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It's not even worth getting the majority of games on release anymore

5 posters

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why bother for example when amazon has the bioshock triple pack for 19.99?

Metro Double back was 19.99 with DLC as well the other day

a bitter edged sword for pc gaming. Games get cheap fast,but, you get screwed I think by getting the game early, you could save alot by waiting a little.

I guess just my view on the matter, feel free to discuss, we need more topics here anyways Very Happy

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

The product you purchase is worth only as much as you're willing to pay. Certain games I'll almost always get day one unless previous titles or whatever gives me reason to hesitate.

Certain games I wait to see what they're like, other ones that I know I'll likely enjoy I'll buy day one simply because I view the chance to play it then and there to be worth the extra $$'s

there's my two bits for the topic



Just don't be like me who orders bunch of games that will never be installed or come out of plastic wrapping.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I rarely buy games at launch nowadays. I have bought 1. One. ONE. I. Just one game at launch this year, it was Dragon's Crown and it was completely worth it, but that's it. I also have BF4 pre ordered, so I'll have 2 games at launch this year.

For anything else, I've waited for a lower price since I don't think they are worth my money. It's just not worth it to buy a game that I'm kind of excited about, for full price, then don't play it because of my huge backlog in both games, reading, and studying, when 1-2 years later I will get the "complete" edition for $20.

For next year, Dark Souls 2 and Lords of Shadow 2 are on my list at launch.



Yea buying games brand new is usually a rip off

I try not to, and dont very much anymore.



I'm in the same really. Not many games I'm too interested in, and those I still won't buy on launch



Games where I will get my 1 dollar/hour of entertainment value ill buy brand new



Sym wrote:Games where I will get my 1 dollar/hour of entertainment value ill buy brand new
funny enough, that's almost my equation. I count that if I get 2 hours of fun for every dollar, it's a worthy investment on release. For example, Brave New World. Otherwise, I count for an hour to an hour and a half per dollar.



Pariah wrote:
Sym wrote:Games where I will get my 1 dollar/hour of entertainment value ill buy brand new
funny enough, that's almost my equation. I count that if I get 2 hours of fun for every dollar, it's a worthy investment on release. For example, Brave New World. Otherwise, I count for an hour to an hour and a half per dollar.
Haha its a good system

It works for me

I hardly ever feel disappointed after buy a game new. My lone exception this year was Aliens CM, and I wasnt the only one to get burned by that haha.

I mean BF4 will cost me 100 with premium, but Ill get WELL over my ratio of fun with that game. Good investment. Same for big RPG's and strategy games. I will invest alot of time into them. But Im done dropping money on games if I wont get my 1hour/1dollar investment. Ill wait for a sale until its right around there. The only exception is SUPER high quality titles, like the recent Batman games.

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