re: Tons of new BF4 info 2013-08-17, 18:01



Ars while stroking a cat wrote:
Here's my vote:
Give C4 to Recon, but not Claymores
Give Claymores to Support, but not Recon
This, please.

I really want DICE to keep each class very different from each other, not interchangeable.

HydrasBreath while growing more beard wrote:Yeah I think only one class having claymores is enough. They are annoying enough as it is. And from what I gather support gets mortar binocs and not recon...Unless I missed something?

However this is DICE, so it is likely they will do the opposite of whatever would be common sense.

26Tons of new BF4 info Empty Re: Tons of new BF4 info 2013-08-17, 18:56



I'm still waiting to see if anymore cheap pre order deals come up before I get it Razz

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