So checking back in.
This week has kinda sucked. I finally realized that my friend basically fucked my life up since it was his damn fault my arm is fucked up. So I have begun phasing him out of my life since he doesn't care at all. And other shit. Sucks cause hes been my friend since I was 4, and I dont have many. But this week I just finally realized how much of a bad friend he truly is. Good guy, awful friend. So thats depressing.
then finally started to accept the fact my arm may never fully recover, meaning I cant do half the shit I wanted to do in my life. I mean, I still dont kn ow what I want to do with my life. But all I have ever been good at is physical labor, and its what I enjoyed for the most part. Fuck that, I doubt I will ever be as efficient at it again Which means its now far more difficult to find a job I will be good at or enjoy.
I can't even do shit I wanted to do, all beause of my arm.
I have dreamed of going skydiving for the past few years, for my 21st. I can't do that now. As everywhere I have looked it says they won't allow you to jump if you have had any major neck, back or shoulder injuries/surgeries in the past 1-3 years.
And I have always thought about joining the Sherrif's department. Well planned on giving that a shot in Jan after I turn 21. Thats out because of the arm. They wouldn't even give me a second glance at my application if I made one because of my arm.
And loads of other crap.
Plus everything with Dani. I don't know, I have given up, just hurts still. This has been the worst fucking year of my life, and I am tired of dealing with it alone. Hell, I am tired of dealing with it period. I have begun to consider thereapy or counceling as I have had thoughts of suicide again.
I haven't been sleeping well at all, in fact I think I have gotten a grand totoal of 7 hours this wholle week.
I hav en't drunk or gotten drunk in 8 days. Mostly because knowing my family history of being easily addicted, I didn't think drinking in my mental state was a god idea. Plus I also only have half a bottle of Whiskey left, figured I should save it for when I REALLY need it.
Other then that, life sucks. I spend most of my time in bed doing nothing. And the rest attending Physical Therapy classes. I play a lot of video games, only to pass the time. I don't actually enjoy it or anything. Just passes the time, makes me forget about hthe pain in my arm.
Other than that, I just figured I would drop in and say hi. Don't know when I will come back to posting reguarly again.