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Finished Bioshock Infinite

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1Finished Bioshock Infinite Empty Finished Bioshock Infinite 2013-09-27, 01:20

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Went downhill about half the game.

Elizabeth was all right. Best NPC ever though, she was actually useful.

Gameplay was ok but nothing special. Bioshock 1 and 2 were better in my opinion. The skylines were a nice addition, though the shooting and the pla- vigors weren't particularly awesome.

Story was retarded. The antagonist was a joke, even fucking Lamb from Bioshock 2 was better.

It's like they were trying to do "srs bzns", but didn't even really know how or what.

For the $15 I paid, it was all right. I think I should have waited for it to hit $10, but oh well. I'm glad I didn't buy it at full price.

I'll just go back to play Dragon's Crown and Expeditions Conquistador until the BF4 Beta starts.

2Finished Bioshock Infinite Empty Re: Finished Bioshock Infinite 2013-09-27, 01:34



I have pretty much the same feeling about it,although I'm supposedly only about 25% into the game...where you have to go into the George Washington museum with Elizabeth where you first get the sniper. I'm going to have to sit down and really comprehend the story by watching youtube/reading the plot on wikipedia, because quite frankly it seemed very convoluted. I've watched the end so I know the "mind fuck shock" that it is.

it generally had lots of stuttering and ran pretty bleh when I played it,maybe a patch since then has fixed it? I don't know if it's a problem with the unreal engine 2/ I remember when people thought that was the best thing ever, despite the bad texture pop-in,etc lol.

3Finished Bioshock Infinite Empty Re: Finished Bioshock Infinite 2013-09-27, 01:45

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

The story isn't much of a mind fuck, but more of a shitty ass pull. You understand the basics for what and why the "twist" happens, because at about half the game it's very damn obvious how the

The part you are at is all right. The game starts going to crap at about 50%, then just keeps going lower and lower.

4Finished Bioshock Infinite Empty Re: Finished Bioshock Infinite 2013-09-27, 01:47



I liked it

5Finished Bioshock Infinite Empty Re: Finished Bioshock Infinite 2013-09-27, 01:48

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Yes, I can see people liking it. If I had never played Bioshock 1 and 2, I may have liked it more, too (ignoring the caricature of a villain). Maybe I was just expecting too much from it.

I don't think it's a crappy game by any means. I just think it has some really fucking dumb elements.

6Finished Bioshock Infinite Empty Re: Finished Bioshock Infinite 2013-09-27, 01:49



I also played 1 and 2....

7Finished Bioshock Infinite Empty Re: Finished Bioshock Infinite 2013-09-27, 01:56

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Not saying you didn't. But now that I read what I wrote, it certainly seems that I implied that. The first part was about you liking it, then the next sentence was about me maybe liking it more if I hadn't played 1/2, that's it.

I was really annoyed at some things, like weapon limit. I actually played in 1999 mode and disabled all hand holding indicators, since a buddy recommended that to me in order to make the playthrough better. I actually died sometimes Very Happy

8Finished Bioshock Infinite Empty Re: Finished Bioshock Infinite 2013-09-27, 01:59



I heard that criticism of it too, people saying it had been turned into a dumbed down shooter , I think Duck and some others were talking about it when it first came out. I don't know. I got very far into bioshock 2,only 1 or 2 more chapters to complete, and got decently far about halfway into Bioshock 1.

I found Bioshock 2 extremely easy and never ran out of health or ammo or died the whole time playing on normal, not sure how "cheap" the enemies would of been on hard mode though

maybe I just bought into the hype too much like I did with gta(much preferred max payne 3 to it hands down)

Metro Last light's ending was also pretty lame to me,although lemon said there's another ending,I'll have to look how to get it

9Finished Bioshock Infinite Empty Re: Finished Bioshock Infinite 2013-09-27, 02:05



I liked the flashback part to Rapture. Was cool.

10Finished Bioshock Infinite Empty Re: Finished Bioshock Infinite 2013-09-27, 02:06

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Yes, it's certainly a dumbed down shooter. It can still be fun to play, but it feels... er... well, you know. Too shootery, while the first 2 games are a bit more RPG-like.

But overall, the atmosphere, story, and gameplay, don't hold a candle to the first 2 games. Rapture and Andrew Ryan were very damn good.

11Finished Bioshock Infinite Empty Re: Finished Bioshock Infinite 2013-09-27, 02:09



Infinite was wayyy better than 2 imo

The first is easily the best however

12Finished Bioshock Infinite Empty Re: Finished Bioshock Infinite 2013-09-27, 02:18

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

My only issue with 2 is Lamb. She's a bit crappy as an antagonist. Not as terribad as Comstock though. I was just expecting him to pull some Scooby Doo line about them kids screwing up his plans. Everything else is better than Infinite, weapons, plasmids, story, exploration, etc.

But we agree on Bioshock 1 being the best. The first time you see Rapture is just incredible.

13Finished Bioshock Infinite Empty Re: Finished Bioshock Infinite 2013-09-27, 02:32



I didnt really like 2 at all. Just kinda blah over all to me personally.

