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Think my gf might break up with me.

Patrick Star
Keyser Söze
Captain Pirate Pineapple
Mrs. Terry of Hat
Dropped Da Soap
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Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

We haven't talked since her finals which was at the beginning of December. But before then everything was fine, but we agreed that in her two weeks of finals we would give her space so she could focus.

Well we talked 2-3 times during those two weeks, and everything seemed fine.
Then finals were over and she always had an excuse to not go out when I would ask her. And she would not talk to me at all, over the phone, text, or Facebook.

But she talks to her friends and our mutual friend The Doctor(who we started dating cause of)like everything was fine.
She would talk to me every now and then and she always told me everything was fine.

Then we went out to Disney land on the 16th for The Doctors Birthday. And the whole day she avoided me except for like 2-3 times. And would only sit with me on rides because there were no other seats. I asked her a few times when she wouldn't walk away from me if everything was fine and she always gave me the same answer as before "Yeah everythings ok, why wouldn't it be?".
But that was it.

Then two days later she had a Christmas party she invited me to, and other thnen l;ike three times she basically refused to even acknowledge I was there. I had to iniate the hello when I first got there, because the way she was acting I don't think she would have done anything.
She invited me to dance at one point, but before I could say anything a friend yanked me outside. And when I went back to her she wouldn't say anything.

After going home that night I found out that The Doctor(who went)was texting her trying to find out what was going on between us. And she just told him nothing that everything was fine.
But then I got on Facebook and noticed that she had set herself to appear offline for me. Which explained why I hadn't seen her on at all that week.

The next day I finally got her to respond to me and she told me that she was going thru an emotional phase and she didn't know where it was going. And that she was always bad at relationships, and that she was guilty for how she had been making me feel. And we both agreed that we should meet to talk things thru, but it would have to be after Christmas because we were both busy.
Then that was it, that was the last time I heard from her all week, and that was last Monday, even though I sent her a good 3-4 texts that week. She ignored them all.

But was starting up conversation over texting with The Doctor two days later and would respond constantly. That was the reason I got pissed off the other night in BF3 when I was playing with some of you guys. Because he told me she was texting him like nothing was wrong and it pissed me off.

So I again figured I would give her her space and I waited until this morning to text her, and I just sent her a Merry Christmas message. She responded all happily saying thanks and wishing me one. I asked if she had decided when we should meet, and she told me no that she didn't know when but wasn't sure if it would happen this week. Then, she stopped messagin, even though I sent a few.

SO I don't fucking know. Its just frustrating. We were dating for almost 3 months before her finals. And I can tell you those almost 3 months were the happiest I have been in years, so I do NOT want to lose her.

But its just frustrating. She treats everyone else fine, but seems to forget I exist.


It will be ok Thumbs up



damn......I know that all too well...that's what always winds up happening to me,I'll be so happy with a chick then she'll just drop me out of nowhere and ignore me=/



bummer man don't know what to do



Awww. Now I feel bad for telling you to stop and kicking you from the party. Crying or Very sad *hugs Soap?*



Grey wrote:Awww. Now I feel bad for telling you to stop and kicking you from the party. Crying or Very sad *hugs Soap?*

why is there a question mark?



If he will accept it.



sad if he doesn't *looks at Soap*

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Yeah Grey, I forgive you. But when I started flipping out it wasn't the game. Although to be fair that game was full of Gears 2 level-Bullshit that night, so yeah...

But it was because I was stressed from what was happeneing between us then her texting my best friend just made it worse. So I just took my anger out on the game. After you kicked me, and I got off. My friend just looked at me and asked if I was alright and told me he knew I wasn't pissed at Battlefield.



Damn Soap, that really sucks. I'd offer to help, but for the life of me I can't figure out how.

I think the most sensible thing to do would be to give her space, because you do want her to feel like shes deciding what she wants. Wait until that appointed date, and talk to her. Make it clear that you care for her, and that you want to be there for her. And if it still feels like its ending, it might just be time for it to end.

Sorry for you bro, hope everything works out well.

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

I'm sorry Soap Sad That sounds awful. I agree with Pariah though, give her the space she obviously needs while letting her know you're there for her. This seems like something she needs to figure out on her own.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

That does suck Soap. One thing I always learned, never constantly ask if everything is alright as they will always tell you it is, whether it is or not. Your best bet is to just give her some space and let her deal with it. You might not like the outcome in the end, but really you can't force her to be with you as that will only make things worse and possibly end up driving her away that much faster.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Ive been giving her space for almost a month now. Thats the thing, so I don't know how much longer I can wait. It was her idea to meet and talk things thru, now she always has an excuse to not meet.

