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[BF4] UTS 15, Remote mortar, SVD-12... Oh my!

Artimise Flare
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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Dem shotties, yum~!



Magazine fed pump action?

AH yeahhhhhhh

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

The question is, how well balanced would that be? The biggest trade off for pump actions OHK abilities was their slow reload times. Perhaps this is the happy middle ground? Greater range than a semi auto for OHK, but the restrictions in ROF due to pump action with the best of both worlds in regards to being magazine fed?

The UTS15 looks like it'll be fun to use though. Looks like a gun you'd see in a movie or something.

Semi auto sniper rifles, the SVD 12 at least, definitely look like they're weaker than they were in previous games, lvl cap appeared to have put at lead half a dozen rounds into the guy before he dropped.



He said they balanced it by not making it OHK with slugs at range



The mag fed pump shotgun only has 5+1 rounds. All the tube fed shotguns have had major buffs to mag size. 870 has 8+1, SPAS has 9+1.

I really like that DICE has already changed the chokes. The way it was before, EVERYONE was going to be running full choke and flechette.



Im most excited for the new maps



Sym wrote:Im most excited for the new maps

this! I really, REALLY want to see the Arecibo Observatory map. I'm hoping we can climb up to the top of the secondary dish. It'd be interesting to have to fire rockets downward to take out aircraft.



Maps make or break an FPS for me

Bad maps can leave a bad taste in my mouth, like Vanilla BF3.



Very cool that the UTAS shotgun is in the game. Kind of goofy that he loads right then left instead of filling one tube completely like you're supposed to. I suppose they did that because it looks more unique.

If they have this shotgun in the game then they should also put the KSG in. Personally I prefer the KSG (as does my friend that has owned one and shot both). Hopefully I win mine on 10-13.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Metalzoic wrote:Very cool that the UTAS shotgun is in the game. Kind of goofy that he loads right then left instead of filling one tube completely like you're supposed to. I suppose they did that because it looks more unique.

If they have this shotgun in the game then they should also put the KSG in. Personally I prefer the KSG (as does my friend that has owned one and shot both). Hopefully I win mine on 10-13.
KSG, seems to get a lot of mixed reviews. Some love them and shoot great, others are pieces of crap. Kel-tec seems to have some really big issues with quality control with their weapons, since one of my most favorite firearms reviewers has had nothing but grief with them.

Hickok45 had one lent to him a while back, and it worked fine to him, so clearly the operation issues are not common to all of the KSG shotguns

TL;DR? If you do get that KSG Metal, be sure to check it over very very carefully, since they have a reputation of having just as many lemons as they do gems.



Yeah I agree. I've heard more good than bad though.
I've also read my fair share of issues with the UTAS.

The difference is I've seen more KSG>UTAS reviews than the other way around.

Plus I think the KSG looks much better and is more compact.



watched it earlier but went shopping...but cool vid,can't wait for the game Razz the AK12 shotgun looks cool,no recoil

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Metalzoic wrote:Yeah I agree. I've heard more good than bad though.
I've also read my fair share of issues with the UTAS.

The difference is I've seen more KSG>UTAS reviews than the other way around.

Plus I think the KSG looks much better and is more compact.
With any new design comes teething problems. I'd like to see a design that allows you to load ammunition in both tubes at the same time from one port, with the option to load individual tubes if so desired.



yeah it would be cool to have slugs in one tube



JrTapia1991 wrote:yeah it would be cool to have slugs in one tube
That is how they work and is my plan for mine. 7 slugs in one tube, 7 buckshot in the other.

Laser, red-dot, ammo carrier, flip up irons for when my batteries die and a front grip.
Basically exactly this, but with the ammo carrier added from the second picture.
[BF4] UTS 15, Remote mortar, SVD-12... Oh my! Ksg
[BF4] UTS 15, Remote mortar, SVD-12... Oh my! Th?id=H.4713388436425680&pid=1

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

One thing I find perplexing about the KSG is that it looks like it would be difficult to reload rapidly. Traditional pump action shotguns leave the ejection and loading ports very accessible to the user.

The UTS allows the user to fire from either tubes individually or alternating between the two, unlike the KSG which requires you to manually switch tubes if I'm not mistaken. In the field that second or two that it takes to manually switch may cost you your life. From what I can tell, the UTS also allows you to visually reference how many shells you have left in the tubes as well which is a plus IMO

Many of these features are not present on the KSG from what I've seen however in regards to ammo capacity and the need to manually switch tubes one can argue that if your target isn't dead after 7-14 shells, you've got bigger issues to worry about at that point.

For me, from a functional point of view the UTS-15 looks like it has a better loading system and firing mechanism is superior, while the KSG appears to have the ergonomics and overall packaging right. It's marrying both designs together is what will make it a good weapon IMO.



Art wrote: One thing I find perplexing about the KSG is that it looks like it would be difficult to reload rapidly. Traditional pump action shotguns leave the ejection and loading ports very accessible to the user.
Actually the KSG looks like it is faster and easier reloading since you load both tubes from a single loading port exactly like you said you preferred earlier.
You also don't have to open the loading port, then push the carriage forward before you can load it like the UTAS.

The slide release is also near the trigger instead of back on the stock like the UTAS.

I'll post a vid you for you in another thread in a minute.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

True, so the loading mechanism is closer in the rear of the shotgun. I prefer the actual operating mechanism of the UTS but the ergonomics and compactness of the KSG.



Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Yeah I remember watching that a while back



You two know alot about guns

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I'm looking forward to trying some of the new shotties in BF4. I could never really get that good with shotties in BF3. Didn't spend much time with them though.

I spent shit tons of time slug sniping with the NS2000 as a recon in BC2. That was fun as shit. Shotty with slugs + motion mines = awesomeness.



I was pretty good with the semi auto in BF3.



Saiga with slugs is kinda hilarious. Pump actions with slug are probably the best way to get kicked from a server five times before the admin figures out how to ban you.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Pretty much what Mega said, I was trolling around with an 870 with slugs a while back and got kicked for apparently hacking with an aim bot.

Many lawls were had due to the QQ's. I want to see the rest of the guns, particularly the side arms. Dat CZ75 Very Happy

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