14Finished Bioshock Infinite Empty Re: Finished Bioshock Infinite 2013-09-27, 02:34

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I actually didn't even finish it the first time I played it, I thought it was pretty average compared to the first one. I went back to it like 6-10 months later and liked it quite a lot more. I guess that it starts a bit slow.

15Finished Bioshock Infinite Empty Re: Finished Bioshock Infinite 2013-09-27, 02:35



I totally agree, 2 was horrible lol. Even Ken Levine (sp?) the creator, way back in a 2011 video when I lived at my old apt, it was like 1 hour long on gamespot, somebody on gamefaqs linked it.

anyways, he goes on to say they didn't even WANT to make Bioshock 2 but 2k or whatever made them. Or was it the parent company Take 2. One of those. I thought it was a breath of fresh air for somebody to be straight up honest like that about stuff, that guy got alot of respect from me for that

16Finished Bioshock Infinite Empty Re: Finished Bioshock Infinite 2013-09-27, 08:43



I liked parts of two but it was annoying because they removed the weapon/plasmid wheel for PC. It was intended to make it more fast paced but it was just too hard to switch between a bunch of weapons and plasmids at the same time.

Have you played 1 recently though? The gameplay has not aged well. It was good at the time and there are parts of it that are still good, but the gunplay is just terrible.

17Finished Bioshock Infinite Empty Re: Finished Bioshock Infinite 2013-09-27, 12:46

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I really liked Infinite. I though the shooting mechanics felt better than 1 or 2, and despite the gameplay being a bit simpler I felt like it actually played better than the first 2.

The story is a bit convoluted, but thats what happens when you have as many re-write as this game had. I believe the story was a lot more religious in nature to begin with. But that is what caused all the hub-ub with the people quitting the project and such.

I think this game gets a lot of unwarranted criticism personally. I played through it 4 times already and really enjoyed each playtrhough. Just my .002 though

18Finished Bioshock Infinite Empty Re: Finished Bioshock Infinite 2013-09-27, 16:52



I think Infinite gets reamed just because it got so much praise. Pretty simple. People love to be haters.

I think it has the best gunplay in the series.

19Finished Bioshock Infinite Empty Re: Finished Bioshock Infinite 2013-09-28, 00:26

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I think that it gets more credit than it deserves. I've only played it once, but I've realized how dumb some of the design is. It's not about being a hater. It's about honestly thinking that for all the praise it gets it's certainly not as good as it is made out to be. I don't really take the joke known as gaming media seriously, but if I had I would've blown $60 on a game that I can barely justify myself spending $16 in since it was celebrated in every gaming "professional" site. Looking at users' opinion it was certain that it was just an "ok" game.

At first, I liked Elizabeth because she was actually useful. Then I read someone mention how she was just there for the sake of having her there. And it makes sense. The game is very dumbed down when compared to the previous 2 games. You can only carry 2 weapons and can't carry the medkits and eve hypos. All for the sake of making her look useful since she can provide you with ammo, health, and salts. It makes it worse than having a useless NPC. It's a game that was dumbed down around the design of an NPC.

The game starts well enough. But about half of it, it seems that the developers went "Ok guys so, the ultranationalist racist cunts have taken us this far but it seems we need something else". And their solution was an ass pull of "let's fuck everything up". No need to explain much since the multiverse will do everything for us. That seems like incredibly lazy design.

I can just excuse the story and not give a fuck, just like I've done with incredibly fun games. But then again, the gameplay itself isn't particularly amazing either. It's ok. That's it. That's the game, really... it's just OK. Reminded me a bit of my experience with Tomb Raider.

Anyway, it's just my opinion of the game, and I understand others thinking that it's awesome.

20Finished Bioshock Infinite Empty Re: Finished Bioshock Infinite 2013-09-28, 00:32



I wasnt calling you a hater
I said people, YOU PEOPLE!

21Finished Bioshock Infinite Empty Re: Finished Bioshock Infinite 2013-09-28, 00:38

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Thing is, many probably were thinking among those lines. I don't think it's about them being haters. Sure, there will always be haters for everything, but I don't think it takes crap just because of that. It's not as if every critic it takes is "OMG is popular fuck it!".

Maybe if it wasn't called "Bioshock" I wouldn't care, since I wouldn't draw the comparison with the previous games. I would think of it as just another game that tried to be too smart for its own good, but had some good ideas.

22Finished Bioshock Infinite Empty Re: Finished Bioshock Infinite 2013-09-28, 00:49



There is gonna be haters for everything

23Finished Bioshock Infinite Empty Re: Finished Bioshock Infinite 2013-09-28, 00:52

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Yes, like I said I agree with that. But I disagree with the game taking shit just because of that.

24Finished Bioshock Infinite Empty Re: Finished Bioshock Infinite 2013-09-28, 02:51



Sym wrote:There is gonna be haters for everything
Oh yeah!?!
Well I love it! And some day I might even try it ya' hear?

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