Its just getting frustrating.
This is my first relationship ever, and we have known each other for years. So it really hurts that its her that is doing this. She is the last person I ever expected to have a problem with.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

If you keep getting excuses as to why she can't meet/doesn't want to meet, but keeps setting up the time/place to talk, then it's really time to move on. There's really no other way than saying it just straight out like that. Almost sounds like she wants to break things off, but is either too nice to want to hurt you or just doesn't know how to go about things. If that's really what's going on, then just tell her straight out that she needs to actually step up and talk to you about this otherwise it's going to put an even bigger strain on your friendship.



i'd would say that is probable the best course of action you could take TBH


Forget about her dude. If she's going through some stuff, fine, but if you guys were in a relationship she OWES it to you to tell you what's going on. Based on what I'm reading here she's playing games with you and although I don't know you... at all, I will tell you that you deserve much much better than what I'm seeing here.



I agree with Pineapple and Jensen man......might be harsh but I agree with em

having been thru all the relationship bullshit for a lifetime,I can tell you...honestly...I know you love her,but...I can tell she doesn't feel the same for you anymore.

give her the space man,but,I don't expect it to end well.

on a brighter note man,there are so many nice girls out there,you'd be surprised.If I wasn't in my extreme deep depression I'd have a pretty GF for sure.I just don't feel like one right now



Hey man, there's always Bla.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Jack Burton wrote:If you keep getting excuses as to why she can't meet/doesn't want to meet, but keeps setting up the time/place to talk, then it's really time to move on. There's really no other way than saying it just straight out like that. Almost sounds like she wants to break things off, but is either too nice to want to hurt you or just doesn't know how to go about things. If that's really what's going on, then just tell her straight out that she needs to actually step up and talk to you about this otherwise it's going to put an even bigger strain on your friendship.

Thats the thing she says we need to talk. But we havent set up a date or time yet. Even though I have tried 3 times now since we talked LAST Monday.

And you guys don't understand. I don't WANT a gf, I want her. I don't know what it s about her but I have been fighting depression for 3-4 years now. And she was the only person that truly made that go away. If I wanted a GF I would be in a whole new relationship right now.



Yeah, when a girl does that, it means she's hesitant or unsure about something. Maybe the next time you see her in person, confront her about it (but not in an intimidating way) and explain that she needs to speak what's on her mind. Otherwise, she might just have you wondering for a long time.

this is the way we are, the longer you give us to think, the more we overthink. Just try and confront her about it. If shes thinking about breaking things off, the sooner you can talk to her the better her chance of staying will be. Good luck, Soap Sad

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

She messaged me tonight after I gave her my schedule for the week. I told her I am off Tues and Thursday and asked if we could meet anytime then, but also told her that I work 12 to 4 Wensday and that we could meet after if she wished.

She responded saying she didn't know because she wasn't feeling well lately, but that it might be easiest for her to drive down and meet me after work on Wensday. So I don't know.

But shes even starting to piss off Chuckbucket/The Doctor(never know what hes going by)because of the way shes been treating me, despite her treating him like normal.



Hopefully she'll meet up with you on wednesday. You seem to be plently available, so she should have no excuse to pull the 'not feeling well' card....good luck, Soap. I hope things go well, but if not, stay strong bro. You're probably better off without her if she's trying to treat you badly.



If i were you I wouldnt get too fixated on any idea. Its easy to get the wrong impression from someone over the internet, especially if youre worried about how theyre feeling.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Now she is saying she wants me to call her because its to hard to meet. But after saying she wanted me to call her tomorrow she then said shes busy when I asked what time, and now she wants me to call her Thursday.

So I don't know.



you should really try and push to meet with her...but if she really cant speak with you face-to-face, then call her on thursday, and stick to that.



I'd have to say, forget about her Soap. I'm really sorry to say that. But she is not worth it, if she can't even call and talk to you. I went through the same thing. Yes. You will feel betrayed, and you want to punch stuff; but that goes away a month or three later.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

If she keeps giving you excuse's, then it's time to just call her and tell her that it's over. Be the bigger person in it because it really sounds like she's just going to keep stringing you along, hopping you hit that point anyway.


I feel so bad for ya man, I've been through this recently and it's not cool at all. You don't deserve to be dicked around like this. Make it easy for her, tell her that you're done waiting around for this "talk" to happen.

You can still be her friend, but you just need to put her in that "not a close friend" sub-group since a really good friend wouldn't do this to you.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Confront her. Call out her bullshit. Make your feelings clear. Possibly give her an ultimatum. Show that you're pissed.

