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What is the origin of your user name?

Bama Psycho
Keyser Söze
Ars Diaboli
HydrasBreath ♜
Epyk MD
Dropped Da Soap
21 posters

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No whats adorable are kitties

What is the origin of your user name? - Page 3 2Q==



Kittens are cuter than Puppies

But Dogs are still better than Cats Very Happy



MenacingLemon I have had this one like 4 years now (maybe 5). It was my second free Gold account that I made and changed the name of like a month or two was a random suggestion by Microsoft but I changed it from MenacingLime to MenacingLemon...... it is used for everything... Steam, Origin, MMOs, Xbox, Forums, EVERYTHING!



<3 Frost.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

My name is Greg, simple really. The KG part just sounds cool, plus can also be viewed as the initials of the two things my friends call me the most, Greg and Kanados (Canadian).

Funny how for those outside of Greece, including family, I'm a Greek, but for people here in Greece, I'm Canadian. Bunch of fucking racists....

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Sym wrote:Wonder how you would emulate sweep picking on piano?

I love me some sweep picking. Mine chops are pretty solid when it comes to sweeps. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy 

In other words arpeggios
Arpeggios are just notes of a chord played one at a time. Technically any time you tap more than 2 notes you're doing an arpeggio.

Sweeping is just another way of playing an arpeggio on guitar.

Pretty much any instrument that can produce more than 2 distinct tones could play arpeggios really.



Fucking racist Greeks....but seriously really?


I love big obese women so that's why.

I used to be a huge simpsons fan, in one episode homer says his email is so i made my gfaqs account after that but misspelled it and really didn't notice it untill a long time after, i blame it on the dyslexia, yeah..



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:Funny how for those outside of Greece, including family, I'm a Greek, but for people here in Greece, I'm Canadian.  Bunch of fucking racists....
Is Canadian even a race?



the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin that has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.[20]



I had some serious depression issues when I was starting out in high school, basically felt like I had no acquaintances and real friends. The name Pariah just kind of came out of that. Though its gotten a lot lot better, I still feel attached to that name, just as I do the SeC.

As to RedCloakedCrow, I like Game of Thrones, and I loved Mance Rayder's character.



When I was like 10 years old I used to sing that one song that says chewy over and over again to annoy my friend because it was on the Chewy granola bars commercials.

So I made it my username on to further annoy him.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

... what? Your username isn't because of Chewbacca?

I've been living a lie Sad

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

Long story...when I was 17 I had got into a big argument with my parents and one of my friends just showed up unannounced to my house...well when my bedroom door opened I thought it was the parents coming back in to argue more so I just "shot a look" over to the door and my friend just came to a complete stop and ask if he should leave(funny part is at the time I was maybe 5'9" and 160 lbs and my friend I scared was 6'5" and about 300 lbs), I was still so pissed that I couldn't even form words to tell my friend to come on in and play some video games. Later on when I calmed down and was talking to my friend he said he thought I was going to "go psycho" on him when he 1st walked in...I was looking for a profile name at the time and decided to go with Psycho. When I joined Xbox Live I had to settle for psycho79, after a few years I changed it to TOO Psychotic(since I was an officer in the TOO clan), then after retiring from being an officer I changed it to Bama Psycho since I'm a huge Alabama football fan, and now I use it on pretty much all websites(unless I have an old account active with one of my old names).



i dont really know

its just a play on words



It was my first Runescape username back in like... 2005 maybe, or 2006 idr. My friend got me hooked and asked what I wanted my account to be. I told him I loved Kingdom Heats so he tried "khfan", but it was taken and "khfan60" was the first suggestion. Been using it on the internet ever since.



Well. Frank West is from a video game called Dead Rising. And he is awesome. My old gamertag was Flynn M Taggart. The main character from the 4 Doom books. Now it's from a group I was with. The first guy was PRIVATE GREEN. Then I changed mine to PRIVATE GREY, then there was Yellow, Crimson, Black, White, Cobalt, and Copper. Bad falling out. But my name has stayed.



Grey was a power ranger Very Happy

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Frank West wrote:Well. Frank West is from a video game called Dead Rising. And he is awesome. My old gamertag was Flynn M Taggart. The main character from the 4 Doom books. Now it's from a group I was with. The first guy was PRIVATE GREEN. Then I changed mine to PRIVATE GREY, then there was Yellow, Crimson, Black, White, Cobalt, and Copper. Bad falling out. But my name has stayed.
the DRAMA...
i neeeeeed to know what happened.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

menacinglemon wrote:Fucking racist Greeks....but seriously really?
Yep, funny thing is, a lot of those people don't know I'm actually Austrian too.




And to think I took up a collection for you with absolutely no thought of personal gain...

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

What wring with Austria?

I bet you would hold against me the fact that I have a Swedish sister too...

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

These are truly dark times. One can no longer help a fellow man without being suspicious of him belonging to an inferior nation.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

How about being of three?

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

3 inferior nations...? Dude, I don't know you anymore Sad

Says the guy from Mexico.



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:What wring with Austria?

I bet you would hold against me the fact that I have a Swedish sister too...
Nothings wring with Austria.
I do hate Swedish people with a passion, but it's OK because I'm Swedish..

She doesn't work for DICE does she? That might be unforgiveable...



Why would we hate your Hot Swedish sister Greg?

Last edited by Frostbyrn on 2013-08-30, 22:49; edited 1 time in total

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Predates my parents. Half sister. But Swedish.

I also have a niece and nephew that are half Chinese.



Mine comes from shawn michaels the heartbreakkid from WWE.

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