After all this don't bother with the subject any further. If she really wants to keep this relationship going, she will come to you.

Relationships require mutual effort, not cat and mouse games.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Ash fucking Williams wrote:Confront her. Call out her bullshit. Make your feelings clear. Possibly give her an ultimatum. Show that you're pissed.

After all this don't bother with the subject any further. If she really wants to keep this relationship going, she will come to you.

Relationships require mutual effort, not cat and mouse games.

This x7966846131206497940661846!

It's what I did with my ex recently. I know how it feels being strung along, and it really sucks! This is probably the easiest way to get any result, whether it's what you would want to hear or not. Also make sure that even if it's not a good result for your relationship with her, don't be an absolute ass/dick.


I have a great idea..Keep borrowing money from her. Eventually she'll get sick of you and come right out and say it.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Found out tonight that Chuckbucket's girlfriend has been talking to her as well, and is also getting pissed at the way shes treating me.
Which surprises me, cause I don't really know his girlfriend, so her sticking up for me is cool I guess.

But both his gf and mine have been best friends for years, so I don't know. But I also found out that my gf was purposely staying with Chuckbucket's gf and walking with her at Disneyland, JUST to be able to stay away from me.

SO I don't know, I close to just calling it off. I am tired of being the only one doing anything in this relationship its frustrating. But she wants me to call her today. So I mgith call her around 12:30 in the afternoon, so 8 hours from now. So since its after 4:30 am here my time, I will go to bed. Then let you guys know what happens.



let us know how it goes. but if she's still stringing you around after the call....then yeah, you should end it. there's no reason she should be treating you like that >:

good luck~

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Ok, so I just sat down ready to call her from my friends house. And I figured I should check my cell first. I got 2 messages 5 hours ago from her saying something came up and she would instead call me sometime in the evening.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Pass. Unless it's a real actual emergency, it's just another excuse to get out of having the talk with you. I've heard many excuses with my ex, and I got fed up with them and sat her down and told her straight out that we're either going to work it out, or it's over and that she won't see or talk to me ever again.



I'm sorry Soap, but I think it's time to wave the White Flag.



Now, just let him wait until evening. If she doesn't call, then he should break things off with her. Maybe it was some freak emergency, so give her that one last chance. But if she doesn't call, then she's definately with a capitol D stringing him along and that has to stop.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Honestly, you never know. Something might have happened. But after all the excuses shes given me over the past month, amongst other things in the past week alone. I honestly do think its a dodge. But you never know.



Well, it probably is. But youre right, you never know. Give her the benefit of the doubt and wait and see if she calls. If not....then she was dodging.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Well...she called. Were thru.

And im going to bed.



sorry to hear, Soap. But try not to take it too hard. You're better without her.

Have a dream where you punch her in the face, mmkay ^^

But jokes aside, its too bad it didnt work out. But good that you're through with her.

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Think my gf might break up with me.  Poker_Face

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

She told me how she was goign thru some stage or something, and that she only waited all this time hoping it would fix it self. But then she figured that wouldnt happen, and just....I don't know gave up.

Told me she was really sorry, and that she enjoyed being with me. And that she was still serious about the comment she made about how she wished I was her first boyfriend.

Then got surprised when I wouldnt yell at her or get mad then said that was another problem, was that I was too good for her. But I don't know, probably just an excuse to make me feel better.



Master Shake wrote:
Then got surprised when I wouldnt yell at her or get mad then said that was another problem, was that I was too good for her. But I don't know, probably just an excuse to make me feel better.

probably was sorry to say

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Sorry Soap Sad



Sorry man. Don't know what else to say



nah nah, not sorry to soap. Soap is better off now, rather sorry for that girl, she missed out and having soap as her boyfriend.

its okay Soap, you'll find someone better~



This is going to sound heartless and cruel, but I think it might be time to cut your losses, pariah-style.

Send her an email/text/voicemail/carrier-pigeon saying that you've had enough and that you're done with her. This results in one of two things.

A) She doesnt respond or responds with a goodbye, ergo its over. And you can still save a small bit of self esteem in knowing that you set the terms of the endgame.

B) She responds in some way that either shows she wants you back or doesnt want the relationship to end. This can either mean she actually does want you to stay,, or she enjoys fucking with you (and I mean emotionally, not physically) *word of caution, be very careful if it comes to the second part of B, that can be fucking dangerous, and its really easy to get hurt like that*



problem is, theyve already broken up~



a bit late there mate lol!

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